How to open the chakra of muladhara and normalize its work? What is the Muladhara Chakra responsible for?

Muladhara is the first chakra. Chakra Muladhara is the root. Translated from the ancient Sanskrit language means root or base. The first chakra of Muladhara is the center of basic instincts and survival. In humans, it is certainly active. However, the energy in it may be in imbalance (imbalance). This article will tell you how to open the Muladhara Chakra and restore its work in case of energy stagnation. Perhaps you will gain a lot of new and interesting information.


What is the Muladhara Chakra responsible for? Each chakra refers to a material human manifestation (body parts or organs).

how to open muladhara chakra
Chakra Muladhara is the root chakra. It is located in the coccyx and is located between the anus and genitals. Wrong work of the chakra is expressed in the presence of such negative human qualities as greed, anger, aggression.

It is very important to know what the Muladhara Chakra is responsible for. Indeed, the realization of this will explain to the person where the instincts of self-preservation and the feeling of fear come from in us.

Chakra Muladhara Root Chakra
If at some point in time a person feels that all the energy is concentrated on the first chakra, he feels a threat from other people. Such a threat can be expressed both materially and morally in relation to a given person.


The image of the root chakra usually appears as a flower with a square inside it. The yellow color of the square and the eight rays surrounding it symbolize the element of the element of Earth.

Muladhara Chakra is responsible for what
The figure is characterized by stability and grounding. This is a solid foundation. This is where the spiritual journey of each person begins.

How to open the Muladhara Chakra and restore its work

This can be done in several ways. These include active points, meditations, mantras. Next, we will dwell in more detail on each of the methods.

First, pay attention to the hands. It is necessary to find the active point on the right hand - it can be found on the convex part of the radius. Pressing lightly on it with the thumb of your left hand, massage clockwise.

Important: if you feel unpleasant sensations or pain during massage of the point, this is a sure signal that you have stagnated energy in the place where the Muladhara chakra is located. You need to massage the point until the pain subsides. But the important thing is not to overdo it. After completing this procedure on one hand, move on to the other.

how to unlock chakra muladhara

There are also impact points on the feet. The active point is located in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the lower posterior edge of the bone on the heel. First massage the right foot in a clockwise direction, then proceed to the left. If you were thinking about how to open the Muladhara chakra, then acupressure is just what you need. Also, such manipulations will help to balance and unlock the chakra.

Meditation and visualization

These methods help ensure the activation of the Muladhara chakra. How does meditation on Muladhara happen: a comfortable pose is practiced, the spine remains straight, it turns out that it is most convenient to do this exercise, for example, on the edge of a chair.

Turkish posture or lotus posture is not suitable for this exercise. It is necessary to pay attention to the base of the spine - the region of the Muladhara chakra. The opening of the chakra is the release of energy from a rotating funnel. To do this, it is better to present it in red. Pay attention to traffic. If the movement is stable, smooth, smooth - the chakra works harmoniously. The movement is jerky, uneven - a sign of stagnation in the root chakra.

chakra muladhara how to normalize work

Next, feet are taken into account. How to open the Muladhara Chakra? You need to imagine that you are breathing in the pure red light of the Earth. Imagine that this light comes from the center of the planet, rises at your feet and gently envelops Muladhara. Exhale - using visualization, create an image of a red pillar of light flowing from the root spell to the aura, and then again returning to the earth.

The duration of activation is about 5-10 minutes. Upon completion, it is necessary to pay attention to the root chakra and determine the changes that have occurred in its work.

Correspondence of chakras and elements

Indian philosophy has its own view of the universe. It is believed that the universe is the unity of the five primary elements, which include: earth, water, fire, air, ether.

The Muladhara Chakra is associated with the element of earth. Therefore, in her image we can see a symbol - a yellow square. Thus, the main quality of the earth - hardness - is transmitted to a person from the root chakra. As you know, the square has four sides, respectively, and four qualities essential for spiritual development: honesty, directness, integrity and morality.

In the understanding of the Indians, the square is a symbol of stability and order in the universe. Therefore, they believe, life should also be streamlined if one knows how to normalize the work of the Muladhara chakra. It is important to represent the element of the earth as a living being. She, like all living things, seeks exaltation and purification. And this will require getting rid of pollution and toxins obtained during human activities. Mentally give the Earth light and love. Next, start working with the first chakra through the visualization of red light.

How to Unlock Muladhara Chakra with Meditation

Meditation on the earth element helps to open the first chakra. This exercise is best done outdoors to feel a close connection to the ground. Of course, it is not critical if you perform the exercise at home.

