How to make shelves for a bath with your own hands?

The comfort of a person in a steam room depends on the quality of the finish, the right choice of stove. An important issue is the arrangement of shelves in the bath. This is a required attribute of the steam room. There is a set of rules that make shelves durable.

If you want, you can create them yourself. To do this, it is not necessary to possess deep knowledge and skills. It is enough to consider the standard instructions for creating shelves for a steam room. How to make them yourself, will be discussed later.


Shelves in the bathhouse (photo below) are several benches made of wood. They are installed at different heights. At the same time, the arrangement of regiments is carried out according to a certain scheme. Their design consists of a frame and flooring. Almost any shelf has the same device.

Shelves in the steam room

The frame is necessary to create the basis for wooden flooring. Boards are placed on it or laid without fixing the board. The frame is a pillar support. They look like the legs of a regular shop. The design consists of transverse and longitudinal jumpers. In some cases, benches in a bathhouse remind you of the steps of a staircase.

The frame may not rest on the base of the floor, but be fixed on the wall. In this case, the shops resemble railway shelves with their device.

The flooring may not be fixed to the frame. In this case, it can be easily removed and dried on the street. The flooring should be wide enough so that it is comfortable to sit and lie on. In this case, the flooring may include backs. You should also consider the presence of wooden coasters, which can be used as pillows or footrests.

Recommendations of specialists

Shelves for a bath with their own hands can be done by anyone. It is worth considering the recommendations of experts who are advised to choose the type of structure in accordance with the dimensions of the room. If the steam room is small, the shelves should be rectangular. They should be located against the wall opposite the stove.

If the space is very small, you can consider installing corner shelves. For a spacious room, you can arrange benches in the form of the letter "G". You also need to consider the number of tiers.

How to make shelves in the bath?

The device of several steps from shelves at different heights is required not by chance. Hot air rises. Therefore, the highest heating will be on the upper tier. If a person is too hot here, he can go down closer to the base of the steam room. Here the heating will be less. Tiers can be 2 or 3.


Considering the technology of how to make a shelf in the bath, you need to study the technology of creating a plan for such structures. This is an integral stage of work. If the steam room has windows, benches should be along blind walls. These are essential safety requirements. If the glass breaks due to high temperature or for other reasons, the fragments can injure a person on a bench under the window.

Shelves in the bath do-it-yourself

Shops should be multi-tiered. It should be ensured that there is enough space for people to move in a steam room. Shelves should not block the passage. It is also recommended to make rounded corners. This will reduce the likelihood of injury.

With the arrangement of shops inside the bath, you need to experiment at the initial stage of construction. It is worth creating several different options for their location. This will help you choose the best option.


There are certain requirements for choosing the size of the shelves in the bath. They should correspond to the growth of people who will rest here. If the steam room allows, you need to make benches longer than 1.5 m. Otherwise, a person of average height will not be able to lie on the shelf and straighten his legs. They will be bent at the knees.

Shelves in the steam room

The length of the shelf should be at least 1.8 m. Most people can lie on such a bench without bending their legs. However, the length of the shelves is selected according to the individual needs of the owners of the bath. In some cases, benches need to be made longer than 2 m.

There are also standards for choosing flooring widths. The lower shelf can be 40 cm. Bath visitors almost never sit here. They use this shelf as a footrest. The most common size for shelves is 60 cm wide. It is much more comfortable to sit on a shelf 90 cm wide. A person of any complexion will also be able to rest comfortably here.


The height of the shelves in the bath is also regulated by standards. Creating a plan begins with the upper bench. It should be at such a height that a person is comfortable sitting here. It should also be convenient to whip a broom on the back of a vacationer. The optimal distance is considered to be from the ceiling to the surface of the upper bench - 110-120 cm.

Photo of shelves in the bath

The lower tier should also be at a certain height. It is at least 30 cm. Each subsequent tier should be 40-60 cm higher than the previous step. This indicator varies, depending on the dimensions of the room.

It should be noted that the lower stage should not be made monolithic with the main structure. It is better that this step is pushed to the side. In this case, it can be dried, and the space under the shelves can be washed. If you make the lower step higher than the recommended level, it will be quite difficult to climb and descend.

Wood requirements

You need to create shelves in the bathhouse yourself from certain types of wood. Not all varieties are suitable for this. Hardwood is best suited for these purposes. Coniferous wood, when heated, can release tar. If this substance gets on the skin, it will stick and cause serious burns.

The height of the shelves in the bath

You also need to give preference to those breeds that are resistant to temperature extremes and water. The main quality that you need to pay attention to is the thermal conductivity of the material. This rate should be low.

