Fast delivery for an online store: what determines the success of a project

The owner of an online store needs to think through every nuance of his work. Many inexperienced and novice entrepreneurs emphasize the selection of assortments, devote a lot of time to the site, achieving excellent usability, but miss key points of the service, forgetting that fast delivery for online store - a serious component of success.

It would seem that what the buyer means is the speed of receiving paid goods? What difference does it bring him a purchase within a day or a week? Why purposefully develop this side of the service? Studying customer reviews, you can understand what moments in the operation of online stores are most valuable to users. Not in the last place is the speed of delivery and related conditions: preliminary phoning, the ability to check and try on, convenient payment options for the goods. Choosing a partner company for organizing deliveries, and this is a more appropriate way in comparison with creating your own courier service, you need to pay attention to these aspects of its work.

Competent construction of the service: what the final recipients value

How often complaints from owners of online stores about refusals from already placed orders are frequent. And the most common reason for this is delivery delays. This is justified, customers do not like to wait, it annoys them, they want to receive the goods as soon as possible. This moment is especially problematic for residents of the regions, they sometimes have to wait several weeks.

Minimum offer on payment options also negatively affects consumer interest. For example, Russian Post, the largest provider of delivery services, is limited in capabilities, it works only with cash on delivery. This introduces inconvenience for both parties, the seller is not protected from non-repurchase, the recipient does not receive chances for a convenient form of payment and is forced to adjust. And the return of goods to the address of the online store is quite expensive and lasting pleasure in the case of this company.

All these inconveniences are absent in the TopDelivery courier company organization system. Here it is possible both address delivery, and receipt of the order at pickup points , of which there are more than 50, located in 44 cities. There is a choice of a convenient warehouse for issuing, in case there is more than one point, payment is accompanied by the provision of a check, it is possible to check the contents of the parcel and much more.

When choosing with whom to cooperate in the delivery of goods to your customers, give preference to companies that can realize the maximum convenience for the recipient.


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