Russian Post: customer and employee reviews

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that reviews about Russian Post come mostly negative, company employees are blamed for mistakes and sluggishness, lost parcels and undelivered letters, queues and rudeness. In this article, we will try to figure out which of the recent claims to the company’s work, whether the situation is changing in any way.

About Organization

Post Offices of Russia

The company itself claims that negative reviews about Russian Post help them change and improve. If almost every one of us knows something about the impressions of the work of this structure from the clients, then it is interesting how the employees themselves respond to the work. We will also pay special attention to this topic in our article.

This is a state-owned company, which is officially the operator of the national postal network. The head office is located in the Russian capital, and recently the company moved to a macro-regional structure. The entire territory of the country was conditionally divided into ten macro-regions, which united all 82 branches according to the regional principle. Currently, the total number of employees is more than 350 thousand people. It is obvious that with such a high number of employees and branches in most of the settlements of Russia, vacancies for various professions are constantly open here.

Why do you like to work?

Russian Post Employee Reviews

It is worth recognizing that there are very few positive opinions in the reviews of employees about the Post of Russia. Most of the employees, discussing the pros and cons of working in the company, immediately note that there are simply no positive aspects; they strongly do not recommend this company for employment.

If you can find any positive feedback, then they are associated with official registration in full accordance with labor legislation, regular salaries, which are paid on a strictly defined, predetermined date. Attached to this, of course, is a complete social package, a sense of stability. Some note that the only positive point may be the acquired ability to survive in the harsh conditions of moral oppression by the immediate superiors.

Negative impressions

Work on Russian Post

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of employee reviews about Russian Post are extremely negative.

Disappointing for many was the message that the leadership of the Post of Russia issued an order to completely close offices in villages and towns, therefore, this leads to massive staff reductions. All the work that was previously carried out in small settlements is now planned to be assigned to the urban postal service, which will significantly increase the burden on each employee, while many departments are already frankly not coping. According to reviews, employees of the Russian Post (operators and postmen themselves) are convinced to write a letter of resignation of their own free will.

There are serious fears that city offices simply can not stand such an impressive load. After all, the management is trying to save money on everything, employees are undergoing tremendous processing, no career growth is foreseen, additional days for vacation for combining several positions are not provided. Because of this, a huge turnover is formed. Such disappointing reviews about working at the Russian Post are left by employees who actually worked or are still working in this company. They argue that the authorities establish impracticable plans, every day more and more increases the volume of production.

Management does nothing to at least somehow motivate employees to work more efficiently. There are practically no career prospects in any of the posts, while the company employs a lot of pensioners, mostly in senior management, who do not correspond to the positions they hold, simply do not cope with their duties. For example, they cannot solve elementary problems. Broken cars are idle idle, since no one orders spare parts for them.

According to reviews of Russian Post in Moscow, there are sorely lacking employees in the departments, and no one is in a hurry to hire new employees. Instead, another reduction is only planned. In particular, there are not enough employees even to process correspondence, which receives a lot. This is one of the highlights that employees of the Russian Post noted in their reviews.

In addition, the postmen themselves have to perform unusual functions. For example, instead of correspondence, they have to distribute advertising from various publications in their mailboxes, which is very voluminous and heavy. At the same time, nobody reads it, from the mailbox she immediately goes to the bin or rolls around the porch, littering it. As a result, the work of postmen is simply wasted.

The fact that the volume of incoming correspondence and parcels are growing every day, employees note in most reviews of Russian Post in St. Petersburg and other cities. At the same time, impossible plans are established, as a result, many do not even have time to have lunch, they have to stay at work, and in addition to processing correspondence, you also need to serve customers. No one pays extra for processing, although most employees remain one or two hours after the official completion of the working day almost every day.

In reviews of Russian Post in Moscow and the Moscow Region, women complain that they have to carry 20-kilogram parcels for 16 thousand rubles a month, from which income tax is also deducted. The management absolutely does not give a damn about this current state of affairs, on the contrary, it seeks to cut back on the already low salary, which many call beggarly. Few people want to work for such a meager salary, and when they realize how high the load is, many simply quit, so the company has such a high staff turnover and new employees are constantly required.

Driver work

Russian Post Drivers

Vacancies for courier drivers are open today at most post offices in Russia. This is a specialty in which the company is experiencing an acute shortage.

In particular, they are looking for employees to provide express delivery services. The requirements are quite soft: one-year work experience is required (this must necessarily be work experience as a driver), the total driving experience must be at least two years. Important conditions in this case are customer focus, good knowledge of the region, conscientious attitude to their duties, responsibility and readiness for physical activity.

According to the drivers of the Post of Russia, the load here is really great. The volumes of correspondence are very large, and the loaders in most post offices are simply not provided for by the staffing table. So in fact, their duties lie with drivers and couriers. In reviews of the Russian Post, many of them admit that few people withstand such a load. In addition, they offer a relatively low salary - from 30 to 45 thousand rubles a month.

