Interesting ideas for manicure at home

Nowadays, girls and women probably appreciate beauty and attractiveness even more than before, and are ready to do anything to turn into a beautiful princess. Yes, of course, natural beauty is always more attractive than any frills. But you still want to decorate yourself even more. One of the areas for experimentation is nails. I must say that the stereotype of the preference for long nails has long been obsolete. Ideas of manicure at home will look even more interesting on nails of short and medium length. In addition, they are much more convenient and cleaner than long claws. In fact, the most interesting today are the curious and unusual combinations of colors and shades. The light basic tone looks great with splashes of bright color, gold splashes, patterns, bumps and even miniature spikes. On the edge of the nail, you can draw a dark or, conversely, a light line to shade the main tone. Similar options look good on any length.

home manicure ideas

By the way, practicality is the trump card of short nails. After all, far from everyone manages to grow strong and strong long “cat claws”: they can begin to flake, break, become too dry. The extension procedure is not a cheap pleasure. In addition, such claws must be looked after, which is almost impossible to do at home. On short nails it is easier to realize any ideas of manicure at home. Gently paint the nail plates, then apply the pictures or selected jewelry made of plastic or glass and cover everything with a clear varnish. Jewelry on all nails does not have to be the same. Here the limitation is only their own imagination and the available quantity and variety of materials.

When choosing how to decorate hands, it is worth considering, for example, ideas for the French manicure of 2013. It is elegant, neat, beautiful and - noticed - men really like it. This type of manicure is done on round toenails or “spatula”, of medium length.

manicure ideas for beginners

For any idea, grooming is most important. To do this, gently handle the nails. Once a week, you can make special baths. A good option is water at a comfortable temperature with a tablespoon of any salt, a drop of liquid soap and a few drops of iodine. Hands drop into it and hold on until the water cools down. Such a bath strengthens the nail plate, prevents its delamination and fragility.

To improve the condition of nails, it is recommended to apply olive oil weekly with massage movements. A good nourishing cream is also needed, which is applied before bedtime and after washing dishes. If you want to whiten your nails, then a lemon is perfect (you need to cut it into halves, lower your fingers in them and hold for up to 15 minutes). Such a procedure is carried out no more than once every two weeks. Well, of course, the nails should be neatly trimmed, filed, the cuticle removed.

ideas for french manicure 2013

Manicure ideas for beginners include, first of all, the use of transparent varnishes, best of all with a firming effect. So the hands will look neat and attractive without any extra effort. But if you want something new, put your nails in order, degrease them (with alcohol) - and go. So, first we apply the varnish base, so that the selected color looks even (you can take a therapeutic base, it’s even better). We are waiting for a couple of minutes. Now the varnish is taken, shaken and gently applied from the base to the tip, without tearing off the brush. Then close all remaining empty spaces. We wait until everything dries up (you can use cold water for this). Apply another layer, dry. We take a fixer to give durability and shine. The last stage is the removal of all errors and rubbing into the hands of a softening cream.

The ideas of manicure at home are, first of all, giving beauty and originality. Recently, the most popular are variations in the application of cracking varnish (craquelure). It looks great, easy to apply. To do this, first apply a layer of gold polish, dry and cover the plates with a pale green or black craquelure. Everything is dried and fixed with a layer of transparent varnish. Colors, of course, you can choose any, to taste. No less relevant and drawings on the nails. Here it’s impossible to restrain fantasy. You can use special stickers or draw on varnish with a needle. A novelty of recent seasons has been the application of lace and small beads.

In general, I must say, the idea of ​​manicure at home is primarily a manifestation of taste, style and imagination. The choice of colors depends on the specific situation: going to work or at a party with friends - and, of course, the color scheme of clothes and accessories. You can paint not all nails, but only one (usually it is nameless). And most importantly - do not be afraid to experiment.


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