Technical Committees for Standardization: Activities and Tasks

The creation of technical committees for standardization today is implemented by the relevant executive authority. When the Law "On Technical Regulation" entered into force, reforms began to take place in the entire standardization system of the Russian Federation. First of all, this approach is dictated by the need to switch to the standardization concepts that have been accepted internationally. Thus, currently changing the status of the TC on standardization, the status of the standards themselves, the conditions for financing work related to standardization, as well as related goals and objectives.

TC composition

activities of technical committees for standardization

It is advisable to start with the fact that the TCS includes representatives of the executive bodies of state corporations (for example, Rosatom Corporation), the executive branch, the executive branch of municipal structures and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, scientific companies - even those that carry out activities in the field of standardization - executors , manufacturers, as well as public consumer associations. The activities of technical committees for standardization are associated with participation in the preparation of proposals related to the formation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of standardization.

Principles of Creation

Having fully considered the concept and composition of TCS, it is worth moving on to the next aspect. The creation of technical committees for standardization, as well as the formation of appropriate compositions, is carried out by the corresponding structure of the executive branch. This takes into account a number of principles:

  • The parties are endowed with the opportunity of equal representation.
  • Participation is voluntary.
  • Representatives of the TC on standardization approved the rule that compliance with the tasks and goals of standardization, which are spelled out in the third article of the above-mentioned Law of the federal level, is a principle that is binding.
  • The information relating to the technical committee being formed should be open and accessible.

Process of creation

Gost Technical Standardization Committees

An application for the formation of a national technical committee for standardization in written or electronic form is drawn up by the applicant. This is done in the federal structure of the executive branch in the field of standardization. It is important to note that applicants may only be persons named in the second part of this article. The federal body is considering an application for the formation of a technical committee for standardization from 1 to 15 days. After that, he decides whether it is possible to create this committee. Please note that the application may be rejected. If the proposal related to the creation and further activities of the technical committee for standardization does not comply with the above principles, then the federal executive organization in the field of standardization formally decides to reject the application for the formation of this structure.

Acceptance and rejection of applications

It often happens that the application may be rejected for one reason or another, which should subsequently be clearly explained. In case of rejection of the application, the corresponding decision is transmitted to the applicant for the purpose of awareness. It should be noted that then the federal level executive authority in the field of standardization should officially refuse to create and continue the work of the technical standardization committee no later than within seven days after this decision is made.

You need to know that the notice of acceptance of applications for participation in the TCS, the federal executive body in one way or another posted on its official resource (website) on the Internet. It should be published no later than within 7 days after the decision was made about the possibility of forming a committee. Persons indicated in the second part of this article shall, within the time period noted in the notification on acceptance of applications for participation in the TC on standardization, send these applications directly to the applicant. It is worth adding that the deadline for applications is indicated in the corresponding notice. It may not exceed 90 days, and also be less than 60 from the date of publication of the notice. The application for participation in the technical committee for standardization according to GOST should contain a logical justification for the participation of a person who is the applicant as a member of the committee.

Application deadline

creation of technical committees for standardization

After the acceptance of applications for participation in the TCS is over, the applicant must send the applications to the federal executive body in the field of standardization. In addition, the following list of documents is important in the dispatch:

  • Draft regulations on the formed technical committee for standardization based on the relevant provisions of the standard format. This provision must be approved by the relevant authority in the field of standardization.
  • The project is a sufficiently promising program of activities for the structure being created.
  • List of interstate (for interstate technical committees for standardization) and national (for national committees) sets of rules, standards and other standardization documentation. One way or another, they must act on the territory of the Russian Federation and be within the competence of the structure being formed.
  • List of regional and international standards that relate to the competence of the structure being created. These are regional and international technical standardization committees, respectively.


interstate technical committee for standardization

Today, technical committees are involved in the development of standards of an international, regional or interstate plan. In this case, the participation procedure is established by the relevant structure of the executive branch. The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology is responsible for organizing the participation of technical committees in the work of the International Organization for Standardization (abbreviated as ISO), the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States (abbreviated as MGS), as well as the International Electrotechnical Commission ( abbreviated as IEC).

Currently, the entire list of technical standardization committees is involved in the creation of standards at both the regional and international levels, strictly according to agreements concluded by the Federal Agency with regional structures involved in standardization.

Development of international standards

list of technical standardization committees

Further, it will be appropriate to consider in more detail the issue of participation in the development of international standards. To coordinate the work of the TCS, the Federal Agency organizes the activities of the ISO and IEC secretariats strictly according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding standardization. It is important to know that, in the framework of participation in the creation of international standards, the technical committee implements the following activities:

  • Provides contact with an expert in the process of preparing the position of the Russian Federation in accordance with the draft international standard.
  • It sends to the secretariats of the Russian Committee, which is a member of the IEC and ISO, proposals related to the nominations of experts for activities in the technical structures of IEC and ISO.
  • Submits to the secretariats of the Russian Committee, which is a member of the IEC and ISO, proposals related to the development of draft international standards based on national standards and internal standards of organizations.
  • He is engaged in organizing an examination of international standards.

