Classic edged manicure

Classic cut manicure is the most common type of manicure used in our country. Since water procedures are widely used with it, it can very well be considered wet. As with any kind of nail care, it has its own technique.

Cut manicure: execution

First you need to get rid of the remnants of the old varnish. Now we bring the nails to the necessary form with a nail file. This is done exclusively on dry nails, since when sawing wet nails, they are damaged, due to which delamination can begin. It is advisable to choose a nail file on a cardboard or rubber basis, do not use metal ones. If your nails are strong enough, then you can use a sapphire or sand file.

After this procedure, it is worth soaking your nails in a bath with the addition of a special solution, which is designed to soften the cuticle in order to prepare it for removal. This is done for five minutes. Such a bath has a relaxing and calming effect on the skin. The simplest but most effective option is to use a solution of sea salt. On this circumcised manicure does not end, but on the contrary, the most crucial stage begins. Now the softened cuticle should be selected and removed using manicure forceps. Manicure scissors are used for grinding burrs.

Cut manicure: cuticle removal technique

The most important stage of manicure is this one. Thanks to him, this type of manicure was called edged. The cuticle is cut very carefully, using special tweezers. There is a possibility of mechanical damage to the skin, which is why safety measures must be taken. The tool should be well sharpened, be sure to sterilize. Hands need to be treated with an antiseptic. The result of a manicure completely depends on the knowledge of the cuticle removal technique.

There is the least traumatic way to get rid of cuticles. First, you need to separate the cuticle from the surface of the nail, make the first cut, which passes at the right edge of the roller, the angle should be 40-50 degrees. Now the movement of the forceps is directed so that towards the middle of the nail gradually reduce the incision angle, and as it moves to the left edge, increase it again. After the cuticle is removed, a special oil can be applied to the base of the nail to prevent bacteria from entering and the skin to dry.

Cut manicure: the final stage

Now you need to rub the oil or nourishing cream into the skin of the hands with light massaging movements. Using a polisher, you can give the surface of the nails a light shine. If you want, nails can be covered with a firming agent or colored varnish.

Edged manicure has both supporters and opponents. It is it that is used in those cases when radical measures are required to bring hands and nails in order. For people whose skin is rough and the cuticle grows very quickly, this type of manicure is truly irreplaceable. In other cases, most resort to more gentle methods, for example, European or hardware manicure.

When cutting manicure, you can effectively use the procedure for sealing nails, during which a nutritious composition is rubbed into the nail after grinding, and then oil, which gives the nails a beautiful healthy shine. This is an intensive therapy that is suitable for people if their nails are problematic, since all these nutrients are stored for two weeks in the nail plate, strengthening it and stimulating growth.

If all the necessary conditions are met, such a manicure is completely safe, and the effect of it exceeds all expectations.


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