The exercise is as follows: you need to stand up straight and straighten your shoulders, rhythmically inhale and exhale, relax and pay attention to the feet.

Connect visualization. Imagine yourself a mighty tree, rooted in the ground through the soles of its feet. Let the Earth feed you with its energy. This will greatly increase your resilience. Say it like that for 3-4 minutes, and then turn your attention to the top of your head. Imagine how a white ray of light penetrates the crown of the head, descends along the spine and reaches the legs, and then goes into the ground.

Thank the Earth that it has nourished you all these years, give it life-giving energy in gratitude for all the blessings provided to you. Imagine yourself an energy exchange vessel.

Unlocking the Chakra through the Mantra

If you are thinking about how to unlock the Muladhara chakra, then you should pay attention to chanting the mantra. Mantras are directly related to breathing practices, so you will need to perform several breathing exercises before singing. To do this, you need to take a comfortable pose, relax and at the same time keep your spine straight. The lotus position and Turkish will perfectly fit here.

To sit more comfortably, place a small pillow under your buttocks. You need to focus on your own breathing. This will help to relax and calm down.

Muladhara chakra where is located

We begin the exercise: count to yourself, count to five, take a breath, count to five again, breathe to the count 5. If you still have difficulty holding your breath, try to breathe to count 3. Gradually, the lung volume will increase and breath holdings will become possible up to 7 seconds. While you breathe, pay attention to the tip of your nose. Try to feel how the body temperature changes when you inhale and exhale. Feel the air passing through and leaving your nostrils.

This procedure should be continued for 5-10 minutes. Upon completion, focus on the Muladhara Chakra. Using visualization, imagine a white light that enters and purifies it as you exhale. This is where the breathing exercises end, then we go directly to the mantras themselves.

Mantra Lam

Singing mantras is performed immediately after breathing exercises. For the Muladhara chakra, the mantra sounds like a lam with deep pronunciation. [M] needs to be pronounced lightly in the nose, the sound resembles [n] in the English ending โ€“ing.

It is necessary to recite the chant mantras, observing the following sequence of actions:

  • deep breath;
  • exhale - open your mouth and sing the first half of the mantra: laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...;
  • open your mouth and sing in your nose ending: mmmmmmmm;
  • take another breath and repeat the mantra first.


If you are even a little versed in music, try to keep the sound of the llama mantra on the note to. However, this is not a mandatory rule, you can choose any tone that suits you.

You need to sing softly. Correctly performed work with the Muladhara chakra will result in vibration in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the root chakra. To achieve this, direct the sound to the first chakra.

The duration of the chanting of the mantra for this chakra should be at least five minutes. At the end you do not need to get up sharply, itโ€™s better to rest in this position. Analyze the state after chanting the mantra.

What is yantra

Yantra is a sacred and mystical symbol. How to normalize the work of the Muladhara chakra using yantra? It helps a person concentrate his attention and conduct more meaningful meditations. Regular practice will increase awareness and, accordingly, will develop the Muladhara Chakra.

Representatives of various esoteric movements, including yoga, use yantras in practice. Each yantra carries a special energy.

Yantra Chakras Muladhara

This yantra is a yellow square, inside which is a red triangle with its top down. Before meditation, you need to prepare an image. Print on a printer or draw on your own.

first chakra muladhara

Sit in a pose that is convenient for you, place the yantra in your field of vision, calm breathing, you can alternate with a delay of 5 at the time.

The duration of the exercise is unlimited, be guided by your feelings. After complete relaxation, you need to focus on yantra. Look at the symbol of the Earth and its hardness - the yellow square.

Consider whether you have an energetic connection with the planet. If you already have a solid base, you do not have to perform the above meditation on the element of the elements of the Earth.

Yellow is a symbol of intelligence; it helps to know what will contribute to your growth and development in the future. Intelligence is the best ally of a person who has just entered the spiritual path. Later, having reached a certain stage of development, he will be able to rise above his intellect.

Then look at the symbol of female energy - the red triangle, which also contains the male phallic symbol.

This duality should give you thoughts about the balance in your everyday life - do you communicate with those people, do you eat food, do you keep the balance of male and female energy, etc.


Think about the integrity of this symbol and the duality that is needed to achieve it. It is necessary to comprehend your own dualism. Think about how balanced are the male and female energies in you . Think of harmony within you and your surroundings. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, you can continue to develop.


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