What to do if a contact has been hacked and how to protect your page from hacking

In the fall of 2006, something happened that greatly affected the life of Runet users. It was then that a social network appeared in Russia, known even to those who do not use it - “In contact”. The phenomenon of social networks in general and Vkontakte in particular can be treated differently. Someone is happy to use the provided opportunities and services, and someone criticizes and even rejects the very idea of ​​a social network. Be that as it may, no one can argue that contact has firmly entered the lives of millions of Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, as well as residents of other countries. With the popularity of this social network, more and more cases of breaking into user accounts began to occur. So why hack contact? Why and who needs it?

The first and main reason is making a profit. How can I make a profit by hacking someone’s Vkontakte page? And it’s very simple: some dishonest website owners use hacked pages to send spam on behalf of someone else. In principle, there are a lot of ways to send spam, and hacking Vkontakte accounts is just one of them. The calculation here is that people trust the recommendations of their people more than strangers. And although this method has a very controversial effectiveness, unfortunately, it is often used. There are other reasons why hacked into the page "Vkontakte". For example, you can deceive a user from money by asking the administration to send a paid SMS to a specific number to confirm the authenticity of the account, or you can simply take revenge on a friend for the insult.

Those who became victims of fraudsters, of course, ask themselves questions: what to do if a contact has been hacked and how to return a hacked contact? The easiest way, of course, is to prevent hacking. How to do it? To give an answer to this question, let’s try to consider what methods crackers use. Often they do not do anything supernatural for this, they simply use the trust of people. If a person inattentively visits a page that, like two drops of water, looks like the familiar “Vkontakte” and has almost the same address, he will put his username and password into the hands of crackers. They can only use the data for their own purposes. In addition to this method, virus programs are also actively used. In addition, crackers can pick up a password or steal data stored in a browser.

In order not to think about what to do if the contact was hacked, preventive measures should be taken. A universal tip for saving your page: do not trust anyone and be vigilant. You must be attentive to the pages you visit, do not give out information about your login and password to the right and left, do not share extra folders in file hosting services, and do not click on suspicious links. The password itself must be chosen so that there remains a very low probability of picking it up - the more difficult the better. In addition, it is imperative to ensure that the antivirus program on the computer is updated in a timely manner.

And yet, what to do if contact has been hacked, despite all the preventive measures? Obviously, if friends suddenly started complaining about spam, the easiest solution would be to change the password, not forgetting that it should be as complex as possible. You can also use the password recovery feature . You definitely need to check your computer for viruses, as well as remove all suspicious programs and applications from it. And in no case should you send SMS, if suddenly the site requires it.

On the Internet, everything is exactly the same as in life. Both real and virtual scammers work based on the same principles. Therefore, in order not to wonder what to do if the contact has been hacked, you just need to be more careful and less gullible just like in life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8737/

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