Japanese exercise with a roller: description of the methodology, benefits and features of the lesson

Recently, more and more people practice the Japanese exercise with a roller, which takes only a few minutes, but it brings tremendous benefits. It allows you to simultaneously solve two of the most common problems of the 21st century - to get rid of back pain and lose weight by about 4 cm per month.

Principle of the technique

Japanese exercise with a back roller

The famous Japanese doctor Fukutsudze developed the Japanese exercise with a roller under his back, and the training was named after him. For a long time, he studied all kinds of methods for treating spinal curvature, and as a result, developed a special training that allowed him to become healthier with the help of a daily five-minute exercise. According to this technique, the patient every day had to lie on a roller under his back for five minutes in a certain position, and then after a while he had an improvement in the condition of the spine. In addition, the training made it possible to forget about back pain, and, what is most pleasant, the daily exercise helped to lose weight and get rid of sagging abdomen. Such an amazing effect from the classes led to the fact that the book published by Fukutsudze about his method scattered all over the world in just a couple of years with a circulation of more than six million copies.

How does the technique help strengthen the back

Before we begin a detailed discussion of the principles of the Japanese method of exercises for the back with a roller, let's see how and why it helps strengthen the back and relieve pain. It turns out that it is based on the theory that with age, a gradual divergence of the hypochondria and pelvic bones occurs, which leads to stoop, compression of the spine, its curvature, impaired posture and, of course, severe back pain. Moreover, the longer the patient will not take any moves to get rid of problems with his spine, the pain will be only stronger. And with the help of the Fukutsudze technique, which provides for the correct use of their own weight, the pelvic bones, vertebrae and hypochondria return to their proper places. But you should not think that such an exercise is useful only for the elderly, no, it will also benefit young people, preventing the development of back problems, often caused by the constant presence of the computer.

japanese roller exercise

How does a Japanese exercise with a slimming roller help?

Separately, it is worth mentioning that a similar technique is shown to everyone who is overweight. The fact is that with age, a person has a divergence of the lower edge of the ribs, because of which the waist becomes thicker, and the figure looks completely unpresentable. This is where the exercise will help us, which will return the hypochondria to the place, due to which the abdomen will significantly decrease. And due to the fact that the position of the spine is normalized, the fat layer is evenly distributed throughout the abdominal zone, which will lead to a narrowing of the waist by about 4 cm. However, it is worth remembering that the fat itself will not go anywhere from this exercise, therefore, in order to not only become slimmer, but to get rid of excess weight, you should combine training with proper nutrition and the implementation of cardio and strength exercises.


However, like any workout, the Japanese roller exercise has some contraindications. So, training in this way is strictly forbidden to people suffering from:

  • acute back pain;
  • intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis;
  • thinning and significant wear of the vertebrae;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sprains or tears of ligaments;
  • fever or fever caused by any disease;
  • restless legs syndrome, accompanied by symptoms such as itching or tingling in the lower extremities.

It is also not recommended to perform the Japanese exercise with a roller for scoliosis, which, however, is possible under the supervision of a doctor. And you can not train with a roller pregnant and just giving birth to women.

Choose a roller for the back

exercise roller

The most important thing in the Japanese exercise with a roller under the back is to choose this shell correctly. This can be a standard model of a roller for fitness with a length of 90-150 cm and a diameter of 6-15 cm. Such cylindrical round shells are very convenient and make it easy to perform the exercise. You can also use the semi-cylindrical model of the roller, the diameter and length of which will be the same as with standard shells, but such a roller will be more durable, since it will not change shape even after repeated use. But it is best to make a roller with your own hands, tightly rolled up a terry bath towel and bandaged it with twine or rope. The main advantage in this case is that you can vary the diameter of the roller yourself, picking it up for yourself and gradually increasing it to complicate the workout.

Exercise Tips

In order for the Japanese exercise for the back with the roller to be as successful as possible and not lead to undesirable results, you should carefully approach the training. It’s especially important to follow a few simple tips during your workout.

  1. It is best to consult with an orthopedist or a neurologist before starting training so that they confirm that you can perform the exercise without harm to your health.
  2. It is best to perform the exercise on a hard floor, after laying a blanket or rug on it.
  3. It’s best to train right after sleep, before breakfast.
  4. The exercise should be performed daily, without missing a single day of training.
  5. If during training you feel severe pain, it is better to immediately stop the session, without waiting until the set five minutes have passed. You can start training with 30 seconds.
japanese exercise with slimming roller

Strongly forbidden!

If you look at the reviews about the Japanese exercise with a roller, you will notice that some of them are extremely negative. However, this is easy to avoid if you heed a few warnings.

