How to brew coffee in a turk: ​​recipes at home

Real coffee lovers believe that no automatic machine can convey the taste that can be achieved by brewing a fragrant drink in Turk.

And indeed, a drink brewed in a Turk has an exquisite taste and pleasant aroma. But this is provided that all cooking technologies are followed.

When planning to brew coffee in a Turk, you should not only learn the rules of its preparation, but also learn how to choose grains. The taste and richness of the drink directly depend on the right choice of raw materials. The drink, which is made from real coffee tree beans, invigorates and tones the body for the whole day.

In the article, we will consider how to properly brew coffee in a Turk, how to choose grains, and give some recipes for its preparation.

brew coffee in turk

Choosing the "Right" Coffee

Before you make coffee in a Turk on a stove or in sand, on coals, you need to decide on the choice of beans. After all, delicious coffee begins with quality beans.

In the world there are about one hundred and fifty of its species. But the main ones that can be found on the shelves of any store are arabica and robusta.

Often, arabica coffee is used in coffee machines, since a drink from these grains has a more delicate taste and has a slightly expressed bitterness. Robusta is undeservedly forgotten because of a stronger, bitter and rich taste. Although true connoisseurs prefer the latter kind of grains.

how much time to brew coffee in turk

Grain grinding degree

Before brewing ground coffee, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the kind of grinding.

This is another criterion when choosing grains.

There are three main types:

  1. If you don’t like the rest of grains in coffee or decide to brew it in a coffee machine, then it is best to use coarse grains, or, as they call coarse grinding.
  2. The most universal grinding, which is suitable for almost all types of coffee preparation, is medium.
  3. Fine grinding is great for geyser coffee makers and for Turks.
  4. Ultrafine grinding is mainly used for coffee makers, in which the drink is prepared by passing coffee through steam or in case of brewing it in Turkish.

Often all grinding information is on the label. If you make coffee rarely enough, it is best to grind it with a manual coffee grinder.

how to brew coffee in turk

Grain Quality Level

It could be:

  • premium class;
  • highest level;
  • first grade;
  • second grade.

Of course, the best premium grains are significantly different from everyone else. What is this talking about? Such raw materials are grinded into a homogeneous mass with the same grains, has an ideal roasting. Accordingly, the lower the class of grains, the more uneven the grinding, the quality of roasting will already be worse.

Frying is another criterion that is responsible for the quality of grains.

But, unfortunately, there is no clear classification. The concepts are mostly blurry.

It is important to know that the stronger the roast, the stronger and richer the drink.

Those who prefer to drink a weak drink before brewing coffee in a Turk on a stove, pay attention to the label, which will indicate "minimal roasting of beans."

roast coffee

So, summing up the selection of grains, it can be noted that it is best to opt for premium grains of fine grinding. Choose the degree of frying at your own discretion.

When buying grain in Russia, pay attention not only to the information on the label, but also to state standard specifications, which should be indicated there. If they are absent, then it is better not to buy such raw materials.

The choice of the Turks for the quality of the material manufactured

This is another factor that affects the taste of the drink.

Before brewing ground coffee, decide on the choice of the Turks.

Of course, in the age of technology, there is a large selection of coffee machines and coffee makers that greatly simplify the whole process. But Turk today is a symbol of coffee drinking and allows you to get a taste of the drink, which is difficult to achieve using the same machines.

Therefore, before studying the question of how to brew coffee in a Turk, we’ll figure out what they are.

Turks also call cezves and divide them into several subspecies:

  1. Ceramic, although it looks beautiful, but it is rarely used to make the right coffee. Before you make coffee in a ceramic Turk, you need to understand that it is made of fragile material that can crack from fire, and worst of all, a splinter can break off and fall inside during the preparation of the drink.
  2. Clay. With its help, you can get a tasty and rich aromatic drink. But it must be borne in mind that clay is a material that absorbs all odors. And in order not to mix aromas, it is best to brew one type of coffee in a clay Turk.
  3. The most suitable and popular is copper turk. It has a thick bottom, so that the liquid warms up evenly and boils slowly. And this allows the grains to boil sufficiently.
copper turk

Turks from other metals, such as gilding or silver, it is better not to use. Their only advantage over the others is a beautiful appearance, but they are absolutely not suitable for preparing a drink. Such Turks can be used only as a decor.