Development of interstate standards

international technical standardization committees

Having fully considered the development of international standards, we should move on to interstate type standards. So, in accordance with the proposals of technical committees, the Federal Agency is engaged in the formation of experts in continuously operating bodies of the IGU, scientific commissions and working groups strictly according to the legislation in force in the country regarding standardization. It is important to know that in the framework of participation in the creation of standards at the interstate level, technical committees are involved in the following activities:

  • Submit proposals on standardization of the interstate level to the work program.
  • They form both the first and final versions of the draft standard at the interstate level.
  • Examination of both the first and final edition of the project.
  • They are engaged in the preparation of a motivated proposal related to the approval of the draft standard at the interstate level or its rejection.
  • The participation of a representative of the Russian Federation in a meeting of a technical committee of an interstate structure is fully ensured.

Technical committees for standardization in the Russian Federation: list

technical standardization committees approves

Today in Russia there are a large number of technical committees. Among them:

  • Committee on All-Russian Classifiers.
  • Production plan services.
  • Grain and products of its processing.
  • Pasta and bakery products.
  • Shipbuilding.
  • Premixes, compound feeds, as well as protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates.
  • Watchmaking.
  • Ferroalloys.
  • Risk management.
  • Refractories.
  • Medical equipment, apparatus and instruments.
  • Non-metal ore.
  • Standardization methodology.
  • Cinema.
  • Tools for medical business.
  • Household electrical appliances.
  • Power industry.
  • Environmental Economics and Management.
  • Information Technology.
  • Information services, communication services and its management, construction and further operation of facilities in the field of information technology and communications.
  • Gas and oil industry.
  • Metrological support for the extraction and further accounting of energy resources, which may include both liquids and gases.
  • Qualitative characteristics of organic fertilizers, soils and soils.
  • Cryptographic protection of information.
  • Water transport.
  • Hydrogen technology.
  • Equipment and machinery for the processing and food industries, catering and trade.
  • Lubricants and petroleum fuels.
  • Electromagnetic compatibility of technical instruments.

Conclusion Purpose and role of shopping mall

As it turned out, after the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" came into force, the national standardization system began to be reformed. The status of the relevant committees, standards, financing conditions, as well as the main goals and objectives of standardization have changed. Today, leading experts and, of course, scientists of interested structures, consumers (in other words, customers), product manufacturers, developers, organizations and bodies for standardization, certification, metrology and engineering societies are involved in the activities of the committees. It is important to recall that the formation of technical committees is carried out on a voluntary basis for organizing and further conducting work related to the standardization of certain varieties of a product, service or technology.

Above we examined in detail what the interstate, international and national committees are doing. However, it is advisable to note the general functions that they perform:

  • Organization of development and revision of relevant standards in a specific field of activity, preparation of proposals for the program.
  • Ensuring the harmonization of Russian standards (in other words, the organization of compliance of national and interstate standards with international ones), including the promotion of adoption of standards.
  • Analysis of draft Russian standards, including the organization of development or examination, submission for approval by the FNL or preparation of proposals regarding the rejection of projects. In other words, technical standardization committees approve projects.
  • Collaboration with technical committees in related fields. It is important to note that this function involves ensuring the complexity of the work associated with standardization.
  • Full protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in the event of interaction with similar technical committees at the regional, foreign or international level. Participation in the work of the TC ISO or IEC, as well as in the activities of the TC of the interstate type.
  • Participation in the development of international standards (usually through consideration of their projects) and assistance in the adoption of Russian standards as international.
  • Interaction with federal and other executive bodies, as well as with various structures and individuals.
  • Organization or examination of relevant draft standards (respectively, at the proposal of organizations).

The main task of any TC is to assist in the progress of the national standardization system. The statutory fund of the technical committee has the right to dispose of its working body (in other words, the public structure, which has the Regulation and the Charter). This body implements a program of work, which is adopted by the technical committee, and also decides on financing issues. The working capital of the technical committee can be formed in three ways: from the profit from the sale of intellectual property; from grants of firms and organizations of international level; from third-party initiative sources.

In conclusion, it is advisable to consider the criteria by which technical committees fulfill their functions. This includes the implementation of requirements related to the safety of technical regulations during the development of standards. In addition, the expert opinion from the FNL on the developed national standards, as well as the presumption of compliance with current safety standards, are of particular importance. And finally, the criteria that are imposed by individual social groups or society as a whole are very important. They are obvious in the implementation of the principle corresponding to the openness of the formation of standards.


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