Beautiful and original manicure for September 1: interesting ideas and recommendations

Each year, as the school year approaches, many think over what image they will have on September 1. Someone will change their hairstyle, clothing style and the like. Every girl wants her to have an amazing outfit and beautiful manicure. But is it necessary to do a manicure to school on September 1 and what should it be?

manicure on September 1

Color is important

First, let's see if it is possible to do manicures in an educational institution? If yes, then it is desirable that the manicure be neat and well-groomed. It should not include bright colors. You can choose delicate beige and pearl tones with friends or mom in the store. Remember that you choose a color for manicure on September 1 for short nails.

If there is no acceptable option, you can simply coat your nails with colorless varnish. This will not attract the teacher’s eyes so much and will look neat.


It is important to note that the manicure for September 1 is at least the nails of the same length. Even if you let them go for a long time and on the eve of the most important day one broke down, file everything to its length. Believe me, it looks much more attractive than all long and one short.

By the way, some teachers do not allow you to go to school with long nails, but allow a neat manicure with short ones. In order not to cause unnecessary problems and conflicts, it is better to act in agreement with the teacher.

September 1 manicure for short nails

The form

As for the form, it is rather a conversation about practicality. Nails should not have a sharp shape, as they will often break and lead to bad consequences. It will be much better if they are oval.

Try to cut the nail not at the very root, but leave a few millimeters from the edge. Do not extend your nails and cut the cuticle if you are not 14. Some professionals claim that such procedures have a negative impact on the future state of the nail plate. You can cut the cuticle if burrs form on it. To avoid this problem, we will talk later. In general, it would be better if the nails look natural, covered with ordinary light varnish.

As stated at the beginning of the article, dark or bright colors should not be in a manicure. Bright colors may surprise classmates, but attract unwanted attention from teachers. It is important not to forget how the manicure will look with the selected outfit or image. Most often, girls of primary grades use transparent varnish or shiny. It looks neat and does not attract attention.

manicure ideas for September 1

Images for September 1

When choosing a nail design, you need to remember modesty. Here are a few ideas for manicure on September 1, which fit this concept and are possible for independent implementation:

  • French manicure with variations. They make it very simple: cover the nail with transparent varnish, and apply white varnish like school chalk on its tip. Moreover, not only at the end of the nail, but also on its root part, creating a kind of strip. You can add different patterns to it, which will give the manicure more volume. You can draw geometric figures, numbers, a chemical formula, or an equation. In a word, this is an excellent idea for manicure on September 1.
  • Classic french. This nail design is called elegant, sophisticated and feminine. It is advisable to do such a manicure after the ninth grade. It includes a white line of smiles, pastel tones of a jacket and transparent lacquer coating. It is not necessary to apply a white line very widely, especially on short nails. This manicure is quite simple.
  • Nude manicure. This is a common type of design, it is easy to make at home. The task is simple - to cover the nails with several beige shades of varnish and fix it colorless. This option is almost invisible to teachers, but allows you to perceive female pens with great approval.
  • Newspaper manicure. The printed nail design is very suitable for the celebration of Knowledge Day. The fragments used can be replaced by mathematical, physical or chemical formulas and even spelling rules. So that the manicure on September 1 was not too catchy, you can select only one finger with a print. This idea is often recommended for the original design of cheat sheets for exam or test.
  • Manicure "Droplets". It is pretty simple. The basis is the usual technique, as a result of which the impression of wet varnish is created. They rarely make it at home, so it is recommended to visit the salon. At home, the task is simple - apply gel polish, then fixative, and then the droplets themselves. The disadvantage is the long drying of the drops due to their bulk. But for the sake of this beauty is worth a try. At school, it will look quite unusual and bewitching. But remember that in addition to varnishes, you also need special equipment.

beautiful manicure on September 1

Long nails

Probably every adult girl wants to have long beautiful nails. Many teachers allow high school students this. It will be better if the nails are natural. However, for those who find it difficult to independently achieve such a result, there are manicure rooms in beauty salons. There, the master will be able to choose the method of building, it all depends on your nails. It will look tender if delicate flowers or patterns are depicted on them. Pens with beautiful manicure will look great on September 1.

If you want to have your own long nails, it is important not to forget about some of the nuances. For example, the longer the nail, the easier it is to break it. This can cause severe damage. In some cases, you even have to see a doctor.

what manicure to do on September 1

Action plan

Where to start doing beautiful manicure on September 1? With putting the pens in order. To do this, make a small salt bath. You can add a few drops of essential oil of orange, lavender or just a drop of iodine to it. This procedure is not only relaxing in nature, but also positively affects the nails and hands in general.

Next, use the orange stick to move the cuticle. This must be done carefully so as not to violate its integrity. In some cases, it is necessary to carefully cut it with special tweezers.

Now make a shape with a nail file. Some special fine-grained buff polish the surface of the nail.

Now you need to choose what kind of manicure to do on September 1 and, starting from this, start working with varnishes. They are best applied in two layers.

It is important to let them dry completely. Remember that the last layer must go clear varnish.

manicure to school on September 1


A dazzling manicure on September 1 will give femininity and good mood, give a boost of confidence for the entire coming year. You should always monitor your nails, because this is what you most often pay attention to. Handles must be well maintained, no matter what!

Following the tips, you yourself can, without resorting to the services of salons, make nails in an amazing design that will appeal to everyone around you.


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