DIY technoplankton: step by step instructions

Every fisherman knows that a fish such as a silver carp is rarely caught on a hook. But in recent years, many devices have been created that can greatly facilitate the fishing process. You can catch silver carp using technoplankton.

DIY technoplankton

What is technoplankton

To understand what it is, you should consider the composition of technoplankton. With your own hands it can be made even at home. Technoplankton is a pressed mixture of various types of feed, pre-crushed and mixed in certain proportions. Outwardly, such lure resembles a keg. Once in water, such a tablet begins to dissolve. As a result, a cloud of particles forms. From the side, this phenomenon resembles real plankton, which silver carp love to feast on in the natural environment.

Is it possible to make technoplankton with your own hands?

Most fishing enthusiasts do not buy expensive bait, but make it on their own. In addition, technoplankton is consumed very quickly, regardless of how the fish bite. High-quality bait, made at home, differs from the factory only in shape. At the moment, there are many ways and recipes for artificial plankton. This bait is not only extruded. It can be placed in a feeder made of mesh and equipped with hooks.

But most often they use a technoplankton press for manufacturing. You can cook such a bait with your own hands. It should be borne in mind that silver carp prefer food that smells of honey and various herbs.

DIY technoplankton press drawings

Basic Rules

To prepare technoplankton with your own hands, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The composition of such a bait should include components that are capable of producing turbidity. Particles should be easily separated from the tablet, and then float to the surface, creating a cloud that looks like phytoplankton.
  2. The bait must be dusting. Particles of technoplankton should separate and settle to the bottom, and then, upon surfacing, make turbidity.
  3. You should not use a variety of components to prepare the bait. It is enough to use about four components.

Which filler to use

The easiest way to make dusty technoplankton with your own hands is to choose a good filler. In this case, you can use flour made from peas, buckwheat, millet, corn or oats. Also in the composition of the bait may include crushed crackers and other components that can be turned into flour.

To make good technoplankton with your own hands, it is not necessary to adhere to certain proportions. However, it is important to properly process the products. Otherwise, the aroma of the bait will not attract fish. For example, cookies and crackers are best cooked. This will enhance their taste. In addition, experts recommend using oat flour in the manufacturing process. It gives the finished bait the ability to actively and evenly dissolve.

an easy way to make do-it-yourself dusting technoplankton

Glue base and flavorings

The composition of the adhesive base should include those components that are able to slowly dissolve in water and lend themselves well to pressing. To make technoplankton with your own hands, you can use:

  1. Maltodextrin, dextrin. The mass of these components should be no more than 12% of the total weight of the bait.
  2. Powdered sugar, milk powder or cream powder. Of the total weight, the mass of these components should be about 10%.

In addition to the main components, flavors can be added to technoplankton. They can be used in liquid or in dry form. These substances should give a stable odor. It’s best to add sweet flavors like vanilla, strawberries, raspberries, caramel or honey.

If complementary foods quickly dissolve in water, you can add a little rice flour or starch to the composition. These components enhance the pressing. However, you should be careful. If you add a lot of starch or rice flour, the opposite effect will be observed. The tablets will begin to dissolve much faster.

If technoplankton is very poorly pressed, you can add a little water. One tablet requires half a gram. The result should be a solid and dry bait, which is very difficult to break.

DIY technoplankton press

How to make a bait

If you wish, you can make a press for technoplankton with your own hands. Drawings can be done independently. But it is best to purchase a simple device. This will greatly speed up the process. In order for the bait to turn out to be of high quality, it is worth observing several basic rules.

Regardless of the composition, the tablet should contain milk powder or its substitutes. This component will create a muddy path. So that technoplankton can be used at the bottom, oat bran or starch should be added to the main components. When they ascend, they will raise turbidity behind them. It also attracts silver carp.

The bait made at the factory has a geyser effect. This is another way to attract fish. To get the same effect at home, a mixture of citric acid and soda or Alcozelzer should be added to the composition of artificial plankton.

Technoplankton must melt very slowly. This process should begin after the bait has been in the water for at least five minutes. In this case, a feed path should appear. A similar effect should last about half an hour. If the bait simply disintegrates in a matter of minutes, then the lure will not work.

DIY plankton drawings

Classic recipe

So, how to cook technoplankton with your own hands? Press drawings found and fixture created. Now you can start cooking the bait. For the manufacture of artificial technoplankton, 200 grams of buckwheat and oatmeal, 400 grams of cornmeal, as well as 200 grams of breadcrumbs, 100 grams of sugar and 100 milliliters of water will be required.

First you need to prepare a syrup. In 100 milliliters of water, 100 grams of sugar should be diluted. After this, all dry ingredients must be mixed. The resulting mixture should be moistened with ready-made sugar syrup. The resulting composition should be thoroughly mixed. To do this, it is better to use a blender.

That's it, the technoplankton mix is ​​ready. It remains only to form and compress the pill.

DIY technoplankton composition

Now you know how to prepare a bait for silver carp at home. This will require components that are easily found in any kitchen. As for the press for forming tablets, it can be purchased at a specialized store or made independently.


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