Script birthday child. How to make a holiday unforgettable?

Birthday is a very important day. An adult summarizes, makes plans for the future and analyzes his life. What about the baby? And the child just wants to receive gifts and have fun. Both an adult and a child want lightness, a sense of celebration and magic on this day.

An adult can organize a holiday on his own by inviting friends home or to a restaurant. But the child cannot do this! The organization of a children's holiday depends entirely on the imagination, creativity and earnings (which is really something to hide) of an adult. Today we’ll talk about how to spend a child’s birthday at home. The scenario of the holiday, games and entertainment will be presented later.

birthday script for kids


Recommendations for organizing a holiday and writing a script for a child’s birthday:

  1. Rate your budget. Calculate how much money will go to the celebration. Think about this question in advance so as not to limit yourself after the child’s birthday.
  2. Do not forget to order a birthday cake. Think about sweets (as life practice shows, sweets and cookies remain intact if there are original sandwiches or canapes).
  3. Count the number of guests and notify guests of the date of the celebration.
  4. Organization of the premises.
  5. Do you need to hire a photographer and animator?
  6. Menu.
  7. Entertainment.
  8. Gift to the child.

Unfortunately, the family budget decides a lot. It is clear that wealthy parents can use the services of an animator and completely forget about the holiday chores. But the work of "jesters" is worth decent money. Therefore, many parents prefer to occupy their own children.

baby birthday home script

We save wisely

So, we have several categories of expenses: gift, treats and entertainment. You can save at least two items of expenses:

  1. If you don’t have the opportunity to organize a birthday in a cafe or restaurant, make it at home. If you live in a private house, the problem is solved automatically (in the warm season, a children's holiday can be organized in the fresh air).
  2. You can bake the cake yourself (if you know how to cook), buy ready-made in the store or make custom. The latter option is preferable if the hero of the occasion has a round date.
  3. As for the sweet table, here you can use: sweets, cookies, pastries, fruits. If you want to celebrate at home - ask someone to help you prepare a table.
  4. Inviting guests. To get started, make a list of guests you want to invite to the holiday. If the children are small, take into account their parents. Think about whether you can pull so many guests. Invitation cards are an unnecessary expense item (just call in advance and on the eve of the celebration).
  5. The room should be roomy for guests. Do not forget to decorate the hall with birthday attributes: posters, balls, drawings, garlands, caps. Do not forget about the musical accompaniment of a children's party. Also consider prizes for contests.
  6. Photographer and animator are good when parents can afford it. Otherwise, mom, dad, brother or sister can easily deal with this on their own.
  7. Menu. Cake and sweets are not at all important. This is dessert, the finish line, so to speak. Ordinary children eat quite ordinary food. Make salad, sandwiches, canapes, and other light snacks. Do not forget about the main dishes (especially if their parents will be with the children): side dish, meat dishes, pies with filling, etc.
  8. Fun and holiday script. Here you can not do without planning. Come up with some contests, games, and fun for the kids. Think about how to organize your time. It is good if the event is combined: for some time the children will communicate on their own, and then they will participate in competitions.

Various games and contests are offered for the holiday (games are more suitable for the age of 6-8 years). The scenario of the child’s birthday with contests is presented below.

baby girl birthday script

Game "Broken Phone"

Put the children in chairs in a row. The first participant whispers in the ear of the next any word. It speaks further to the last participant. The last child voices the word that turned out in the end.

After this, the first participant sits last, and the given word is repeated again in a circle. This continues until all the children are in place of the first participant in the competition. As a rule, the result is a completely different word, which causes children's laughter.

Competition "Balloon"

Three contestants should give out one balloon each and turn on the music. The task is to inflate the ball in the shortest possible time. The first one to inflate the ball and tie it up won the competition.

Everything seems simple and straightforward. No matter how! The rest of the children and their parents should make the participants laugh in every way, preventing them from receiving the coveted prize.

Competition "Fishing"

The game is perfect for the scenario for the birthday of a baby boy. For this competition you will need the eponymous game set. It is inexpensive, and you can buy it at the nearest supermarket or children's goods store. Arm yourself with a basin of water, launch the fish, put the participants around the simulated reservoir and note the time. The goal of the game is to catch the largest number of fish in a certain time.

Game "Where did you meet?"

The game is held at the birthday table. The players take turns getting up and saying how they met the birthday boy. The funny thing is that many children do not remember this (especially if they have been friends for several years).

baby birthday script

Competition "Tasters"

Two children are participating, who need to be seated at the table and blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to guess the largest number of products. As guessed objects, you can use lemon, strawberries, chocolate, mint candies, garlic (in small quantities) and other products. Such a game can be included in the scenario of the birthday of the child, both girls and boys.

Game "Kvach"

All children go to the playground and choose kwach. The latter must catch up with someone and touch his hand. The relay is passed to the next competitor.

Active break or disco. Let the children dance to their favorite music. This will discharge them a little. Disco is a great opportunity for adults to take a break and talk about their business. The kids will stretch out and not be bored.

Battle game

All invited guests must be divided into two teams. Participants must dance rhythmically. The team that moved more actively will win the competition. A good option is children versus parents. This alignment will be interesting for all generations.

children's birthday script

Contest "Drawing"

Contestants must be divided into two teams. In the hands of one - felt-tip pens, in the rivers of the second - sheets of A4 paper. Children with felt-tip pens should stand still, with outstretched arms and open felt-tip pens. Those who hold the paper should drive it at the end of the felt-tip pen so that a drawing is obtained. The host can set a theme for drawing - a cake, a ball for the hero of the occasion.

Give each one an inflated balloon and give felt-tip pens. Let each guest write on the ball a wish for the birthday man.

Game-contest "One Extra"

Place the chairs in a circle. Select contestants. The latter should be one person less than the number of chairs. While the music is playing, the guys are running in circles. As soon as the music stops playing, the children sit on chairs. The one who did not have time to sit down leaves the game. One chair is removed. This continues until one participant remains. He becomes the winner, who receives a memorable prize.

baby script birthday contests


To find out what the child wants to receive as a gift for his birthday is not difficult. You can ask a question directly if your baby is already old enough. But remember that a surprise is much more pleasant even for an adult.

Connect your child’s friends and girlfriends - let them carefully try out the secret secret from the hero of the occasion. Do not forget that "useful" in your opinion gifts are not always liked by a boy or a girl. Pay attention to the interests of the hero of the occasion - it is quite possible that the solution is to be found there.

scripts for a baby boy's birthday

The final part of the event

Remember to thank each guest for gifts and attention. Remember that only on adults it depends on how interesting the holiday will be for the child.


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