ABC Finance: reviews. ABC Finance - divorce or not

Beautiful stories about various ways to make money on the Internet, promising almost millions of income and, of course, financial independence, now you will not surprise anyone. We are used to advertising banners claiming to get 1000 dollars a week, various methods of “how to get a million,” and so on. Many of us simply don’t notice all this.

ABC Finance reviews

But there are other approaches to promoting such projects. We will talk about one of them in this article. We hope that after reading it, people who previously thought about what ABC Finance is - a divorce or not, will realize the whole essence of this site, and will not waste time and money on it.

ABCFinance. about the project

To get started, just describe the program in question. So we will understand what we are dealing with, and due to which the site attracts a large number of people.

The main site of the project has a beautiful design and an attractive video insert, shot against a background of nature with smiling, handsome, fit people playing some kind of sports games. Below we find brief statistics: the number of people in the project (at the time of writing, there are 10 thousand participants), the turnover of funds (6.6 million dollars) and the “number of goals achieved” (3152 pieces). The last point is particularly interesting - how the project administrators, interestingly, were able to measure how many human plans they managed to implement, if people themselves sometimes do not know what they want ... Well, okay.

Sparta ABC Finance

It is surprising that on the site you will not find specific information about what the company or people who participated in the development of the entire project do. Here you can find some general phrases about the need to get financial independence for $ 8,000 for six months, then - to collect investments for $ 50 thousand ... and do something else there. No specifics.

Who organized it all

Regarding the organizers of ABC Finance (reviews confirm this) there is also no exact information. On the official website, it is only noted that the “team of professionals” is engaged in everything, making money on the Internet. Their mission is supposedly to help beginners to start earning their income, "achieve certain financial results in the shortest possible time" and so on. Again, we see a complete lack of specificity - what they are doing here, who and for what purpose. Before us is just a site with a bunch of attractive text, but without something clear and understandable.

What are the goals

According to what they are doing on this site, as has already been said, nothing is clear either. They write here that they help build a business on the Internet from scratch, achieve financial heights of some kind there, and a whole bunch more. But they don’t really specify what the income will come from. Where does it all start, in what area will this “business on the Internet” work, who will give you the money, and so on.

Already on the listed points and facts, we can safely say that this project is doubtful. Obviously, having familiarized yourself with the site, it is impossible to accurately describe what this ABC Finance does.

Reviews about him, perhaps, will help to understand more how it all works. Therefore, in the framework of this article, we will try to look for recommendations of people who have experience with this project.

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Reviews on the site and in the group

In general, speaking of reviews, the following should be noted right away: we divide them into two groups. The first ones are those that are posted on the site itself, as well as in the special VKontakte group, on the official page of the ABC Finance project. The reviews located here are significantly different from those that can be found on other portals and various independent pages on the Internet. Therefore, they, of course, we will describe in the next section of our article.

As for the recommendations on the project website itself and in their group, they praise the system and its creators. Without any specifics, people describe how they managed to earn the amount of N in N days (weeks or months); They talk about how from poverty they were able to "step over" into the "club of millionaires" and become wealthy people. Thanks to the project, they also learned how to make money at home. And in general, thus, all these comments are 100% positive and laudatory.

Reviews on third-party sites

ABC Finance divorce or not

The second group of recommendations are those that are posted on other resources. They are of more interest to us, since they are clearly more objective. The authors of these reviews say: the Sparta project ABC Finance (this is its second name) is nothing more than a simple financial pyramid. And promises about learning, developing skills and thinking are just an attractive myth.

People note: under unspecified promises of financial success and beautiful stories, as well as in conversations that someone will be taught something here, a simple scheme is actually hiding.

We reveal the cards

In order to participate in the project, you must pay for the "training". This is a simple membership fee designed to join the pyramid.

Next, you need to attract the same people to earn money in ABC Finance. Testimonials indicate that you will receive up to 85 percent of the contribution amount of everyone you bring. Thus, this will be your profit. In turn, those people should call acquaintances into the pyramid, and so on, and you will receive a certain share for this.

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If you look at the project as a whole, they keep their promise. Yes, they teach their members how to make money at home. And, we admit, for some this may even be possible. On the other hand, ABC Finance is a structure for laundering and generating money from management. After all, you do not earn that you receive a part of the contribution of your friends. You simply redistribute the funds, giving a certain share to the top of that very “pyramid”.

A beautiful site, a video with entertaining attractive people on the screen saver and a lot of beautiful words about money, financial freedom, independence from work and investments are just a beautiful shell that exists in order to lure new participants.

ABC Finance ru

Therefore, remember the main rule. First of all, before registering on sites like ABC Finance, look for reviews of real people on the Internet and read. Only in this way will you understand what this or that structure actually is. After all, having written on the site that it is a simple financial pyramid, any fraudster will sign a sentence for himself. Therefore, no one will bring him a dime.

And, as we can observe, the flip side of the coin is that by painting with beautiful words and pathos phrases what a huge number of people dream of, you can lure naive participants into your system by receiving money from each of them.

Thus, obviously, the organizers of ABC Finance acted. And, let's hope, the numbers of 10 thousand joined - this is false information that is not true. Otherwise, it’s a shame that there are so many naive people around us who are ready to make money in the same simple way.


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