Wood with low thermal conductivity heats up less. This will comfortably settle on benches. They will not be too hot. In this case, you will not need to use a sheet. It is best to create regiments suitable linden, aspen, larch.

Wood description

Not from any material can be made shelves in the bath. A certain microclimate is set in the steam room . There are certain types of wood that can withstand the effects of moisture and temperature.

Homemade shelves for a bath

One of the possible options for creating shops is aspen. It does not deform and does not lose its color (remains light). This is a relatively inexpensive variety of materials. However, within its structure, this material may begin to rot over time.

Best suited for creating alder regiments. It has a light shade. If you need darker benches, you can use black alder. Linden also withstands adverse steam conditions. However, this is soft material. Its operation requires accuracy. Maple has more solid wood.

You can also make shelves from African oak (abashi). This wood is characterized by low thermal conductivity. Such material has virtually no knots. African oak wood is pleasant to the touch.

Features of fastening boards

Considering how to make shelves in the bath with your own hands, you need to learn about the methods of mounting boards. In this case, it is unacceptable to leave metal caps of nails and screws on the surface of the boards. Contact with them during the bathing procedures will cause a burn.

The easiest way is to deepen the hats into the wood. This is not the only way to fix it. You can fix the boards on the back with self-tapping screws. The most time-consuming approach is fixing with oak wedges. This option of fasteners is also the most environmentally friendly, safe during operation. First, holes are prepared, and then wooden wedges are driven into them.

One of the above methods is attached to the back of the wall base. It is necessary so that visitors to the steam room can sit on the bench. Otherwise, you can lean back against a heated surface and burn yourself. To avoid this, you need to create backs from the same material as the shelves.

Preparation for installation

Even a layman can make a shelf in the bathhouse with his own hands. To do this, you will need to consider in detail the features of the installation structure. It is necessary to prepare the appropriate materials and tools. In the work, the master will use the level, square and tape measure. You also need to prepare a hammer and a mallet, a hacksaw.

Of power tools, a screwdriver and an electric drill will be required. It is necessary to prepare for them cross nozzles and a set of drills. To perform the markup procedure, you will need to use a pencil and a ruler.

The wood must be quality processed. For this, sandpaper with coarse and fine grains is needed. It is also recommended to purchase special wood screws.

Installation procedure

Do-it-yourself shelves are easy to assemble. Follow the instructions. First, measurements are taken using a tape measure. It is necessary to measure the space where the benches will be installed. A slight gap should be left between the shelves and the walls.

In accordance with the measurements, you need to saw off the boards to create the frame. They must be connected using galvanized metal corners. If necessary, the frame must be adjusted to the required length.

On both sides, the beds are mounted on the walls. A bench will be fixed on them. In this case, apply the level. With its help determine the evenness of the installation of beams. Opposite beds should be at the same level. It is necessary to put slats of plywood on the outside of the bed. This will allow you to make a ventilation gap after installing the flooring.

Frames need to be bolted to the walls. They are installed on previously prepared beds.

Installation completion

Shelves for the bath are almost ready. You need to create a flooring for them. It can be removable. To do this, prepared boards need to be fastened into a single system. This flooring is stacked in a frame. After the adoption of bath procedures, the boards are taken out to dry.

Most often, the flooring is made stationary. It is nailed in one of the above ways to the frame. After that, the back is mounted. Also equip all the necessary elements for a steam room.

If the space in the steam room is very limited, you can make a retractable shelf design. If necessary, they can be decomposed. At the end of the rest, the structure is again assembled to its former place. This is one of the possible options for equipping shops. From the boards you also need to assemble a fence for the stove.

A few nuances

There are several subtleties, knowing which you can make shelves for a high-quality bath. There must be a gap between the walls and the floor for ventilation. It should be about 10 cm. This gap can be created using bars. The frame is screwed to them.

To create a framework, a beam with a cross section of 50x70 mm is required. The thickness should be 4 times less than the width of the board. This will allow the wood to fully dry. The number of supports in the drawing should correspond to the thickness of the board. If it is characterized by this indicator of 22 mm, a distance of at least 60 cm must be made between the supports.

Rubber pads should be nailed to the legs of the support. Between all boards you need to make a gap of at least 1 cm. This is necessary for good ventilation. So the boards will dry quickly. They will not develop mold.

Having considered how to mount shelves for a bath, you can create similar designs yourself. Given the simple rules for arranging shops, you can do the job quickly and easily. The result will be great.


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