The size of the cezve also affects the quality of coffee

It is better to brew coffee in a Turk with a wide and thick bottom and a narrow neck. If the appearance of the cezve resembles a funnel, then the coffee will boil away more slowly. This option is perfect for beginner coffee lovers.

The volume of the Turks should be calculated per serving. No need to choose large ones. So the drink will turn out much tastier. It is best to stand at the stove and brew a drink several times than to cook at a time, but less tasty.

We make coffee in Turk. The right recipe

There are a large number of recipes for making coffee, but they are all based on the basic technology of preparation.

Having figured out what kind of coffee is brewed in a Turk and how to choose it correctly, we proceed to the brewing process. Perhaps the most important thing in making delicious and aromatic coffee.

In fact, this is a very simple procedure that requires a minimum amount of time and care.

Cooking a delicious drink begins with cold water. Better yet, it should be icy.

Ground coffee is poured just like that. Cezva is put on fire and brewed until boiling.

It is important that the water does not boil away, otherwise coffee loses all its properties. Therefore, if you missed the moment of boiling, it is best to prepare the drink again and not poison your body with a tasteless and low-quality drink.

Before pouring it into a mug, it must be scalded with boiling water. Cold dishes will reduce all your efforts to zero.

You do not need to drink coffee immediately, but wait a few minutes until all the thickets settle to the bottom. If you absolutely do not like coffee sediment, it is better to strain the liquid after cooking.

what coffee is brewed in turk

Features of making delicious coffee

We examined the basis of the preparation of the drink. But there are a large number of variations of its preparation.

For lovers of sweets, before pouring coffee into a Turk, it is better to add sugar and pour it with water. You can also add sugar before removing the Turks from the fire.

If you are a lover of coffee seasoned with spices, it is best to mix them immediately with grains and cook together. Milk is added directly to cups.

To get the foam, you need to collect it directly during the cooking process and put it on the bottom of the cup. It will turn out not only a delicious drink, but also a beautiful one.

If you do not have time to wait for the water to boil, then you can pour the grains with boiled water in the kettle and let it brew for a few minutes.

But this will not be a classic recipe, and its quality will be much lower.

How much time to brew coffee in a Turk

There is no specific time. It all depends on the thickness of the wall of the Turk, the level of fire on which it stands, as well as its size.

It is necessary to cook until a dense foam with small bubbles appears. These are the first signs of boiling a drink. Maximum, in order to brew a strong drink, it will take four minutes. With a longer procedure, when the coffee has time to boil, it will lose its aroma and rich taste.

How to make coffee with thick foam

This process will take a little longer than usual. To prepare it, you will need one hundred milliliters of water, finely ground coffee, sugar or spices to taste.

Sugar with coffee pour cold water and put on a slow fire. We bring to a boil as soon as the foam appears, set the Turk off fire and wait until it drops.

This procedure must be carried out four to five times. It is important to ensure that the foam does not fall.

The secret of such coffee is that the foam is not only dense, but also tasty. And beneath it is languishing coffee, which acquires a wonderful aroma.

Milk coffee in Turk

As an option, we have already considered that when preparing coffee with milk, the latter must be poured directly into the cup with the finished drink.

Another option is to use milk instead of water. On a low fire, bring it to a boil, remove from heat and, before pouring into a mug, let it brew for a few minutes.

It can also be brought to a boil several times in a row. In between it is necessary to remove, wait until the foam drops a little, and put it on fire again.

thick foam

We examined how to brew coffee in a Turk. Having tried to make a drink using one of the above methods, you can no longer refuse it and replace it with a soluble one.


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