  1. In no case should you perform the exercise on the bed or mattress, because this completely eliminates the entire workout.
  2. You should not get up sharply from the floor immediately after a workout, it is better to lie down without a roller for a couple more minutes to rest and recover.
  3. You should not immediately take a large roller, it is better to increase its diameter gradually.
  4. In no case should you exceed the duration of the exercise of 5 minutes, even for one minute, because it threatens a number of complications like nausea, dizziness, back pain, headache and spasm of the spinal muscles.
  5. It is forbidden to stand up sharply after doing the exercise. Having finished the training and after lying down for a couple of minutes, getting up from the floor should be extremely slow.

Exercise Technique

Now let's focus on the technique of performing the Japanese exercise with a roller for the spine and weight loss.

  1. Before you start the exercise, you need to sit on the floor and accurately check whether the roller is located correctly. To do this, you should touch the navel with your finger, and then draw a line with it around the body, outlining the waist so that when it touches the back, it appears exactly in the middle of the roller.
  2. When performing the exercise, the legs should be shoulder width apart, and the thumbs should be in contact with each other. If it’s difficult for you to hold this position for five minutes, you can put a small pillow on your feet or tie your thumbs with a rope.
  3. The head in the initial position should lie flat, it does not need to be thrown back, the chin should not stick up, but almost touch the chest.
  4. During the exercise, do not strain, you should lie in a relaxed state, breathing evenly and closing your eyes.

Japanese exercise with a roller under the lower back

Now that we know about all the nuances of training, let's learn how to perform the exercise itself, which is not at all difficult.

performing a Japanese exercise with a technique roller
  1. Carefully sit on the mat and put the roller so that it is directly opposite the navel.
  2. We lie down on the roller, fully extending the legs and arms, which we extend over our heads.
  3. We spread our legs to the width of our shoulders and bring our feet from there so that our thumbs touch each other.
  4. Hands are brought together above the head so that they lie with their palms down, while the little fingers are in contact with each other.
  5. We try to lie in this position for five minutes, however, if severe discomfort or back pain appears earlier, this will be a signal to stop the exercise.
  6. We lie without a roller for a couple of minutes, and then slowly rise.

Chest Exercise

After you have performed a Japanese exercise with a roller for a certain time, for which the projectile fell under the lower back, you can begin the second stage of the training. The signal to the beginning of this stage should be the fact that during the Fukutsuji exercise you stopped even experiencing the slightest discomfort from the training, which is now performed as easily and calmly as possible and lasts for five minutes without problems.

  1. We sit on the mat and put the roller so that it is at chest level, that is, it will be located directly under your shoulder blades.
  2. We lay down on the shell, stretching our arms above my head and placing my legs at shoulder level.
  3. Keep your head straight, do not throw it, turn your hands with your palms up so that the little fingers touch, and bring the feet together so that the thumbs touch.
  4. We breathe evenly and lie in this position for no more than five minutes.
  5. We stop the exercise, lie still a couple of minutes, and then slowly get up from the floor.
chest exercise

Reviews of specialists

Now, let’s analyze the feedback from doctors whose patients have already tried this exercise on their own about the Japanese exercise for the back with a roller. According to fitness trainers, nutritionists and weight loss specialists, such a workout gives excellent results if you combine it with proper nutrition and aerobic and power loads. If there is anything horrible and not go in for sports, such exercises will be ineffective. However, even in this case, the exercises will lead to the distribution of the fat layer throughout the abdominal cavity, because of which the waist will become slimmer by several centimeters.

Orthopedists, in turn, are extremely pleased with the Fukutsudze technique, which they often recommend to their patients suffering from curvature of the spine and back pain. According to them, as a result, 90% of patients then note positive changes on the part of the musculoskeletal system, correction of posture and disappearance of humpback. The main thing, according to them, is not to be afraid of the unpleasant sensations in the back that occur after the start of the training, because they only indicate that the skeletal system began to return to its correct position. So, if you tolerate a little, the pain will pass and the patient will recover.

Patient Reviews

And finally, you can look at the reviews of the Japanese exercise with a roller for losing weight and strengthening the back of those people who have been doing it for a long time. Very often, this technique begins to be embodied in the life of girls and women who are overweight, who dream of a beautiful waist and lack of fat on their stomach. So, they say that in any case, even if they don’t do anything else, in a couple of weeks their stomach becomes 2-2.5 cm smaller. In addition, according to them, their hunchback disappears and pass back pain, caused by the fact that they spent a lot of time at the computer.

japanese roller exercise reviews

Also, older people who sought to get rid of terrible back pain with their help speak positively about the technique. According to them, at first it was very difficult for them to perform this exercise, and they had to work only with the smallest diameters of the roller, on which they could initially lie for 30 seconds. But over time, they still came to the conclusion that they performed the exercise for 5 minutes on an elastic roller with a diameter of 9-15 cm. And after they fully completed the exercise, the patients noted that the pain in their back had passed , they began to feel much better, they began to feel light in their bodies, and some grandmothers even admitted that their exercises had reduced their stomach by 6 cm, increased their height by a couple of centimeters and raised their chest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8690/

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