How to make a water manicure at home: step by step instructions and interesting ideas

Beauty is a terrible force, as you know. But it begins with the crown of the head and ends at the tips of the fingers. Beautiful people always cause great sympathy and trust, this is a proven fact. If nature has not rewarded you with outstanding data, just watch yourself and keep your body in shape.


Water manicure

The beauty of nails is an important detail of the female image. They say that when meeting a man, he first looks at the woman’s hands. Well-groomed nails give confidence. In addition, manicure can perfectly complement a stylish look.

In recent years, the possibilities of creating manicures have expanded significantly. This was the development of technology, which led to the emergence of unusual types of varnishes. Thanks to this, girls and women from all over the world can decorate their nails in any manner, choosing effects, color scheme, type of pattern, method of drawing, etc.

What it is?

Water manicure gel polish

Water manicure is also called marble, because it looks like a real masterpiece. It is very popular due to the fact that it is easy to make if you approach the matter carefully and carefully. Water manicure at home is not so difficult to do. The main thing is that you know exactly the sequence of actions. Feel like an artist!

What do you need?

Water manicure at home

To decorate your nails yourself, you will need:

  • a container of water;
  • multi-colored varnishes (preferably more than 2);
  • small tape;
  • manicure scissors ;
  • fat cream;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • nail polish remover;
  • strengthening and basic means for nails.

To create a stunning manicure you will not need special tools. Owning all the items from the list above, you can get to work.

Nail preparation

Before you start creating a water manicure, you should properly process the nail plate. To do this, give the nails a beautiful shape and length, then sand the surface of the nail plate. The last stage of the preparatory part is the removal of the cuticle. Before this, it is advisable to lubricate it with a special tool for softening the skin.

That's all, you can start creating a unique pattern on your nails.

How to do?

How to make a water manicure

If you do not know how to make a water manicure at home, read on. We will solve this problem in a few minutes of your time. Prepare everything you need for the process. Proceed:

  1. Apply the base product (base) to the nails. The skin around the nails should be glued with tape or greased liberally with a greasy cream (cuticle oil) so that the varnish does not get on the skin of the hands.

  2. Fill the container with clean room temperature water.

  3. Put water in the varnish (about 4 drops) and give it time to spread on the surface. Then add one or more colors - it all depends on personal wishes, but know that the picture is obtained even from two colors.

  4. Take a toothpick or wooden stick to create a picture on the water. Do not make too many movements with a toothpick or wand, because a couple of simple movements are enough to create a beautiful picture.

  5. Lower the nail under water so that it is evenly covered with a film. Using a wooden stick or toothpick, collect the remaining varnish from the water.

  6. Hold the nail under water for a few seconds, and carefully remove it.

  7. Allow the nail polish to dry thoroughly, and then remove the tape or wipe off the cream from the skin around.

  8. If you are doing water manicure for the first time, then most likely you will not be able to achieve the perfect result, and the remnants of the varnish will stain your skin - the necessary accuracy will come with experience. Just remove the residue with nail polish remover.

  9. Cover your nails with a fixing agent.

Now you know how to do water manicure. Agree, this is almost an art. However, in any business, you need to hone your skills and bring the skill to perfection. In order to move forward in creating a water manicure, you need to know some important, but little-known technical points, or, in other words, professional secrets. You will read about them below.

Subtleties of work

How to make a water manicure at home

  1. For water manicure, use room temperature water. Consider the fact that in cold water the varnish will spread poorly. It can just curl up and freeze. In warm water, you simply can not create a picture.

  2. Always clean a toothpick or wooden stick before contacting the varnish. This will protect you from a sloppy drawing that simply merges on the nail.

  3. In order to successfully do water manicure at home, use watery varnishes. They are much faster and easier to spread through the water. Do not use too thick. It is for this reason that it is impossible to make water manicure with gel polish.

  4. To reduce the consumption of varnish, you should choose narrow containers with water, but make sure that it is deep enough so as not to touch the edges of the vessel with a fingernail (the pattern is broken).

  5. Council of stylists: water manicure does not look much more beautiful on all nails, but only on medium ones (especially if you use bright colors).

Many people wonder how to make a beautiful marble manicure. And the whole secret is quite simple: use holographic varnishes and shimmer varnishes in combination with gentle pastel tones.

  1. In order to add a touch of variety to the creation of water manicure, use varnishes with a thermal effect. Under the influence of temperature, such varnishes change their color.

  2. Use varnishes of the same company so that they are equally re-lifted onto the nail, and there is no noticeable difference in structure.

  3. Nail painting should be done quickly. Once you have created the necessary drawing, you can lower the nail into a container of water.

Manicure Ideas

How to do water manicure

There are a lot of ideas for creating a water manicure. You can come up with many yourself, as this is a creative process. The main advice in this matter is simplicity. Something intricate should not be done, because even a couple of strokes can make the picture unimaginable. Below are some of the most striking ideas.

Petal design

To perform water manicure, you will need the same materials that we described earlier. The sequence of actions is the same.

The technique of petal manicure

Choose varnishes of different, but very bright colors. It is best to use varnishes of contrasting colors for such a nail design (for example, black, blue and greenish). Put a few drops of blue varnish on the surface of the water, then black and greenish varnish. In total, three circles will turn out, but this is not enough if you have an average length of nails. Droplets of varnish should be in each other. Do about 10 laps. Divide the surface of the water into two parts. Now begin to carry out a toothpick from edge to edge, making zigzag movements. It is very important that the movements are from edge to edge, as otherwise you can capture the entire canvas with varnish.

After doing this, dip the nail in water at room temperature, hold it for a couple of seconds and take it out. Remove any remaining varnish. The manicure is ready!


do water manicure at home

This beautiful pattern on the nails will especially appeal to fans of the Harry Potter book series. It is done very simply and quickly.

Such a design looks very impressive in black and white. First, drop 4-5 drops of black varnish into a container. In the middle, add 3-4 drops of white varnish. Now just draw a zipper with a toothpick or a special stick. Do it quickly, as the varnish dries in a very short time. Make all movements not at right angles, it is advisable to make sharp corners.

Dip your fingernail in water and hold it for a couple of seconds. Remove and discard any residues.


Such a picture is created very simply, but it looks elegant and elegant. Be sure to try to make it. Prepare the necessary tools and tools and get to work.

Put a few drops of a beautiful pastel color (preferably beige) in a container of water. Add a drop of black varnish over the entire surface. From the formed points, derive a diagram, that is, move from one point to another. The result is a very beautiful alluring net.

Further, everything is according to plan - you dip a fingernail, wait, take out and remove the leftovers.

These three options for designing nails using water manicure are very bright and unusual. Despite the fact that they are made incredibly simple, as a result you get a sophisticated drawing. Each girl can create her own unique pattern! Come up with your ideas, share them!


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