How to install digital television on TV? Which set-top box to choose for digital television

This article provides information on how to install digital television on a television. With modern technology, you can watch many channels, not only on cutting-edge television receivers, but also on outdated televisions with tube picture tubes.

Fast Aging Technology

More recently, twenty years ago, buying a TV in the family was in the nature of a very valuable acquisition. They saved money on TV or took it on credit. We tried to buy a model more expensive, so that this question would no longer arise as long as possible. Only a few years have passed, and the TVs can not be called old, but only outdated. New technologies have brought such concepts as digital television, surround sound, 3D image and so on to our lives. Improvements come to our life not in years, but in literally weeks. Outdated models can not cope with the task assigned to them.

Not everyone has the means to purchase a new TV. But the solution, of course, can always be found. In cities where cable TV is used in most cases, this is rarely a problem. But how to cope with difficulties if you have moved outside the city?

Where to begin

TV box

If in the country house or in the village where many citizens come to rest, accustomed to choosing hundreds of digital channels, they will somehow show a couple of not the most popular channels on an old TV. But do not go to the city and buy a new TV with a built-in digital decoder. You can get by with small sacrifices and purchase an inexpensive set-top box that will help to receive several more channels. It costs much cheaper than a new TV and satellite dish, and during the rest it may well provide some good options for viewing. To do this, you do not even need to apply for a digital television connection. Of course, at present, the reception of channels using such consoles is very limited, but it is better than only two central channels.

What may be needed

As mentioned earlier, first of all, you need a working TV. Previously, this TV probably worked with an analog antenna. If the reception of one or two channels was clear enough, then there is nothing more to worry about. If on the screen certain interference was observed, then, most likely, you will have to determine the reason that prevents a clear image. First of all, it is worth excluding the features of the terrain. If the place where vacationers try to build bridges to the outside world is in a forest strip, surrounded by mountains and hills, or too far from a television tower, then this may well cause interference. Just in case, nevertheless check the cable connecting to the antenna. From time to time he could very well fail. If the problem of clear reception is detected in the antenna, you will have to purchase it along with the prefix.

Choose an antenna

As always, it is worth noting that the choice of antennas is likely to be quite wide. You can ask the sellers for help to advise which antenna to purchase. But it’s better to try to figure out these subtleties yourself. If earlier the TV worked from a room antenna, then the reception was quite decent and you should not buy another one. For the season you can buy the cheapest of the antennas presented to your attention. Low price is not always an indicator of poor quality. And the antenna in this case is needed only to receive the signal.

If the area has natural irregularities that can impede the receipt of signals, you need to acquire a street antenna. It should be noted right away that it is completely pointless to overpay for signal amplifiers, since they will more likely pick up weak signals that will prevent the console from broadcasting stronger channels. It is better to analyze which antenna is more suitable in a particular case. Woodland scatters a signal. For this problem, a broadband antenna is suitable. If the tower is just very far away, then you should buy a directional antenna. It is worth noting that the answer to the question of how to install digital television on a TV is not so complicated if you approach it with the desire to solve the problem.

Satellite dishes

Someone might ask a question: is it possible to connect a conventional digital set-top box to a satellite dish. The answer is simple: you can. That's just it will not work. A satellite dish is tuned to receive signals from a satellite, that is, from space. Paradoxically, it is not able to process the terrestrial signals that are needed for a digital decoder. How incompatible these two devices are technically can be found in other sources. Here, you just have to accept this fact and come to terms with it. It is quite another matter if the set-top box has in its functions the ability to connect to a satellite dish. But it will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

The choice of consoles

TV box

The next problem is which set-top box for digital television to choose. Their range is so diverse that it will plunge even a professional into gloom. After all, each device has both disadvantages and advantages. In addition, what is a necessity for someone becomes an excess for others, for which additional funds have to be allocated. It is also worth considering that the characteristics of the console must match the capabilities of the TV. You cannot require new-fangled features from a prehistoric receiver just because an advanced antenna is connected to it. In addition, when buying a decoder, specify what connection with the TV is provided in it. After all, not all older models have an HDMI connector. Most likely, you will have to buy a set-top box with an RCA cable, that is, a good old “tulip”, to the old TV. Next, we take instructions and carefully read how to properly install digital television. If you still have questions, read the article to the end.

Brand Compatibility

Remember how all product developers claim that their devices will work more durable and better if they are used in a set of one company. However, they do not deny the possibility of decent work, if you connect a set-top box from another to the TV of one company. As experience shows, this is more of a marketing move, which is designed to ensure that customers purchase goods only from their firms. But at the same time, consumers should have a choice, otherwise equipment that is incompatible with devices of another company will simply not be bought. It is possible for more coordinated operation of the TV and set-top boxes you need to purchase devices from one company. Even better - one generation. However, if this is not possible, it is quite possible to combine. Currently, there are even adapters that can help connect a set-top box to an RCA TV via an HDMI cable. As we can see, technology does not stand still, but there are craftsmen who help poor people keep up with the times. And, perhaps, it’s not such a difficult question, which TV set-top box for digital television to choose.

