Tarot cards for the situation and resolution thereof

Tarot analysis of the situation and resolution helps to analyze the state of affairs, to see thin or dangerous places. It can be performed in various ways. Experts recommend not to use too many lasso. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand the connections between them. And overloaded by insignificant factors, the distribution of the Tarot to the situation and resolution does not contribute to clarification in the brain, it will only confuse. Let's look at the recommendations of the masters in this regard.

tarot on the situation and resolution

We lay out the Tarot on the situation and resolution: preparation

Take a piece of paper and formulate your question. It is advisable to write it down. The analysis of the alignment takes some time, the identified factors will change the direction of thoughts, so you need to fix what you started with. After you should choose a deck. Fortune- telling on the Tarot cards is performed on the situation both by the senior lasso and in combination with the younger ones. Which deck to take depends not on the question, but on the personโ€™s desire. The result does not depend on how many cards are involved in the deal. Then it is recommended to think about which of the Tarot cards for the situation and resolution is needed. They come in one, three, five cards. In rare cases, get more lasso from the deck. But leave it to the masters. The fact is that the Tarot deck does not show actions, but the direction of movements. There can not be very many of them in a situation. If you begin to analyze the situation with, for example, the Celtic cross or the Pyramid (these are the layouts), you will be completely confused. These combinations show the development of the situation over time, sometimes for decades. They are rarely read, in important cases.

fortune telling on tarot cards

Nuances of the Tarot

Arcana has a double meaning. This must be understood and taken into account when conducting fortune-telling on Tarot cards for the situation. Each lasso has a specific position that characterizes a designated aspect. When dealing with three cards, this is:

  1. The past, which is why the situation arose.
  2. Present and development prospects.
  3. The likely outcome.

If there are more cards, then the โ€œthreeโ€ position is shifted to the fifth point. The first two remain unchanged. And the rest sounds like this:

  • 3 - secret influence.
  • 4 - advice.

When you read the cards, it is necessary to enter the meaning in the position taken. Otherwise, you wonโ€™t understand what the alignment says, if you get confused or get the wrong rating.

map to the situation

Tarot combination for situation and resolution (1 card)

Despite its apparent simplicity, this alignment is complex. In one lasso lies the whole point of the situation. How to interpret it? Evaluation should be based on the position (direct, inverted), the hierarchy and the very meaning of the map. These additions will help you make the right conclusion. Direct arcana speaks of positiveness, even when their meaning does not cause optimism. Inverted, on the contrary, indicate a destructive trend in the development of events. Minor Arcana calls not to inflate an elephant from a fly. In fact, nothing important happens. The elders foreshadow some serious step or turn. In addition, the situation map speaks more about the current state of affairs and prospects for the future. It practically does not carry information about the past, which, of course, is not as convenient as when deciphering a more saturated with lasso alignment. Usually one card is taken out when the question is not so important for the fortune-teller.

Tarot for the situation and resolution 1 card

Decryption of the alignment

The most difficult moment for beginners. Cards should be felt, it is not enough to know their description. It is recommended to look at the pictures and catch the first impression. Remember it, it carries the most important information about the situation. Next, count how many senior and minor arcana are in the layout. If the first one is more - the situation is important, less - calm down, it does not affect fate, no matter what you think now about this matter. Inverted Arcana (if there are many) portend trouble, treason, enemy influence. If everyone fell straight - fine! With suits should also be dealt with. They indicate the following trends:

  • Pentacles - material interest will come first.
  • Bowls (cups) - feelings.
  • Wands - action, communication, some business.
  • Swords - the situation is tense emotionally.

Only after analyzing all these points, you can proceed to decipher the combination. To do this, each lasso is studied separately, connecting its meaning with the position. Then they try to connect them with each other. It is important to understand if the cards are in harmony or conflict. This also affects interpretation. For example, the triple of swords upside down next to the Empress is a sign of disappointment in her personal life. The first card is so pessimistic that it drowns out the influence of the second. A person who is under their influence does not find a place for himself, and he himself may not know why.


Tarot masters recommend not to get carried away with the layouts for the same situation. Even when only one lasso was pulled out, it is better to remember or write it down. Fortune telling on the Tarot gives lengthy predictions. They are accurate if you find the patience in yourself to wait for the result. When an impatient person guesses every now and then, he not only confuses himself, but also fate. Maps have an impact on the situation. The more they are discovered, the more difficult the magical effect (you may not believe it). You know, it is not in vain that an inactive deck is recommended - when you are not guessing, it should be stored in a red bag. So a man closes his aura from them. Guessing hourly, you are fed from the lasso by different energies in direction and action, which affects the situation. Be patient, trust your assistant (deck). Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8650/

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