How to make a drywall partition with your own hands

Redevelopment of an apartment or house is a responsible event. For this, different materials are used. To carry out the redevelopment quickly and simply, drywall is used. This material has a lot of positive qualities. How to make partitions from drywall with your own hands will be discussed later.

Drywall Features

One of the most commonly used materials in modern construction is drywall. He has a lot of positive qualities. Therefore, it is often used in various redevelopments. A photo of a plasterboard partition with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction for the construction of which requires detailed consideration, is presented below.

Do-it-yourself decorative plasterboard partition

This material has appeared on the building materials market relatively recently. Even 20 years ago, only some builders knew about such material. Massively apply drywall for construction purposes began relatively recently. To create a partition, previously used a brick. However, today plasterboard partitions are more and more common.

This material is easy to install. It can not only be easily cut and mounted on a frame, but also create real designer objects for interior decoration. Using drywall, you can create a finish of any shape. At the same time, the ease of installation allows even a novice to cope with the task.

Drywall sheet (as the name implies) consists of gypsum and other additives. This material has a porous structure, so it lets steam through. This allows you to adjust the indoor microclimate, making it healthy. With high humidity, the material absorbs it. If the air becomes drier in the room, drywall will give the accumulated moisture to the space.

Do-it-yourself gypsum plasterboard decorative wall is built quickly. In this case, you can choose the material that best suits the conditions of the room. On sale is a regular, moisture-resistant material, as well as sheets that are resistant to high temperatures. You can also choose a very durable drywall. It incorporates a special reinforcement.

It is also worth noting that a self-made partition for plasterboard zoning does not exert high pressure on the floors. It is a lightweight material. However, its cost remains acceptable. When carrying out construction using drywall sheets, you can reduce costs by more than 25%. This material is environmentally friendly, which is also an important factor when choosing materials for repair indoors.

Profile for frame

Almost everyone can make partitions from gypsum cardboard with their own hands (photo is presented below). However, this will require a detailed review of the instructions for the entire process.

Drywall sheets are mounted on a special metal frame. For this, a different profile is used. On sale many options for such materials. When choosing, it is worth paying attention to a special profile for creating partitions. Ceiling varieties are not suitable in this case.

DIY plasterboard partitions step by step instructions

On sale are profiles of two types. They can be rack-mount (PS or CW) or guides (PN or UW). They differ in size. To make a drywall partition with your own hands, you will need to purchase a sufficient amount of both of these types of profiles. A solid frame is assembled from them.

Guide profile (PN) is available in 4 sizes. After marking the PN, numbers follow that indicate the width of the cross section of the structure. So, on sale are profiles that can be marked with the numbers 50, 65, 75 or 100. This suggests that the cross-sectional width in millimeters of the profile corresponds to the specified figure. At the same time, the height of the rectangle that is formed on the slice is equal for all sizes to 40 mm. The length of the PN profile is always 3 m.

Do-it-yourself construction of drywall partitions also involves the use of a rack profile. This type of structural elements can also be 4 sizes. The cross-sectional height of such a profile is always 50 mm. The length may vary. The cross-section of the rack profile can be 50, 65, 75 and 100 mm. Such dimensions were not chosen by chance. Rack profiles must have the same dimensions of the side for fixation as the guide rails.

Rack profiles can be 3 to 4 m long. Such structural elements cannot be extended. Therefore, you should purchase a size that corresponds to the dimensions of the room.

To build an interior partition, you should not purchase profiles with a width of 50 or 65 mm. They are not strong enough for these purposes. Ideally, if the installer will use the profiles PS-100 and PN-100. In this case, the thickness of the partition will be 12.5 cm. This must be taken into account when developing the floor plan and the zoning process. If it is unacceptable to make such a thickness of the partition, a profile with a width of 75 mm is allowed. The partition in this case will be thinner. Its thickness will be 10 cm.

1st step. Preparatory work

Creating zoning of the room with a plasterboard partition with your own hands, you need to create a room design. This work does not require a master of complex calculations. He should draw a room to scale. Next, select a place to install the partition. You must also consider whether it will be a blank wall or there will be a door in it. If decor items, cabinets or shelves will be hung on the wall, special jumpers are provided on the plan in appropriate places.