What to do with all this

TV box

When purchasing a decoder, check its configuration. The box should contain the receiver itself, cable, power cord, control panel, batteries for it and an instruction manual with translation into Russian. It is in the instructions that it is written in detail and even drawn on how to install digital television on a TV. For starters, of course, you need to connect the devices together. This will be carried out in the following order:

  • the set-top box is connected to the TV via cable;
  • an antenna is connected to the decoder;
  • all appliances requiring power are connected to the network.
TV box

Number of free channels

Of course, when connecting, first of all I want to know how to install 20 channels of digital television. This may not always work the first time, but you should not back down.

You need to configure the TV to receive channels through the console. To do this, use the remote control up-down button in the TV menu to select auto search. This is usually enough. The TV and decoder will be combined and will soon find all the channels available to their capabilities.

However, it happens that in the range of multiple channels the decoder detects only a few. Here again, it’s worth trying to tune the antenna, twist it so that it picks up the signal better, and start auto search again. If in this case, the number of channels has not increased, you need to search for them manually. If this does not give the desired results, find the function "Return to factory settings." This usually brings the desired results.

Probably many have encountered similar problems. Do not neglect any tips to achieve the desired result.

Embedded Decoders

TV box

However, if you have at your disposal a television of a relatively recent release and a company that has been working in the field of digital television for several generations, then most likely the TV is already equipped with a decoder adapted to modern requirements, with which it is quite possible to configure digital television. In this case, you do not even need to additionally purchase a prefix.

The cost of digital television

TV box

A difficult question is how much it costs to install digital television. You need to understand that the higher the technologies that are present in the set-top box, the stronger the brand of the company is promoted, the higher the cost of connecting to digital television. If you take into account only free channels, of which there are currently only 20, you will have to spend only on the purchase of a set-top box and, possibly, an antenna. At the same time, if there is no loved one among the 20 free channels, you will have to buy it for a fee from a mobile operator. Currently, even such a purchase is more profitable than connecting via a cable or satellite dish, and the number of channels is increasing tens of times, and among them there are definitely the most popular ones.

If we consider the prices of the simplest consoles, then their cost currently varies from 1200 rubles to 2000. If the decoder is more expensive, then most likely it is a hybrid that can work with a satellite dish or cable. A useful thing if the house has one or the other, and a completely worthless waste of money, if none of this exists.

If there is a sufficiently new TV with a built-in decoder, then the cost of digital channels is already taken into account when buying.

Private house or apartment

TV box

Installing digital television in a private home is a fairly profitable solution. To bring cable television is extremely difficult and unprofitable. Satellite dishes are expensive to maintain and very unreliable in bad weather. Thus, the decision to install digital television seems most relevant for the private sector, whether it is a city or a village.

However, you can often see how to install digital television in the apartment. There is absolutely no difference in how to connect the set-top box to the TV or tune in the channels. It is possible that there will be difficulties in receiving the signal if it is blocked by the houses next to you and there is no way to move the antenna to another place. Otherwise, everything is absolutely identical. There is no big difference in how to install digital television on a television in a private house or apartment.

Features of the Samsung TV

Owners of televisions of this brand have long been convinced of the excellent quality of the equipment of this company. However, like any other Samsung equipment, TVs are not too similar to their counterparts from other manufacturers. That is why the question so often arises: how to install digital television on the Samsung TV? The question is not at all idle. Some articles recommend transferring the case into the reliable hands of a trusted specialist, rather than tormenting ourselves. But there are also those daredevils who are sure that a little patience - and the goal will be achieved. Here is an example action algorithm for those who decide to set up their TV themselves.

In order to set up a TV without a console, you need to make sure that it has a built-in decoder. In many models it is present. In addition, it is an adapted option for connecting cable television. If inside the TV there is no magic opportunity, you will also have to purchase a prefix. The connection to the TV and antenna is the same as on other TVs, but the channel setting is slightly different. The difficulty lies in the fact that the interfaces of various Samsung TVs can vary greatly. This will complicate the self-tuning of channels. But it's still worth a try.

To get started, go to the TV menu. We select the item "Broadcast", then - "Auto tuning" and again "Auto tuning". The next choice is Start. Then a window appears on the screen, in which it says "Antenna", we need it. By “Type of channels” we select “Digital and analogs”. Finally, click the “Scan” button. This starts auto-search for channels, which can last several minutes. When the search is completed, smart equipment will notify you of the number of detected channels. Sometimes, for the final completion of the process, you will need to select the "Close" button and enjoy all available channels. If the above commands do not appear on the screen, they are most likely replaced by words that are similar in meaning.

Smart TV box

This is the prefix with which the TV practically acquires the functions of a computer. However, it is worth noting here that there is no need to purchase a smart set-top box for a tube TV, since it is completely unsuitable for a set-top box.

Many models released just 5-6 years ago may also not support all the features of this smart box. But if you have a television of the latest generations, then you should not save on a set-top box, since in a pair they can very well replace the family and the computer, and a pretty decent multimedia receiver.


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