Judaism is ... How is Judaism different from other religions? The essence of Judaism

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It was formed in the 1st century BC in ancient Judea. The history of belief is directly related to the Jewish people and its rich history, as well as the development of nationhood and the life of its representatives in the diaspora.


Those who profess this faith call themselves Jews. Some followers claim that their religion originated in the time of Adam and Eve in Palestine. Others are convinced that Judaism is a faith founded by a small group of nomads. Among them was Abraham, who concluded an agreement with God, which became the fundamental provision of religion. In accordance with this document, which is known to us as the commandments, people pledged to abide by the rules of a godly life. In return, they received the protection of the Almighty.

Judaism is
The main sources for studying Judaism are the Old Testament and the Bible as a whole. Religion recognizes only three types of books: prophetic, historical and Torah - editions that interpret the law. And also the sacred Talmud, consisting of two books: Mishnah and Gemara. By the way, he regulates all aspects of life, including morality, ethics, and even jurisprudence: civil and criminal law. Reading the Talmud is a sacred and responsible mission, which only Jews are allowed to do.


The main feature of religion is that God in Judaism has no appearance. In other ancient Eastern religions, the Most High was often depicted either in the form of a man, or in the likeness of a beast. People tried to rationalize natural and spiritual matters, to make them as understandable as possible for mere mortals. But the Jews who read the Bible call it idolatry, as the main book of the Jews strongly condemns servility to icons, statues, or images.

judaism religion
As for Christianity, there are two main differences. First, God in Judaism did not have a son. Christ, they believed, was an ordinary mortal man, a preacher of morality and pious words, the last prophet. Secondly, the religion of Jews is national. That is, a citizen of a country automatically becomes a Jew, not having the right subsequently to adopt another religion. National religions in our time are a relic. Only in ancient times did this phenomenon flourish. Today, it is revered only by Jews, while maintaining the identity and originality of the people.

The prophets

In Judaism, this is a man who carries the will of God to the masses. With its help, the Almighty teaches the people the commandments: people improve, improve their life and future, develop morally and spiritually. Who will be a prophet, God himself decides - Judaism affirms. Religion does not exclude that the choice may fall on a mortal who absolutely does not want to take on such an important mission. And he gives an example with Jonah, who even tried to flee to the ends of the world from the sacred duties assigned to him.

In addition to morality and spirituality, the prophets also possessed the gift of clairvoyance. They predicted the future, gave valuable advice on behalf of the Almighty, cured of various diseases and even took part in the political life of the country. For example, Ahijah was a personal adviser to Jeroboam, the founder of the kingdom of Israel, Elisha - contributed to the change of dynasty, Daniel - he himself headed the state. The teachings of the early prophets are included in the books of the Tanakh, later ones are published in separate copies. It is interesting, but the preachers, unlike representatives of other ancient religions, believed in the onset of the "golden age", when all peoples would live in peace and prosperity.

Currents in Judaism

Over the many centuries of its existence, religion has undergone many transformations and modifications. As a result, its representatives were divided into two camps: Orthodox Jews and reformists. The former piously adhere to the traditions of their ancestors and do not introduce innovations into beliefs and its canons. The second, on the contrary, welcome liberal trends. Reformists recognize marriages between Jews and members of other religions, same-sex love, and the work of women as rabbis. Orthodox mostly live in much of modern Israel. Reformists - in the USA and Europe.

god in judaism
An attempt to compromise between the two warring camps was conservative Judaism. Religion, poured into two streams, found a middle ground precisely in this synthesis of innovation and tradition. Conservatives limited themselves to the introduction of organ music and sermons in the language of the country of residence. Instead, they did not touch such important ceremonies as circumcision, Sabbath observance and kash-rut. Wherever Judaism is practiced, in Russia, the USA, or in European powers, all Jews observe a clear hierarchy, obeying their elders in a spiritual position.

The commandments

They are saints for the Jews. Representatives of this people are sure that during the time of numerous persecutions and bullying, the nation survived and retained its identity only by observing the canons and rules. Therefore, in our days one cannot go against them, even if one's own life is at stake. It is interesting, but the principle "the law of the country - the law" was formed back in the III century BC. According to him, the rules of the state are binding on all citizens without exception. Jews are also obliged to be as loyal to the highest echelons of power as possible, dissatisfaction is allowed to be expressed only to religious and family life.

Keeping the ten commandments received by Moses on Mount Sinai is the essence of Judaism. Moreover, the main among them is the observance of the Sabbath holiday ("Shabbat"). This day is special, it must be devoted to rest and prayers. On Saturdays, you can’t work and travel, even cooking is prohibited. And so that people do not sit hungry, they are ordered to do the first and second courses on Friday evening - for several days in advance.

About the world and man

Judaism is a religion based on the legend of the creation of the planet by the Lord. According to her, he created the earth from a smooth surface, spending six days on this important mission. Thus, the world and all creatures living in it are God's creatures. As for man, in his soul there are always two principles: good and evil, which are in constant opposition. The dark demon inclines him to earthly pleasures, the light demon to doing good deeds and spiritual development. The struggle began to manifest itself in the form of individual behavior.

