Hair loss: what to do first?

In the modern world, many people suffer from a disease called "alopecia" when hair falls out. What to do in such a situation and is it possible to correct the situation? Currently, experts say that you can get rid of almost any ailment, including baldness. First you need to find out the cause of hair thinning, because in our body nothing happens just like that. All problems are only a consequence of the influence of certain factors.

Hair loss: what to do and what is the reason?

hair fell out: what to do?

In fact, the starting point that caused alopecia can be both various external factors and metabolic disorders in the body. It is generally believed that men face the aforementioned problem much more often than women. According to numerous studies of scientists, one can make an unambiguous conclusion: to one degree or another, representatives of both sexes are faced with an ailment in equal numbers. Many ladies notice that when they sit on strict lingering diets, their hair falls out a lot. The reason for such a serious side effect is a violation of the nutrition system, severe restrictions on the choice of products and, as a result, a lack of vitamins and other trace elements. Regular stress, often recurring depression, chronic overwork and lack of sleep can lead to a similar result. In such a rhythm, the body wears out quickly, its immune defense is significantly reduced, which weakens its ability to deal with the aggressive effects of external factors. In addition, with caution and only after consulting a doctor, it is worth taking potent drugs. But in most cases, a violation of the hormonal background acts as the true cause, and this equally applies to both women and men.

Hair loss: what to do?

hair falls out badly cause

Today, there are many different procedures and drugs that activate hair growth. Their effectiveness directly depends on the timely detection of the problem. In the early stages, you should immediately consult a specialist, then there is a chance to save the rest of the hairline. The question naturally arises: "When the hair falls out, which doctor will help me?" First of all, you need to make an appointment with the attending physician or dermatologist, he will prescribe a set of tests, the results of which will reveal the cause. If alopecia has acquired the stage of baldness, and you just sounded the alarm, then do not refuse the help of plastic surgery and cosmetology. There are special clinics offering hair transplant services . It should be noted that these operations are quite successful and are able to solve the problem for life.

hair loss which doctor

Hair loss: what to do? Alternative Medicine Methods

Serious thinning can be stopped and even intensified hair growth using natural ingredients. For example, for a long time, onion and aloe juice have been famous for their miraculous properties. Oil-based masks with the addition of a few drops of pepper tincture are considered equally effective . Some experiment with mustard powder by adding vodka or sugar to it. But you should be extremely careful in proportions, since you can get a serious scalp burn.


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