Scenario "Village Day in a Rural Settlement": festive concert, poems about the village, congratulations

In the modern world, for many, life in villages or towns is associated with an old rickety fence near an old house with an opal roof or on a narrow village street. But what if, instead, you just imagine a cozy mansion that is buried in spring and summertime in bright colors, and in winter lulling with the lukewarm sound of firewood crackling in the fireplace?

script village day in a rural settlement

In the modern village today there is every opportunity for a cozy and comfortable stay. Such a residence does not differ at all from the city, but often exceeds it. Own huge, modern house with a spacious terrace is fully equipped with all the achievements of technology, a backyard, a garden with a territory for pleasant relaxation and entertainment - this is an absolute guarantee of peace in peace, which is not in the bustle of the city.

Life in the countryside is completely different from the urban way, its own rules and habits. That is why the scenario of a village day in a rural settlement should be painted mainly taking into account these features.

Since the Old Russian period, holidays have always been given a lot of attention. They personified the preparation for the new, the attraction of prosperity and wealth in each house, as well as the richness of the harvest and good weather. Currently, the holiday has acquired an additional meaning: an occasion to relax, get positive and participate in festivities.

However, “Village Day” is a special kind of event. It is celebrated as a tribute to the place of residence, the adoption of its features, as well as gratitude for a calm and peaceful life. That is why it is especially worth celebrating.

What parts should the event consist of?

The village’s birthday will be successful if all the conditions are met and the features of such an event are taken into account. So, it involves the execution of three main parts:

  1. Preliminary. It includes:
  2. The name of the topic, an indication of the main goals, as well as a description of the participants.
  3. Schedule of major events.
  4. A detailed description of all parts of the holiday with a brief listing of spectators, guests and actors.
  5. Work with literary sources.
  6. Scheduling a script.
  7. Production and purchase of improvised tools, additional materials.
  8. Selection of the main participants.
  9. Buying and preparing rewards for winners.
  10. Preparing a place for the celebration, calculating the start and end times.
  11. Discussion of agreements by the head of the village - this should include the entire village administration.

village administration

Amendment part. It includes the following additional elements:

  1. Checking the performance of all equipment and technical supplies.
  2. Distribution and playing of roles with the main participants.
  3. Propagation of announcements about the event through all types of media.
  4. Distribution of invitations and detour of all villagers.

Main part. It includes, directly, preparation for the event:

  1. Decoration of the place for the celebration of the village.
  2. Arrangement of technical support.
  3. The event itself according to the plan, inscribed in the script of the concert program for the day of the village.
  4. Summing up the event.
  5. Preparation of manuals.
  6. Introducing the results of the event to the masses.

Completing all of the above parts will help make the event memorable!

Basic requirements for the title, the basic idea and the scenario:

These three components are the basis of any holiday. Their correct distribution, compilation and playing out is the result of the correct conduct of an effective and long-memorable event.

The name is a reflection of the main idea of ​​the celebration. The scenario of a village day in a rural settlement should be fully consistent with this idea. In addition, it should be reflected in invitations, which, later, will be distributed between the guests. Thus, the title should reflect:

  1. The venue of the holiday. For example, in the title it may be written: “Day sat on such and such a street” or in such and such a building.
  2. The purpose of the event. For example, it may be a phrase such as: “The birth of our homeland” or “The birthday of the village”.
  3. How would this happen. The title indicates: “Walking” or “Celebratory concert”.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is the name itself and a brief summary of the entire course of the holiday: preparation, use of additional details and so on. It can be very diverse - depending on the desire of the organizers themselves, or on what the village administration wants to see.

poems about the village

After the main idea has been drawn up and approved by the authorities from above, you can start writing the script for the day of the village in a rural settlement. It should include everything from the meeting of the guests to the holding of competitions, festivities and concerts. Here, details such as:

  1. Outfit leading. A full description is the guarantee of one hundred percent transfer of the main idea to the organizers.
  2. Clothing staff. Ideally, if it is fully consistent with the spirit of the event.
  3. Decoration of the hall and the surrounding area. All guests should see the venue from afar.
  4. Preparing packaging and gifts for guests.
  5. Drawing up the sequence of concert numbers.
  6. Drawing up the name of dishes and drinks. It is recommended that they be prepared in sufficient quantities in advance to avoid feverish shopping searches on the eve of the event.

