How to make glowing water at home? We experiment with children

Not so long ago, luminous water became a very popular fun. You can get it at home. That's just this procedure leaves a rather large amount of dirty dishes. Therefore, keep in mind that a similar chemical attraction for children will then result in large-scale cleaning in the kitchen. An experiment is not recommended within the room to avoid stains on carpets and costly flooring.

How to make glowing water
Each person can create such a trick. The original illumination for water, made by adding a certain set of special components to it, will be a wonderful neon decoration of the room. But do not forget about precautions. Especially if there will be children nearby. Keep reagents out of the mouth of babies.

How to make glowing water with your own hands? Here is a list of the components you will need for this experiment:

  • Luminol - 0.15 g.
  • Copper sulfate (red blood salt or ferric chloride can also be used) - 3 g.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Caustic soda solution - approximately 10 ml.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% (found in a pharmacy) - 80 ml.
    Luminous water
  • Special dyes with fluorescence properties (brilliant green, rubren and others).
  • Test tubes, flasks and other transparent glass containers.

All of these components are easy to find in specialized stores. So, let's start the cooking process. Luminol is a yellow powder. However, when it enters an acidic or neutral solution, it begins to glow with a pleasant neon blue color. This is the main component. In his absence, the experiment is doomed to failure. How to make glowing water at home? Very simple. First of all, stock up with luminol.

Backlight for water
Pour water into a container first. Then add the same luminol powder. It should completely dissolve. Next, hydrogen peroxide should be added to the flask. After that, you can add copper sulfate. It is also successfully replaced by red blood salt or ferric chloride. All of these components can be purchased at an affordable chemicals retailer. However, it happens that you do not have any of the above. Then you have to use the means at hand. How to make luminous water without special chemicals? You will be surprised how simple it is. Just squeeze a small amount of fresh blood from the meat (for example, chicken leg) and add it to the flask, previously diluted in water. You will need approximately 1 tablespoon of such a mixture. Then caustic soda must be added here. Do you want to learn how to make glowing water? Congratulations, the experiment was a success. Turn off the light and admire the blue glow coming from the bulb. Want to get a different color of water? No problems. Add any fluorescent dye that your heart desires to the container. Do this experiment with your children and they will be delighted. If you do not take into account the presence of chemicals, in general, this trick can be considered completely safe.


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