Judaism in Russia
As already mentioned, the followers of Judaism believe not only in the beginning of the existence of the world, but also in its peculiar end - the "golden era". Its founder will be King Mashiach, who is also the Messiah, who will rule the people until the end of time and bring him prosperity and liberation. There is a potential challenger in every generation, but only the true descendant of David, steadfastly keeping the commandments, pure soul and heart, is destined to become a full-fledged Messiah.

About marriage and family

They were given the most importance. A person is obliged to have a family; her absence is considered sacrilege and even sin. Judaism is a belief in which barrenness is the worst punishment for a mortal. A man can divorce his wife if, after 10 years of marriage, she did not give birth to his first child. The legacy of religion is preserved precisely in the family, even during periods of persecution every cell of Jewish society must observe the rites and traditions of its people.

The husband is obliged to provide his wife with everything necessary: ​​housing, food, clothing. His duty is to redeem her in case of captivity, to bury her with dignity, to look after during illness, to provide her with livelihoods if the woman remains a widow. The same was true for common children: they should not need anything. Sons - until adulthood, daughters - until engagement. Instead, the man, as the head of the family, has the right to income of his second half, her property and values. He can inherit his wife’s condition and use the results of her work for his own purposes. After his death, the husband’s elder brother is required to marry the widow, but only if the marriage is childless.


The father also has many responsibilities to the heirs. He must devote his son to the subtleties of the faith that the holy book preaches. Judaism relies on the Torah, and the child studies it under the guidance of a parent. The boy also masters the chosen craft with his help, the girl receives a good dowry. Little Jews respect their parents very much, follow their instructions and never cross them.

judaism culture
Up to 5 years old, mother is engaged in religious education of children. She teaches babies the basic prayers and commandments. After they are sent to school at the synagogue, where they learn all the biblical wisdom. The training takes place after the main lessons or on Sunday morning. The so-called religious adulthood occurs in boys at 13 years old, in girls - at 12. On this occasion, they organize various family holidays, which symbolize the person's entry into adulthood. From then on, young creatures must constantly attend the synagogue and lead a pious lifestyle, as well as continue further in-depth study of the Torah.

The main holidays of Judaism

The main one is Passover, which the Jews celebrate in the spring. The history of its occurrence is closely related to the period of the Exodus from Egypt. In memory of those events, Jews eat bread from water and flour - matzah. During the persecution, people did not have time to prepare full-value cakes, so they were content with their lean analogue. Also on the table they have bitter greens - a symbol of Egyptian enslavement.

During the Exodus, they also began to celebrate the New Year - Rosh Hashanu. This is a September holiday that proclaims the kingdom of God. It is on this day that the Lord judges mankind and lays the foundation for those events that will happen to the people next year. Sukkot is another important autumn date. During the festival, the Jews, praising the Almighty, live for seven days in temporary sukkah buildings covered with branches.

Hanukkah is also a big event for Judaism. The holiday is a symbol of the victory of good over evil, of light over darkness. It arose as a memory of eight miracles that occurred during the rebellion against Greco-Syrian rule. In addition to these main observances, Jews also celebrate Tu Bishwat, Yom Kippur, Shavuot and others.

Food restrictions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism - each religion has its own characteristics, some of which apply to cooking. Thus, Jews should not eat “unclean” foods: meat of pigs, horses, camels and hares. They also banned oysters, shrimp and other marine inhabitants. The right food in Judaism is called kosher.

the essence of judaism
Interestingly, religion forbids not only certain products, but also their combination. For example, taboo - dairy and meat dishes. The rule is clearly observed in all restaurants, bars, cafes and canteens of Israel. To ensure that these dishes are as far from each other as possible, they are issued in these establishments through different windows and cooked in a separate bowl.

Many Jews worship kosher food, not only because this rule is spelled out in the Torah, but also for the sake of healing their own body. After all, this nutritional scheme has been approved by many nutritionists. But here it can be argued: if pork is not so useful, then what seafood is guilty of is not known.

Other features

The culture of Judaism is rich in unusual traditions, incomprehensible to representatives of other faiths. For example, this applies to circumcision of the foreskin. The ceremony is carried out on the eighth day of the life of a newborn boy. Having become fully grown, he is also obligated to let go of his beard and sideburns, like a true Jew. Long clothes and a covered head are another unwritten rule of the Jewish community. Moreover, the cap is not removed even during sleep.

judaism holidays
The believer is obliged to honor all religious holidays. He must not offend or insult his fellow men. Children at school learn the basics of their religion: its principles, traditions, history. This is one of the main differences between Judaism and other religions. We can say that babies absorb love for religion with their mother’s milk, their piety is transmitted literally by genes. This is probably why the people not only survived during the time of its mass destruction, but also managed to become a full-fledged, free and independent nation that lives and lives on its own fertile land.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8755/

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