Scripting Work

When a script needs to be drawn up for a village holiday, preliminary activities should be done with the material. However, in order for it to turn out in accordance with the rules and at the same time interesting, it is necessary to withstand a number of conditions:

The study of sources. Here the following series of conditions must be met:

  1. Literature should not be enough. The optimal amount is 4, as this will maximize the topic.
  2. It is necessary to carefully recycle the material. You should choose only that which is one hundred percent consistent with the idea of ​​the event.
  3. It is required to carefully work with the literature of the Soviet period. The presence of the leaders of the proletariat with the mention of Marx and Engels is unlikely to be appreciated by the guests of the holiday.

The main idea of ​​the script. Being the basis of the whole holiday, it should help in writing a full plan of the event. This is a kind of skeleton, on which other facts and pictures are built up.

When the script the village day in a rural settlement found its concept, we can proceed to compile a short list of the stages of the whole event. It consists of content that includes the following items:

  1. The overall plan of the event.
  2. A summary of the entire course of the action.
  3. The list of applied sources.

Along with compiling the content, you should also be responsible for designing the script on paper. On the title page it says:

  1. Name of the organizing company.
  2. The name of the script. Not only the name itself, but also the type of holiday should be indicated: a festive concert or festivities.
  3. Indication of the initials of the author. Full data is written: surname, name and patronymic.
  4. Date of action plan.

congratulations on the day of the village

When compiling the main part, the following sequence should be present:

  1. The name of the event.
  2. What form does it belong to?
  3. Title.
  4. What category of persons is it designed for.
  5. The organizers.
  6. Used materials and equipment.
  7. The main plan for conducting the event.

Correct Scripting

Along with the correct formatting of the text, it is also recommended to comply with all the rules of punctuation and building sentences. The following requirements exist:

  1. Lack of specificity. Generalized sentences should be used more often: the village festival script should be designed in such a way that, in the future, it could be applied in another rural area.
  2. The use of literary techniques is allowed. As them can be used phraseological units and additional words.

With regard to stylistic requirements, they should be as follows:

  1. Composition and brevity. If poems are written about the village, then they should not be too long so that the guests do not get bored. If some scene - then without numerous descriptions and dialogues.
  2. The presence of logic, connectivity and consistency. You can’t write a script in which, for example, at first we are talking about congratulations, and then - sharply - a scene and a salute. The initial plan of the event should be carefully followed.
  3. Lack of cliches and full retelling. No matter how interesting the scene in the manual should be, you should add something of your own to it. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant situations such as suing for copyright infringement. It is also not recommended to use stamps.
  4. The presence of meaningfulness and rational grains. Each spectator present at the event should know something for himself and bring something new out of him.

Requirements for style, design and gifts

The presence of style is an indispensable attribute of all events. It is she who often turns out to be the main component of the general line of the holiday. It is important that the style is present in everything: in invitations, clothes of guests, staff and presenters, as well as in the design of the venue where the gala concert and all other activities will take place.

In addition, the style should be reflected in memorable presentations for guests. Thus, two tasks are solved at once:

  1. Guests receive a lot of positive and joy from owning a gift.
  2. Organizers notify the whole village and beyond.

holiday village script

As for the design, it should fully comply with the main idea of ​​the event. To make the congratulations on the day of the village as efficient as possible, it is recommended to arrange some kind of photo collage with a description of the main milestones of history or arrange something in accordance with the customs or signs of the countryside. In addition, there must be balls at the entrance.

Preparing for the meeting

All festivities begin with a meeting of guests. This, of course, is the shortest part of the whole event, however, it depends on it how well the whole holiday will pass.

It is recommended to pay attention to the receptions for the meeting. It may be a clown at the entrance, giving some funny trinket. Or you can come up with a person in national clothes who gives everyone ridiculous or stylistic ribbons. All this is necessary to create an appropriate mood for everyone and the general atmosphere of the holiday - in general. In addition, you should choose those people who skillfully navigate the approach to each person: all people are different, and what one likes may not be liked by another.

