Aesthetic education is the formation of the artistic taste of the personality

Every parent wants his child to be diversified. Aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic views and needs of the baby. Such a targeted impact on the personality is possible only if the child is provided with the necessary creative impressions in a timely manner and the conditions for the self-realization of his artistic inclinations are created.

Art and aesthetic education of preschool children

aesthetic education is
The spiritual qualities of a person are inextricably linked with the level of her aesthetic culture, therefore, upbringing in an educational institution is always complex. In any educational system, work directions are distinguished, but there are no clear boundaries where it is possible to form one quality and begin to influence another, it is impossible to track. The formation of the spiritual, moral and aesthetic qualities of the personality is associated with the impact on the emotional sphere of children. Masterpieces of art and works of classics have a time-tested positive emotional charge, which is why they are used in the process of forming the aesthetic qualities of a growing personality. Aesthetic education is also an acquaintance with the work of great masters who have left their mark on the art and culture of human civilization. It is proved that introducing a preschool child to the beautiful also contributes to the emergence of an early need for artistic expression.

artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children
An integrated approach to the formation of an aesthetic culture

Since this process is very multifaceted, it is also associated with the formation of ecological, ethical, creative, and other cultures. In this regard, an integrated approach to the educational process is being carried out in all educational institutions: school, extracurricular and pre-school. The most common methods and forms of aesthetic education remain traditional: participation of preschoolers and schoolchildren in creative circles and sections, excursions, visits to cultural institutions of the city, conversations, lectures and meetings with workers in various professional fields, etc.

The effectiveness of the educational process

Aesthetic education is also a creative expression of personality, the necessary conditions for which must be created not only in the institution, but also at home. An indicative criterion by which the effectiveness of such a process can be tracked is the need to transform the surrounding space. Indeed, aesthetic development is not only passive perception, but also active participation in any kind of activity. The involvement of children in various types of creative activity will develop the aesthetic qualities of the personality and the need for better self-expression once in a while. If the child’s kindergarten does not pay enough attention to this aspect of education, then use the opportunities of additional education organizations .

aesthetic development is


Parents should first of all pay enough attention to such an important component of the formation of the child’s personality as aesthetic education. This will allow the baby in the future to make his choice towards the development of certain creative abilities more consciously. After all, getting older, he will already have a certain amount of knowledge and emotional impressions in order to choose a profession or just a hobby to his liking.


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