How to get a residence permit in the USA: options, instructions, tips. US real estate

The USA is a state with great opportunities for Russians. As practice shows, the most promising prospects are for those who hold a residence permit in this state. How to get it?

Next, we consider the main legal options for how to obtain a residence permit in the United States and what advantages it provides.

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What is a residence permit?

A residence permit is a special legal status of a foreign citizen, which represents a certain set of rights, duties and, as a result, great opportunities for its owners. The status in question is intermediate between a citizen of a country and a foreigner.

Lawyers of practice note that the status of a residence permit provides almost all of the advantages that a US citizen has, which makes it even more desirable for Russians.

In some sources, a residence permit in the country in question has a different name - a green card.

How to get a residence permit in the USA

Status Benefits

What does the US green card give? Practice shows that its owners have a lot of opportunities, of which the right to enter and leave the country on a common basis without a visa is considered the most desirable and demanded. However, the rules also state that holders of a green card are not able to leave the country for a long time (more than a year).

Green card holders are entitled to purchase real estate in the United States, as well as to freely dispose of it. Moreover, they can be legally employed without a special visa. In this case, there is also no need for prior coordination of the vacancy of interest with the government.

Holders of the legal status in question can enjoy a large number of benefits, as well as become participants in state programs specially designed for them. Moreover, owners of green cards can transport to America all members of their family and close relatives according to the simplified scheme provided for by migration legislation.

Green card holders are entitled to reside within any state that is part of the US administrative structure. The freedom of their movement is also not limited.

The difference between residence permit status and citizenship

Often, Russians who plan to leave for permanent residence in the United States are interested in what are the main differences between residence permit status and citizenship.

The main difference is the lack of suffrage among green card holders. This means that people with a residence permit in the United States can not become voters, as well as run for senior government posts.

Options for obtaining a residence permit

How to get a residence permit in the USA? To date, current legislation provides for several options for acquiring such a status. One of the most requested of them is the marriage with a US citizen. Among the available ways also include official employment in America, opening your own business with subsequent investment, obtaining refugee status and even winning a green card in the lottery. Further we consider all these methods in more detail.

What gives the USA Green Card

Lottery green card winnings

It is noted that the simplest, but least real is the way to obtain a residence permit in the lottery in the United States. For this, each year the government of the country compiles a list of applicants for this status, who submit an established package of documents. Moreover, it is noted that all applicants must comply with the indicated minimum requirements.

At a predetermined time, a drawing of such status is held among all the most suitable applicants. As practice shows, within the framework of this lottery, 55,000 cards are drawn every year, and about 2 million people are among the applicants for it.

The state grants the right to participate in this lottery to citizens of 160 countries, the list of which includes Russia.

Marriage to a US citizen

All those who are interested in how to obtain a residence permit in the USA can turn their attention to a simple and completely legal opportunity - entering into marriage with a citizen of this country. In accordance with the legislation in force in the state, three years after the conclusion of an international marriage, the second spouse will receive a completely legal right to obtain citizenship. Until this time expires, he will enjoy all the benefits of the green card assigned to him.

In the event that children are born in a newly-made family in the United States, all of them will automatically acquire American citizenship.

It should be noted that girls and women who are in the status of a bride have the right to possess a green card. For this lady, you should request a special visa for Russians in the USA (for brides) from the representative office of the countryโ€™s diplomatic mission. It provides the right to apply for a green card, but only if the marriage with an American is concluded within three months from the moment she crosses the state border. In accordance with the established requirements, the change of bride or groom in the event of an engagement breakdown is strictly prohibited - in this case, the person is obliged to notify the state authorities about this fact and cancel the green card.

Green card for investors

How to get a residence permit as a result of acquiring real estate in the USA or making other investments? Practice shows that the purchase of housing is an additional plus for those who wish to obtain a residence permit in this country. However, in practice, obtaining a residence permit in the United States through the purchase of real estate in the country will not work automatically, but still the state will consider such an applicant as a potential holder of a green card. This is due to the fact that the fact of the acquisition of expensive property, he automatically declares his well-being, which is especially appreciated by the government.

