How to survive the death of her husband: life in a new way

The age of a woman is usually longer than their male peers. Therefore, many become widows. Most women with the departure of her husband feel that the meaning of life is lost. This is especially true for wives who are very psychologically dependent on a loved one who has gone into another world. How to survive the death of her husband?

First of all, you need to give free rein to emotions, and here there is no norm, every woman should cry and do this as much as you want. Justice in determining the number of years allotted to a particular person should not be sought - for all the will of God. Often, good and good people die young, and the bastards live to a very old age. Perhaps God just gives more time to bad people so that they can fix their lives.

It is important not to close, on the contrary, call good friends and tell them that you need more attention during the first time after the death of your husband. Often, close people are afraid of the sight of death and begin to behave inappropriately, be embarrassed and create awkward situations. It is necessary to forgive and understand friends, because the question "How to survive the death of her husband?" You also started asking yourself recently. Your task, after the first stage of pain has passed, is to try to find new friends. Of course, not everyone understands how to survive the death of a loved one, especially young friends, but try to find new topics that could occupy your head and be an alternative to conversations and memories of your husband.

Your task is also to take care of another person who has gone into the world. After death, only prayer and remembrance can help him on all parental days in the church. Man himself cannot correct anything in the eyes of God if he has already died. But you, alive, can. If your husband has sinned a lot and was guilty before you, you should pray especially hard for him. In this case, only your righteous life can save him, so you need to change life in the direction of greater spirituality, so that it "conceived" for you and for him.

A new day will appear on the calendar - Day of Death, but his Birthday, Valentine's Day and wedding date will no longer be holidays, but days of sadness. You need to prepare for them in advance, deciding what you will do on each of these days so as not to be taken by surprise.

How to survive the death of her husband so that health does not suffer? You need to try to change your lifestyle, you need to be especially careful with food, because many are prone to improper eating behavior after a difficult event. There are two extremes: stop eating altogether, and eat without control. Focus on nutrition, this will allow you to get away a little from thoughts about the death of a loved one.

It is also important to rebuild your day, that is, write a new daily routine and try to follow it. Your day should be filled with chores, it may be worth mastering new forms of needlework. If you do something with your own hands, the mood will improve. Surviving the death of a loved one is easier if you are very busy. Of course, life will not be the same as it was before, you will feel loneliness, but you need to look for as much communication as possible, although you want to close yourself in the apartment and cry.

If you have children, be sure to seek help from them. They will understand that mothers are hurt and lonely. Ask them to see you more often, and if you already have grandchildren, you can offer more help in caring for them. Take them to your place on weekends and holidays more often, small children distract from gloomy thoughts and help to focus on pressing problems, and not the death of a loved one.

How to survive the death of her husband? Accept what happened and try to keep busy with things, look for the society of others. Here is a summary of the entire article. Of course, positive considerations that life goes on, they say, are inappropriate in this case. Yes, trouble happened, but you still have a lot of tasks in life.


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