Creating a drawing is a mandatory step in the work. This allows you to consider several options for the location of the partition and select the appropriate project. Also, using the drawing, the amount of materials that are required for installation is counted.

Do-it-yourself drywall interior partition

Creating a partition of drywall with your own hands with a door, you need to purchase a sufficient amount of materials in accordance with the prepared plan. This will require profiles PN-100 and PS-100. A sealing tape is also purchased. Drywall sheets must have a thickness of at least 12.5 mm. They will need to be fixed with dowels. Also, the construction level should be used in the work. Its length should be 2 m. A chopping cord will also be needed.

You also need to purchase a sickle. This is a special reinforcing tape for finishing seams. The hammer, tape measure, puncher, screwdriver is also used in the work. To be able to properly cut drywall, a special construction knife is used. He must have a new sharp blade. You should also purchase scissors for metal.

It is necessary to purchase self-tapping screws for metal, as well as with a press washer. A suitable putty should be purchased. It is needed for sealing joints (for example, "Uniflot"). An acrylic primer and soundproofing material are also useful. You should purchase a set of spatulas (wide, narrow, as well as for finishing corners).

If some complex equipment is not at hand, it can be rented. However, it is easier if all the tools are proprietary. Each master knows the features of a particular tool and is used to working with them. Experts say that KNAUF produces a quality profile.

Markup (second step)

So, we make a drywall partition with our own hands. First, you need to do the layout in the room. To do this, you need to apply a plan prepared in advance. Most often, partitions are made with a door. From the wall with the window you need to measure the desired distance using a tape measure. Marks are made on each side wall. Using the construction level, two vertical lines must be drawn. They must be even.

Next, the vertical lines need to be connected along the ceiling and floor. To do this, you need to use a chop cord. This is a material that is coated with colored chalk. It is pulled between two points (vertical lines), then it is pulled a little and released. The result is a perfectly flat line on the surface. It is necessary to deviate from the drawn lines 10 or 12.5 cm (depending on the redevelopment project).

Next, you need to mark the doorway. This is also done as planned. For the opening you will need to create a structure from profiles. However, it will definitely need to be made stronger. If you are using a KNAUF company profile, you can follow a simple procedure. To do this, you need to insert a second rack beam into one rack beam.

DIY construction of drywall partitions

You can also build a partition from drywall with your own door from another profile. However, in this case, this method of reinforcing the structure to create an opening in the wall will not work. In this case, it will be necessary to insert into the structure a beam with the dimensions corresponding to the profile. You can also apply a different technique. So, next to the doorway will be installed another additional profile.

It should be noted that when using the PS-100 profile, the maximum weight of the door leaf should be 40 kg. Therefore, structural reinforcement is required. In the process of marking, you need to consider that the width of the door leaf is usually 80 cm (or more). The opening under such a door should be 8 cm wider. This is reflected in the marking. Only after rechecking all the drawn lines can you start installing the profile.

Expert Advice

How to build a plasterboard partition with your own hands? This question interests many residents of houses and apartments. Due to the lack of space in the dwelling, it is required to equip separate zones in already operated rooms. For this, drywall is used. Before you start installing the profile, you will need to finish the walls. It should involve the creation of subsequent decorative finishes.

Indoor walls and floors can be uneven. Right angles in a room are rare. The difference in distance in different parts of the room may vary by several centimeters. Therefore, when marking, you will need to take into account the position of both walls. You can not be attached to only one of them. So the curvature of the room will be very noticeable. Therefore, the distance will need to be averaged. Experts advise not to neglect this requirement in order to avoid the visual curvature of the room.

Do-it-yourself partition wall in a drywall room

It is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions when building a partition from drywall with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction involves creating a frame. However, if all the walls in the room will be sheathed with such sheets, you must first mount the frame not only for the partition, but for the whole room.

When creating a markup for the first line of the wall, you need to take into account that it will be required to align the profile of the PN. The thickness of the selected drywall (12.5 mm) must also be added to this mark. A putty layer will be applied to the mounted sheets, which will also need to be taken into account in the calculations.

Rack profiles should be 1 cm shorter than the height of the room. This must be remembered when cutting material. When installing the PS profile, you need to determine where the stiffener is located on the metal product. The profile is set with this edge in the direction from which the cladding will be performed. Otherwise, to make a drywall partition with your own hands will not work. She will have small humps. In other words, if the cladding will be carried out from right to left, then the stiffener must be turned to the right side.