Holding the main part of the holiday

In order for the scenario of the village day to be interesting, it is necessary to pay attention to absolutely all parts of the holiday. One of them is the main part of the holiday. At it, usually, the host of the event introduces the participants and also holds an award ceremony.

You should carefully consider the course of this part. It is recommended to avoid the duration of speeches and calculate in advance the time for it. So, if the head of the district administration comes first and is used to talking a lot, then after it is recommended to make a cheerful pause. Thus, the guests will maintain a good mood and relaxation.

An important element is the involvement of children or animals. So, when introducing the next member of the administration, you can use the presence of the baby, who will announce the withdrawal of the participant. Or, when you open a building during the holiday, you can use a cat, the first person to enter the door or a dog that will cut the ribbon.

The correctness of the selection of leading

No holiday can do without an experienced host who is able to adapt to any mood of the public. It is advisable if this is a man from the same village, well acquainted not only with the customs and features of his homeland, but also with its inhabitants. Along with this, the host of the event should have the following advantages:

  1. Great diction. A holiday will be much more fun and interesting if the presenter speaks not only fervently, but also is understandable to everyone.
  2. The ability to find a way out of any situation. In the event of a breakdown in the scenery or technical equipment, this person should timely switch the attention of the public to another - until the moment of repair and troubleshooting. In the same way, he should be able to maintain constant interest and intrigue among guests and guests.
  3. Good looks. So that the same head of the village council does not blush because of the appearance of the leader, one should choose someone who knows how to dress beautifully and has pretty facial features.

In general, the ability to find a way out of any situation is an important advantage of every professional presenter. And there are different cases: the state of a drunken guest, the absence of an important person, the loss of valuable prizes or awards, and much more.

But what to do if there is no such talent in the village? In this case, you should hire a TV presenter or from a radio station. They have vast experience in conducting large-scale celebrations: they brilliantly recite poems about the village, and also tell many funny cases that will certainly make the audience laugh. And besides, such professionals can easily find a way out of any incident.

Preparing for the feast

After the administration expresses congratulations on the day of the village, as well as all the guests and guests arrive, a mass feast begins. Usually these are huge tables, laden with various delicious dishes, fruits and sweets. And here the most important thing is to choose the right menu.

It should be present the general style of the holiday, as well as ease of preparation: not all guests can go this or that product. Therefore, it is better to cook those dishes that residents are used to. And, of course, the elements of the holiday should be present in the menu: this can be an image of a village in a cake or land in a salad. Using these simple tips, you can always make the holiday memorable.

Photographer Invitation

Absolutely every holiday consists of three blocks: a solemn part, festivities and photographing. The first two parts have already been discussed above. As for the third block, here there are their own peculiarities and nuances.

An experienced photographer should be invited to a village day holiday. He must possess the following skills:

  1. Find the most successful shots. It is not necessary to arrange photographing at the table. You can use various places and situations: during the dance, near the trees and so on.
  2. To be able to adapt to the wishes of the public. If she wants to take a picture of herself in front of the lake, then this picture should be taken and should be.
  3. Be able to navigate in any situation. If the tipsy guest does not want to fit in the frame, then he should be carefully excluded or, if this is an important guest, prepared for recording on film.

concert program for the day of the village

This person will have to be present throughout the holiday, regularly capturing the main milestones of a historical event. In this regard, the photographer must be hardy, resistant to alcohol and with a good appearance.

The final part of the event

Along with the solemn part, walking, feast and photographing, the event should include the implementation of fireworks or any memorable action.

When deciding to organize a salute, preliminary work should be done. It includes:

  1. Preparation of props. It should be purchased in bulk - it is cheaper and completely eliminates the presence of marriage. However, it will be useful to conduct a preliminary check of the fireworks.
  2. Site preparation. Special conditions must be imposed on it: complete isolation from the place of festivities; safety precautions.
  3. Attraction of pyrotechnics. As them should be specially trained people with experience in working with fireworks.
  4. Attraction of ambulance and firefighters. Despite the preliminary work, it is impossible to completely exclude situations such as fire. He, in turn, entails sacrifice. The availability of services will help them, if not completely excluded, then minimize them as much as possible.

An interesting scenario of the village day

At the end of the salute, the event should be properly organized and the public safe. It would be useful to involve law enforcement agencies to remove troublemakers from the site or from the building.


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