How to make do-it-yourself microSIM from a SIM card?

Every year in Russia there are more and more new versions of American “iPhones” and “Aipads”, however, no matter how technologies are improved, the main problem with SIM cards remains on the forefront. Our SIM cards are too large in size to fit in that slot. But what to do? Go to America and buy a starter pack there? Of course not. In fact, there are two ways out of this situation. The first is to come to the official office of the company in Russia and order there a SIM card that is suitable in size.

do-it-yourself microsym
The second option is cheaper and easier - to purchase a standard package, activate the card (of course, on another phone, since it will not fit on the iPhone), crop it to standard sizes by American standards and safely insert it into the device like in a regular mobile phone. Just today, we will devote a separate article to the last aspect and tell you in detail how to make a SIM card from a SIM.

Instruction manual

Just note that the differences between the two concepts are only in size. That SIM, that microSIM work on the same principle and have a similar design. Therefore, all you need to do is to purchase a suitable starter pack and start “fitting” the card to the size of the iPhone slot. What exactly needs to be done, see below.

make micro sim from sim

First, we need to take a small piece of paper and draw a template, according to which we will turn SIM into microSIM. After that, we take our card and put it on the same sheet with the template. Moreover, it should be put in such a way that the lines on the image of the paper coincide with the edges of the plastic card - the future microSIM. Next, with the help of the handle, gently circle this object along the contours. As a result, card lines should appear on the back of the paper. You can also use a pencil for this, but you need to use only sharpened, otherwise the contours will be inaccurate, and as a result you will get sloppy work done.

Now we turn the sheet over and use a transparent tape to fix the SIM on its surface. How to make microSIM with your own hands? To do this, take a ruler and with a knife carefully cut the plastic in even lines.

The next step is to remove the prepared card from the surface of the paper sheet. Here we need scissors (preferably small sizes). Cut the excess plastic along the contour and do the same with scotch tape.

The final stage

Now our microSIM is almost done with our own hands, it remains only to polish its edges on the machine. Cut off excess fibers that the grinder has not eliminated with a knife or small nail scissors.

micro sim adapter


Turning a regular SIM into MicroSIM with your own hands, do not cut large pieces of plastic with a knife. It is better to leave the edges and then fit them to the size of the slot than to use cotton or something else as a retaining material or disable it by cutting off the metal layer. Do not rush to action and remember: before processing, be sure to activate the card on a regular mobile phone. That's it, MicroSIM is successfully done with your own hands! You can start its operation and enjoy the freedom of communication. But for it to work again on a regular phone, you will need to buy a micro-SIM adapter.


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