Baltic cruises: the intricacies of sea voyages and routes

Want to combine a trip on a beautiful ship with sightseeing? And at the same time, everything should be like in a hotel with All Inclusive and plenty of entertainment on board? So that every day you are met by a new city, or so that the spectacular beauty of the distant shores opens before you? All these pleasures are given to tourists by sea cruises. The Baltic, unlike the southern seas, is attractive to travelers for its low prices. In this short essay, we will consider water travels in this water area. When is the best time to hit the road? Which cruise to prefer? How much is it? What can be seen during the trip? What do those tourists who have already cruised the Baltic Sea recommend taking into account ? We will give answers to these questions below.

Baltic cruises

Pros and Cons of Baltic Cruises

Although this water area belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, it belongs to the “inland” seas. From the north it is surrounded by an extended Scandinavian peninsula, from the south - the coast of Poland and Germany. The territories of Russia and the Baltic republics are located in the east of the sea, and the Danish archipelago closes it from the west. Such a location inside the land makes the Baltic Sea a fairly calm area. There are no severe storms and strong currents. This circumstance makes cruises in the Baltic Sea completely safe and attractive even for those who cannot stand the slightest pitching. Sea travel is not a 24-hour stay on board. On the contrary, land excursions are included in the cruise program. But tourists do not shake for many hours on the bus to come to an interesting city. And they spend the night in cabins aboard their cruise ship. As for the minuses of traveling in the Baltic, reviews say only one thing: the northern weather does not favor sea bathing. Water in the water area in July-August only warms up to +17 degrees.

Baltic cruises from St. Petersburg

When to go on a cruise in the Baltic

There is no one established opinion on this issue. Some like to watch white nights from a cruise ship, while others like the northern lights. Many tourists recommend going on a sea ​​voyage from May to September. But Christmas and New Year cruises in the Baltic are also popular. The tourist season in this sea experiences only two recessions a year. This time is from mid-January to the end of April and from mid-October until the Christmas holidays in Europe (December 20). When choosing a time for a sea voyage, it should be noted that some parts of the Baltic Sea freeze in winter. Therefore, the number of cruise routes is reduced. But the west, the more you feel the breath of the warm Gulf Stream. And the winter trip will be no less interesting than the summer one. After all, a visit to the village of Santa Claus is included in the New Year's excursion program.

Baltic cruise from saint petersburg

Popular Routes

For Russians, the departure point for a Baltic cruise is reasonably St. Petersburg. After all, this city is located on the Gulf of Finland. But there may be options. For example, Baltic cruises from Minsk. Ships depart from the port of Riga or Tallinn. Such sea voyages differ from each other not only in duration, but also in saturation. You can choose combined tours, for example, sea cruise + beach vacation. Or with a ride deep into the mainland (sailing a liner to German Kiel and a two-day bus excursion to Berlin). There are also routes that are designed specifically for lovers of northern nature. Such cruises involve not only visiting cities, but also swimming in the Norwegian fjords or traveling through the countless islands of the Åland archipelago. There are many routes, the name of which includes the words "Baltic capital." It should be borne in mind that the port of departure (for Russians - St. Petersburg) is also considered. Thus, if the cruise is called “Two Baltic Capitals”, then this will be a simple ferry trip from St. Petersburg to Tallinn or Stockholm and back.

Cruise 4 Baltic capitals

Facilities on board

All ships sailing only along the Baltic Sea and not exceeding its borders are classed with ferries. Tourists from Russia are served by companies such as St. Peter Line, Viking Line, Talink, Silja Line. But do not think that a ferry cruise in the Baltic will take place in Spartan conditions. Modern cruise liners can not even be compared with hotels, but with whole floating resorts. On board some of them there are pools, tennis courts, saunas and other infrastructure. Cabins, like hotel rooms, vary by category. There is an economy for four people and without a window. Such cabins are located on the lower decks in the middle. Facilities for budget passengers are located on the floor. There are cabins with a small round porthole. Like resorts, there are suites and suites on board the ship. They are located on the upper decks and equipped not only with a window overlooking the water surface, but also with a terrace. Such cabins are equipped with all the benefits of civilization.

