How to pass on the rights of category "A"

Recently, many aspire to pass on the category “A” rights. It is understandable - it is necessary and popular. So where to start?

Pass on category a rights
First you need to go to a driving school and enroll there. You must have a passport with you. In a driving school they will say when it will be necessary to come to the first classes. It is worth noting that in each school the educational process is organized differently, but on average, the course of study is designed for about three months. It is divided like this - two thirds of the time - theoretical studies, one - practical.

To enroll in a driving school and pass on the rights of category “A”, you will need a number of documents. It is worth listing them. This is a certificate from the traffic police, which indicates that a person who wants to learn driving has never received a license. A medical certificate is also needed. It can be obtained after passing the medical commission.

Now more specifically about how to pass on the rights of category “A”. First you need to learn the whole theory, because without it it will be not only difficult to pass the exam, but also impossible to drive. You can’t leave studying for the last night - it is simply unrealistic. It is advisable to devote as much time as possible to practical exercises, apply the acquired knowledge wherever you can - ask your acquaintances, friends, relatives to teach you how to drive.

Change for category a rights
They teach well in driving schools, but it all depends on the student. You can, of course, not strain, you can buy rights - a well-known fact. However, this, in addition to being illegal, is dangerous for the life of a hard-working student who does not want to study. In vain, some think that passing the rights to category “A” is a trifling matter. The road is not a game. Therefore, in order to avoid dangerous situations, you need to learn and learn.

Actually, passing the rights to category “A” consists in the final exam (after the student has learned the whole theory), which will be held in a driving school. This is not so scary - some even manage to write off. However, again, you need to remember that at the driving test, held in the traffic police, you will not need to write off - you need to drive there. Those people who did not pass the theoretical exam will not be allowed to final (driving). In answering theoretical questions, only two mistakes can be made.

Category A Driving License

To get a category “A” driver’s license , you need to come early for a theory exam: to give your documents. Then you will need to go to the computer room, sit down at one of the tables and answer questions. Remember: only two mistakes can be made, and it’s better to think three times before marking one or another option. After the student answers the last question, the screen will turn on either green or red. The first - all is well, offset! The second - will have to be repeated after three weeks.

And the second exam is actually driving. Before driving, the instructor will tell the student what exercises he will need to do (usually five). For example, “snake”, “overpass”, “parallel parking”, “garage” and “turn in three steps”. All this will be taught in a driving school. There will be nothing included in the program on the exam. The student only needs to go to classes, carefully study the theory and try to learn as much as possible in practical lessons. And the last stage of the exam is a trip through the streets of the city. It will only be necessary to go where the instructor says.


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