Do-it-yourself mosaic of broken tiles

A creative person will not calmly look at how materials that can be given a second life go into the scrap. For example, you can get a beautiful mosaic of broken tiles, with your own hands laid out on the walls, paths, benches and stands.

do-it-yourself mosaic tile

The easiest way

You can use directly the remains of building tiles, as well as pieces of colored glass or fragments of ceramic dishes. If necessary, transparent glass makes sense to paint on the inside with colored varnish or acrylic paint. Do-it-yourself mosaic tiles are laid out in two ways. This may be a random arrangement of fragments. In this case, the main thing is to pick up pieces of different sizes and excellent in color. If the artist wants to get the most colorful version of the mosaic, then the colors of the pieces of tile or glass fragments should be as different as possible. If a mosaic of broken tiles is planned in calmer colors, you can paint or pick up details of about the same color with your own hands, slightly differing in shades. The glue for fastening the pieces is the same as when working with ordinary tiles. After pasting the entire area, grouting should be done.

The second option is art mosaic

DIY ceramic mosaic

People with talent can afford to make a real mural, a picture. To do this, you must first decide on a specific image, select the right number of fragments of a particular color. Ceramic mosaic, laid out in the bathroom in the kitchen, can be a wonderful decoration. She can decorate columns, countertops. They also use it in the courtyard decor: spread paths, pools, benches, garbage cans. This method is most similar to painting with paints. The mosaic from beaten tiles, created with your own hands, can become a real masterpiece of art and give the interior and landscape a unique charm and luxury. Here a person can realize his creative potential, express practically his ideas.

How to achieve the most accurate panel reproduction

do-it-yourself tile

To do this, it is recommended to use a template - a picture on paper, painted with paints. The image should be full size, one to one. It is on it, directly on the drawing, that the mosaic should be pre-glued with ordinary glue, for example, with a paste, with the front side to the drawing. After drying, the back side is covered with tile glue, applied to the surface to be decorated. Then the paper with the pattern is washed off with warm water. This method helps to achieve exceptional fidelity of the desired image.

The basic rules for laying out the mosaic

  1. When working, glue should be taken in the optimal amount, the surplus must be removed.
  2. Shards of tiles and stained glass should not touch each other so that there are seams between them.
  3. The principle of working with a mosaic practically does not differ from how an ordinary solid tile is laid with one's own hands: it is imperative that the level of laying over the wall is observed, which should be the same throughout the area.


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