Step number 3 - setting the profile

Next, you need to install the profiles, following the requirements of the step-by-step instructions. It is relatively easy to build partitions from drywall with your own hands. First, you need to make markings to create holes for the dowels. For this, a guide profile is applied to the surface. In appropriate places, holes are made through the plank material. Dowels should fix the profile at the edges and be at a distance of 50-80 cm from each other.

Next, the profile is removed from the surface and holes are made in the base of the corresponding depth using a puncher. A sealing tape is mounted to the guide profile. It has a special adhesive base that allows you to quickly fix. The presence of a tape between the profile and the base of the ceilings and walls is a mandatory building requirement.

Drywall mounting do-it-yourself partitions

It should also be taken into account that when choosing fastening material, it is taken into account which material the walls and floors are made of. For concrete, dowels of 7.5 cm long are used. If the building is wooden, it is quite possible to do with self-tapping screws 4.5-5 cm long. If necessary, you can cut the profile using special metal scissors or a grinder.

When the installation of the guide profiles is completed, you will need to install the rack elements of the frame. The first one should fit snugly against the wall. It is also inserted into the guide profile and fixed with a notch. This profile is also recommended to be pasted with sealing tape. This greatly improves the soundproofing qualities of the structure.

The position of the rack profile is checked using the building level. It should stand strictly upright. The first PS profile is fixed to the wall with dowels. In an apartment with concrete partitions, you can use fasteners 7.5 cm long. In a private house with marl walls, you will need to use dowels 12-14 cm long.

Next, the installation of racks continues in the process of installing a drywall partition with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions allow you to complete this process correctly. Profiles are set in order. They should be located in increments of no more than 1 m. It is better to mount them more often. The recommended step is 40 cm. The dimensions of the drywall sheets must also be taken into account. Given this indicator, the distance between the racks is 60 cm.

It is worth considering that the second PS profile must be installed from the first at a distance of 20-50 cm. When choosing the distance between the racks, you need to take into account that the edges of the drywall sheets must fall clearly in the middle of the profile. It is very important. Each rack must be secured by a notch to the guide structures. It is also worth considering that the sheet should not be at least 30 cm wide.

Creating a doorway (4th step)

Next, a doorway is installed in the partition from drywall with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions include installing a jumper. Rack profiles must be installed in order to create a doorway. Since it will be wide, the door leaf will be attached to it, the racks must be strong. For this, a bar is used.

Next, you will need to install a jumper. It will correspond to the height of the doorway. It is necessary to cut off a piece of the profile, which will be 20 cm longer than the opening. The side faces of the profile must be cut. Next, the profile is bent. On each side should be a kind of "ears." The result is a design in the form of the letter "P". Its sides should be 10 cm long. Using these sections, the profile is attached to the rack profiles. Using self-tapping screws, the crossbar is fixed so far only inside the opening. When the do-it-yourself gypsum wall partition will be sheathed, in these places self-tapping screws will be installed through the sheets.

Next, over the crossbar, you will need to install two more rack profiles. They should be arranged in 40 cm increments. To do this, the profiles are fixed with self-tapping screws. When choosing the location of the rack profiles, it is very important to consider the distance between these slats above the partition. When all the structural elements are assembled, it will be possible to proceed to the cladding using sheets of drywall.

5th step - facing

Do-it-yourself installation of drywall for the partition begins only after complete assembly of the structure. If all its elements are installed evenly, you can proceed with the casing. Suppose this process is carried out on the right side. The first sheet will reach the extreme rack above the doorway. Its width is usually 60 cm. The sheet must be immediately cut off in accordance with the design features. Some craftsmen prefer to first mount a drywall panel, and then trim it. The choice of methodology depends on the preferences of the wizard.

Do-it-yourself drywall partitions

The sheet is sewn so that there is a gap of 1 cm from the floor to it. A distance of 0.5 cm needs to be made under the ceiling. Most often, one sheet is mounted first at the bottom, and then a small piece of drywall on top.

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Having considered how to create a partition from drywall with your own hands, you can re-plan and create the necessary zoning in the room with your own hands. Work does not require a lot of effort and time.


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