Food on board

This issue should be clarified immediately with the tour operator from whom you are acquiring a Baltic cruise from St. Petersburg. Most often, sea voyages involve meals on the system of "full board" or "all inclusive", which is reasonable: where can a passenger get to eat on the high seas? But there are also small cruises. For example, Two Capitals. The ship arrives in Stockholm and stands at the port there for two or three days. Breakfast is offered to passengers, after which they make independent or group trips around the city. If you book an all-inclusive cruise, you should ask what bars and restaurants you can visit for free. As a rule, there are several such establishments aboard a cruise ship. There is always a restaurant with couture cuisine, which serves Ă  la carte dishes. You can immediately book a table or do it at the reception of a floating hotel.

Baltic sea cruises

Entertainment on board

You do not have to look longingly for the land in anticipation of interesting excursions. After all, the liner ferry, carrying out cruises in the Baltic, is not only a floating hotel, but a whole resort complex with shops, a casino and a spa complex. And, as in a five-star hotel, passengers expect a variety of shows, discos and other entertainment. On some ships there are two teams of animators - for adults and children. On board the all-inclusive cruise ship, all passengers, regardless of cabin category, can visit the cinema, sauna, play billiards, swim in the pool and, if you're lucky with the weather, sunbathe on the solar deck. So you won’t be bored. There are such cruises, and most of them, when the ship makes sailing only at night, and from morning to evening it waits for its passengers in any port. But you can order a trip, during which you can fully enjoy the view of the boundless sea.

Cruise Myths

Tourists are inclined to transfer to the sea voyages the negative experience that they experienced in bus tours. Do not be afraid that cruises in the Baltic in many countries are associated with long standing at the border and a dreary passage of control. No, all these formalities you go through only when leaving from the first port. Then you pass your passport to the reception of a floating hotel. And every time when crossing the border (calling at a new port), the country's migration service does not deal with each individual passenger, but with a responsible officer of the staff. When descending from the ramp, you will be given a special card, which serves as a pass on board the ship, as well as an identification card. Another myth concerns pitching. But, again, the Baltic Sea is quite calm compared to others. And modern liners are such that the storm is invisible on their board. So you don’t have to give up all-inclusive meals due to seasickness.

Cruise music fjords and Baltic cities

Excursion program

Want to get to know the architecture and culture of the Nordic countries? This can be done by repeating the Viking route along the Great Sea Route, going on a cruise in the Baltic. Reviews report that there is always a Russian-speaking guide on board the ship leaving St. Petersburg. If you are more interested in the excursion program and less in sea travel, then you can choose the appropriate tour. For example, "Three capitals." The cruise lasts five days and six nights. During this time, the ship visits Tallinn and - on the way back - Kotka in Finland. And the third capital on this cruise is Stockholm. In the capital of Sweden, a Costa Mediterranea cruise ship costs a full three days. In any case, each cruise provides for passengers a walking tour of the coastal port city. Many tour operators include a sea voyage program and visits to museums, theme restaurants with national cuisine, water parks, ethnographic "villages", etc. There are also cruises that include bus excursions deep into the mainland. Such trips can take two days (with a stop at the hotel)

Baltic cruise reviews

Description of the route: cruise “4 Baltic capitals”

It seems that we reported on all the intricacies of sea voyages. We now describe the route of one such cruise. As we said, tours in the capitals and cities of the Baltic Sea can be of different durations, and the route may vary in length. Of course, you can go from St. Petersburg to Stockholm. But it will be a short trip rather than a cruise. "4 capitals of the Baltic" - the most optimal tour. The ship leaves St. Petersburg in the evening and arrives in Helsinki the next morning. After a day in the capital of Finland, the ship goes to sea and arrives in Stockholm in the morning. Then passengers can relax from a busy excursion and spend more than a day on board until the liner arrives in Copenhagen. The next day, tourists are already walking around Warnemuende (Germany). If you choose the 11-day cruise “6 capitals”, you can still see Oslo and Tallinn. Combined trips will give you the opportunity to sunbathe in Polish Gdansk or on the German island resort of Rügen.

Cruise “Music of the Fjords and the Baltic City”: description

Norway is the most remote coast of this water area from St. Petersburg. Therefore, on average, tours to the fjords last about a week. But you can surf the waves of the Baltic for ten days or more. Therefore, cruise routes are different. But all of them include visiting the famous fjords of Norway: Hardangerger, Geiranger and Sogne. As a rule, a cruise ship enters the capital of the country, Oslo. Some tours include visits to cities such as Kirkenes and Bergen.

Baltic cruise reviews

In the end

Baltic cruises from St. Petersburg are a great opportunity to see the world and at the same time have a good rest. Such a voyage is a good (albeit expensive) alternative to tiresome bus tours. Many tourists were satisfied with such a trip and would like to repeat it.


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