List of duties

Customer reviews about Russian Post

Responsibilities include the reception and delivery of mail, the weight of which can reach 32 kg. Work is carried out in a specific area, while parcels and other correspondence should be delivered to the office or the door of the apartment. In parallel, you have to keep all the relevant documentation, work with weights, a mobile terminal and cash.

In their reviews of the Russian Post, drivers admit that the social package is almost the only obvious plus in such work. Relative advantages include work in a stable and large company, registration in accordance with labor legislation. For the training period, the work schedule will be 5/2 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Upon successful completion of the trial period, the schedule changes by two days after two, and the length of the working day increases to 20 hours. The salary is set piecework with a marginal minimum of 30 thousand rubles. It is supposed to work on corporate transport, mobile communications and a fuel card are provided. They promise to pay for vacation and sick leave. As noted in the reviews of the work at the Russian Post, employees, few actually manage to overcome the minimum mark of 30 thousand rubles a month, most work for this salary.


Russian Post Employees

Perhaps the most common position in this company is a telecom operator. Employees who come to this position admit that they are experiencing tremendous stress due to the heavy workload, the amount of work is often simply exorbitant.

According to feedback from telecom operators at Russian Post, a blockage forms almost every day. In a large number of letters and notifications from the traffic police, tax and judicial notices. They must be received, sorted, registered on a computer. At the same time, you also need to issue returns; you have to work almost without lunch.

At the same time, the leadership fines literally for every fault. For example, for one day of delay in judicial notice, a fine of five hundred rubles is charged. Bailiffs immediately seek to formalize it. In addition, twice a day, you have to prepare and compose mail, issue packages, parcels and registered letters to the public. Such a colossal load as a result falls on the shoulders of a single operator. Those who cope are proud of themselves, but are increasingly thinking about changing jobs, because the salary for such work is provided for just miserable. Such sentiments can be found in most reviews of employees of the Russian Post. The operator is a very common position, which due to high turnover often remains vacant.

But in such conditions, you quickly learn to behave in stressful situations, carry out financial transactions, and find a common language with absolutely any people. Many are saved only thanks to a well-coordinated and friendly team. At the same time, during the day you are always in turmoil - there are always a lot of people in the room, they all need to smile, politely and sympathetically talk. Employees admit that emotionally this is quite difficult, because often a person is psychologically exhausted, completely devastated.

Alternative - night work

The way out of this situation can be a night shift. With such a schedule, there are no strangers in the department at all, no one distracts or interferes with fulfilling their immediate duties, and besides, the payment is much higher than that of employees working on a day shift. The duties in this case include the reception and sending of valuable and simple correspondence, the reception of several cars with newspapers, the accounting of sending and receiving. Further, all newspapers should be sorted into sections, and all correspondence should be entered on a working computer. According to reviews of Russian Post workers, the load at night is also quite large, but there is no exhausting communication with people.

Bank direction

As you know, recently, on the basis of Russian Post, an own bank has appeared. So now this company, in addition to its main responsibilities related to the delivery of correspondence, has taken up the services of a classical financial and credit institution.

In particular, here you can take a consumer loan or put money on a deposit. These are the two most common services that are most in demand among the population. In reviews of deposits in the Russian Post, diametrically opposed opinions are found. Most note that the rates are relatively low, even compared to other popular banks. For example, on the "Profitable" deposit, you can expect a maximum rate of 6 percent per annum with an amount of half a million rubles or more. The “Good Year” deposit is considered the most profitable with a rate of 7.5 percent per annum.

Customer Opinions

Reviews about Russian Post

From customer reviews of Russian Post, we can conclude that the stories of arrogant employees who are rude to everyone in the department have long turned into a myth. Today, the company closely monitors the behavior of its employees, their attitude towards visitors, therefore, cases of egregious rudeness are isolated, they are the exception that only confirms the courtesy and compassion rule of most post office operators.

Also, the electronic queue, which has already been introduced in most settlements, has earned positive ratings, which greatly simplifies the receipt of letters and parcels. The users also like the fact that now it is possible to track their letters and parcels online, and postmen still bring home a pension to many elderly people.

Negative sides

At the same time, there are still many negative reviews about Russian Post. First of all, customers condemn the incompetence of many employees, the low level of service.

At the same time, employees are paid a meager salary, many are fired because of this, post offices in small towns are completely closed.

In some cases, customers have to deal with theft attempts. For example, when a parcel or parcel is given with obvious signs that they tried to open it.

Many are frightened off by the lines that still accumulate in the departments, while the service is frankly slow and unhurried. The same can be said about the speed of delivery of parcels, parcels and letters. Correspondence to the neighboring region can go up to 2.5 weeks, and this is not a deadline, it happens that they increase by an even greater time. The only joy is that now everything can be tracked by track number, checking where a particular message is located. So you can at least be sure that nothing will be lost, and if this happens, then immediately figure out at what stage the message disappeared, where to start the search. Sometimes tracking the package makes you frankly smile when it passes through several sorting centers of the capital before heading to its destination.


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