Ladybug on nails - simple and tasteful

Warm sunny weather not only creates an excellent mood, but also makes us strive for excellence, expressing it in our own creativity. What woman doesn’t want to be beautiful ... to her fingertips? Of course, any! And the summer mood and bright sun just inspire you to create a cheerful manicure. Ladybug on nails is a great option for those who want to give themselves and others a bit of a good mood.

Who is it suitable for?

Surely, before asking the idea to create a bright and extraordinary manicure, you first of all assess the condition of the nails and their length. Undoubtedly, some types of nail art do not allow to fully reflect their essence on a small surface. They require space, a lot of time and certain skills.

ladybug on nails
Another thing - ladybug nail design. Thanks to the simplicity of drawing and a slightly humorous image, such a manicure will become an adornment for any girl. And if you have a cheerful disposition and an ironic attitude towards yourself in your blood, then age will not become an obstacle to the realization of this idea.

In addition, a manicure looks great on both short and long nails, regardless of their naturalness.

What is necessary for manicure?

You have firmly decided that such an idea is to your liking, and now it's up to the small. It remains to learn how to draw a ladybug on nails. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a place and stock up on materials.

There are a great many variations on the creation of the original drawing, but all of them have a single base. Shades can change, colors are added and the sizes of the ladybug itself vary.

how to draw a ladybug on nails

However, among the main elements of the workflow are:

1) Base coverage.

2) Varnishes of the following shades:

- the black;

- red;

- white;

- green.

3) Dots (a special device similar to a pen that allows you to create drawings).

4) Topcoat. This can be a varnish dryer, a fixer, so that the coating lasts longer, or a composition that gives more shine and radiance.

Preliminary stage

Take your time creating a ladybug on your nails. It is important not only to acquire the necessary materials, but also to put your hands in order. Despite the fact that, as noted above, nail art harmoniously looks on the surface of any length, you still have to prepare the work area.

Give the nail plate a neat shape with a file. Then, using a special tool to soften the cuticle, remove the last with a wooden stick or the tip of a file, if any. In the absence of this fluid, you can make a salt bath and hold your hands in it for a couple of minutes. The result will be no worse.

ladybug nail design

Treat your nails with nail polish remover to degrease the surface and remove any remaining particles from the previous coat.

Now you can begin to work.

First stage

The ladybug pattern on the nails will look more impressive if you prepare the soil in the form of a base coat. Thus, you will not only smooth out minor flaws and irregularities of the nail plate, but also protect it from the aggressive effect of the varnish, preventing the pigment from penetrating inside the stratum corneum. In addition, the coating will last longer, while maintaining the richness of the colors.

Decide on the design

It may vary depending on your preference. Consider the two most relevant options.

In the first case, all nails are covered with red varnish - it will be basic. In the second, the ring finger or any other finger of your choice remains untouched. The nail on it should be covered with a contrasting color, for example green, thereby depicting grass. Black color as a base color will also look no less cute and original. The technique of performing the drawing from this will not change.

The most important

Finally, the answer is nearing the question of how to make a ladybug on the nails. Since we are considering two options for creating a drawing, the execution techniques will differ.

In the first case, on a red background with black varnish, draw a horizontal line just above the middle of the nail and completely paint over it. It turns out something like a jacket. A vertical line crosses it.

how to make a ladybug on nails

After that, it is necessary to drip a little black varnish on any surface. It can be a plain sheet of paper. Using the dots, draw some polish and then transfer it to the nail, creating dots. Depending on the diameter of the tool and your accuracy, they can be large or small - there are no strict rules.

The final step in the drawing is the application of white droplets to the French line. They will play the role of the peephole. Ladybug is ready.

The second case is suitable for those who have already gotten their hands in the creation of nail art.

On the nails covered with red varnish, black dots harmoniously look. In this case, it is better not to grind, but to make them large. But on a green background is a ladybug.

ladybug on nails photo
A little tip. Do not rush to paint the body with red varnish. Against a green background, it will acquire a different shade. Start with white - it will serve as the base.

In the middle of the nail, draw a semicircle. This is the future body of our ladybug. Paint it red. Then circle the outline in black.

In front of the body with black varnish draw a small dot. She will serve as the head. From it upward, spend 2 hooks - insect antennae. And in the middle of the black circle with white varnish, draw 2 more points that will serve as eyes. Inside them, place 2 more small droplets - the pupils.

Black lacquer also depict the legs of a cow and draw points inside the body.

The drawing is ready!

To better understand how a ladybug on nails looks, we recommend that you carefully study the photos located in the article.

ladybug on nails photo

All that remains to be done is to coat the nails with a special tool that fixes the result or gives the coating additional shine.

ladybug on nails photo


Ladybug on nails will be great ideas for spring or summer manicure, fitting into the general atmosphere of cheerfulness.

ladybug on nails photo

A little skill and patience - and a good mood will please not only you, but also those around you.


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