In the event that a Russian wants to become an investor in the stateโ€™s economy, then all his active actions in this area will allow you to issue a residence permit on an urgent basis. So, to obtain the status in question, through investment, a Russian should have a legal business in the United States, and at least $ 1 million must be paid into the economy of this state. As practice shows, in certain cases a positive result can be achieved with smaller amounts deposited.

Leave for permanent residence in the USA

Residence permit after entry into the country on an immigrant visa

How to get a residence permit in the USA? Legislative requirements establish the possibility of acquiring such a status as a result of obtaining a perpetual entry document into the country - an immigrant visa. It should be noted that this document gives its holder the right to immediately acquire the status in question, as well as to subsequent acquisition of US citizenship in an expedited manner.

Who can get this type of visa? This circle of people includes the parents of a child who was born in the United States and, as a result, automatically acquired American citizenship. This group also includes Russians who wish to find employment in the United States at the invitation of the employer, large investors, close relatives of American citizens and their families, as well as those who wish to return their previously lost status as a local resident.

Many Russians are interested in how to get an invitation to work in the USA. As a rule, special search sites operating in America are used for this - they offer free vacancies, many of which are intended for the Russian-speaking population. Practice shows that to date, proposals on the placement of a nanny, a specialist in caring for pets, and also a maid are especially widespread.

In order to obtain a residence permit on the basis under consideration, the applicant must submit documents confirming his right to acquire a residence permit according to a special scheme, as well as a correctly written application.

Visa to the USA for Russians

Return of lost status

U.S. law allows for the restoration of a previously lost green card, the cancellation of which is possible if its holder has left the country for a period of more than 2 years.

The restoration of previously lost status is possible only on American territory, for which the applicant must first apply for a US visa for Russians of type S-1. After this, the person is obliged to document the presence of a residence permit in the past and apply for the restoration of such status. In order for the examination procedure to be crowned with a positive result for the applicant, he also needs to be given a thorough explanation of his continued absence from the country. Practice shows that it is advisable for the applicant to focus the attention of the authorities on his desire to remain in America further, but certain good circumstances forced him to act differently and leave the country.

In the process of submitting an application with the relevant requirements, a copy of the expired green card, an explanatory document, and contact information should be attached. As practice shows, the document is renewed after two interviews at the embassy, โ€‹โ€‹within the framework of which all circumstances are clarified.

U.S. Immigration Rules

Refugee Green Card

It should be noted that this method of obtaining a residence permit in the United States is the most difficult of all presented. In order for a person to be able to use it legally, he needs to obtain refugee status, which is quite problematic for a Russian because of the stability of the political situation. So, on the basis of established requirements, this status can be assigned in case of religious persecution, racial harassment or, for example, due to political repression in the Russian Federation against the applicant. All grounds must be documented.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit

What papers should an applicant provide upon application for a residence permit in the USA? Among these, first of all, are two types of passports - international and domestic, as well as a birth certificate. In addition, certificates should be provided regarding the financial situation of the applicant, as well as receipts on the payment of the consular fee for considering the package provided.

In addition to these documents, the applicant must provide papers confirming the existence of grounds for entry into the United States. These include various certificates, acts of cohabitation with a US citizen, work books, permits, documents for relatives, etc.

Without fail, the applicant must attach a color photograph to his appeal, taken in strict accordance with the established requirements.

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Who may be denied a residence permit

In accordance with U.S. immigration rules, government agencies are entitled to refuse to grant a green card to certain individuals. These include those who carry infections that are dangerous to society. In addition, the state refuses to provide residence permits in the country to those persons who are in any way involved in the commission of crimes of varying severity.

The USA is a state that pays particular attention to the welfare of its citizens. So, people who have an income level insufficient to live in the country also receive a refusal to provide a green card.


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