A post release is a report of a past event.

Today, the holding of any event (large-scale and not very) is accompanied by advertising of the latter in the media. Therefore, not only a journalist, but also any employee of the company, and even more so a copywriter, should clearly understand that a post release is a working PR term that means information material written and published after the event. That is, at the beginning a press release is written, for example, about the alleged arrival of a celebrity in a city, then a post release is prepared and sent out about the event. To who wants to make a good post release on an event, example You can search by yourself. This article will also be useful in this case.

post release this

Who is the post release intended for

The prepared material can be sent to those media whose representatives were able to attend the event (for them this will facilitate the work), and those who did not have the opportunity to attend in person. But, probably, the post release is the material that will interest them and will be published by them. Or it will form the basis of the text they have already prepared. For some media representatives, this is even the norm: not to attend the event, but then to catch up and publish material compiled taking into account the proposed information. If for some reason the press release did not attract attention, then the post release can compensate for this.

post release example

Writing Requirements

Let’s take a look at the points how to write a post release so that I would like to publish it:

  • First of all, the text should be informative. Be sure to list in it the dates of the event, the significant persons who attended it (indicating their positions). Do not forget about the debriefing.
  • The information requirement is applicable not only to the text, but also to photographs. It is unlikely that uninteresting, fuzzy pictures will attract the attention of the audience to which the material is oriented. Conclusion: photos should be of high quality and contain explanations of the people, objects, etc. depicted on them. By the way, photos directly affect the status of the message. And another thing: it is advisable to try to get a person into the frame. Suppose we are talking about the production of lighters, anyway, one of the employees of the enterprise should get into the frame against a well-chosen background (it can be a conveyor), or a buyer holding a lighter in his hand.
  • Description of the event format and setting.
  • Adapting text to a wide audience. The absence in it of dry numbers, common, meaningless phrases. An indispensable quotation of the most striking remarks and statements of speakers.

For writing material, letterhead and a specific template are used.

A post release is a specific pattern.

There are a number of mandatory requirements:

  • The presence of a heading that will help to understand what exactly happened and what will be discussed later.
  • The presence of a lead (introductory paragraph), which is a brief summary of the event and contains only the most basic.
  • The presence of the main text. This part contains a detailed description of the event, its details.
  • The presence of contacts of the person for whom the event was assigned and who will have the opportunity to supplement the information if the information provided in the post release is not enough.
    post release event example

Terms of preparation

A post release, an example of which can often be seen in advertising publications, is written in hot pursuit, without putting it off in a long box. Otherwise, the need for it will disappear, and the media will not have a desire to post material. Indeed, for the modern world, catastrophic obsolescence of news is a normal phenomenon.

So, a competent post-release is a detailed, specific material, for the preparation of which you can use the above requirements and a template.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8738/

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