Ability and skills in the resume: how to tell about yourself?

In today's highly competitive environment, it is difficult to overestimate the value of a resume. That it creates the main impression of the employer about you until the meeting in person. The better the skills and abilities are revealed in the resume, the more chances the applicant has to be invited for a further interview and get the desired position.

skills in resumes
Based on the information sent, an assessment of the suitability and viability of the candidate will be carried out, certain conclusions will be drawn and further questions prepared. What you should know when setting out the skills in a resume in order to increase your chances in front of your competitors?

Firstly, there are several types of presentation of information:

1) chronological: all achievements and previous places of work are described in the reverse order (from end to beginning);

2) functional: skills and abilities in the resume are divided into thematic groups (for example: experience with people, experience with technology, etc.);

3) mixed: it merges organically the advantages of both types.

resume skills
Not every employer will read everything that the applicant wrote. Therefore, the greater the skill and skills in the resume, the higher they should be placed relative to the rest. It will be they who will evaluate whether you are suitable or not. In the second half, as a rule, secondary information is left that indirectly relates to the profession (for example, knowledge of additional languages ​​or the availability of certificates for courses and conferences).

Often, the employer asks to relate to the resume the skills and abilities (example: sociability and friendliness - sales assistant), which were especially actively involved in previous jobs.

When writing, you should adhere to several basic principles:

1. brevity. Remember that time is a valuable resource, especially for people doing business. According to studies, the employer spends not more than two minutes reading one application. No one will appreciate the large amount of text you sent. Do not stretch your thoughts, do not indulge in narratives and explanations. Write more compact, reduce what you can reduce.

2. Structure and style. The more uniform the presentation style, the easier it is for perception and understanding. Even if you combine several different types of presentation, try to make them look organic. Use no more than two criteria for thematic separation.

resume skills example
3. Be truthful. Describing skills and achievements, be honest. After all, the interview is followed by, and the interview is followed by work. There is a high probability that the fraud will be revealed. Be prepared to prove and confirm everything you wrote.
4. Literacy. Check the written text for grammar and punctuation errors. In the human mind, literacy is directly related to competence. No one wants to hire a manager who writes with errors. Take your time, devote time to checking.

If you apply for a position that requires creativity, write about skills in resumes is unusual. Try to convincingly and interestingly convey to the reader why exactly you should get this vacancy, how you will be useful in this area. Perhaps, on formal grounds, your resume will be weaker than that of competitors, but having shown ingenuity and ingenuity, you will interest the employer and get a cherished interview.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8709/

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