How to check a guy for fidelity: tests, questions, surveillance, conversations, signs of infidelity, the reason for treason and possible consequences

The relationship between lovers is a kind of sacrament that is available exclusively to them in their personal space. They themselves establish the rules of their relationships, make their own choices in relation to each other, so the question of trust is based on their own feelings and their own instincts. And in this bilateral agreement, it is common for the predominantly female half not to trust their chosen one. Perhaps this is due to the increased sensitivity of the fair half, and, perhaps, due to the female nature - in any case, the girls are more scrupulous in terms of trust in relation to their young man. But how to check a guy for fidelity? Through what tricks can you find out for yourself the truth? And is it worth checking a guy for fidelity in general?

The concept of treason through the eyes of a woman

The betrayal of the beloved man is one of the strongest blows of life that a woman can feel on herself. This is a very, very painful topic for many generations, since the concept of adultery was, is, and, unfortunately, will continue to stir up the souls of the deceived. In the eyes of a woman, treason is a crime of especially large proportions committed by a person beloved and idolized by her until this moment, from whom such a betrayal was not expected. There is some opinion that everyone, absolutely every man at least once in his life, but cheated on his wife, lover, girlfriend. And due to the prevailing stereotype, many ladies of today are increasingly inclined to distrust their chosen ones and are increasingly asking themselves how to check a guy for fidelity.

Female jealousy

Reasons for treason

Why are men cheating? In fact, there are many reasons for this. Each young man justifies himself in his own way. And even more than that, many betrayers do not even consider the act of intercourse with another young treason as such, therefore they do not consider it necessary to even make excuses. The psychology of men is structured in such a way that he, as an alpha male of the modern genus of the strongest half, actually has a physical connection with several women. He can sincerely love his wife, respect her and so on and so forth, and so on, but he just can’t not try the spoon of “someone else’s borsch”. It is foolish to justify this with physiology, but that is how many call their craving for the fair sex: men are used to believing that if they change, this is the norm, and if the lady has changed, then she is considered a special kind of easy behavior. With all this, they try to carefully hide the acts of this so-called “norm” from the beloved. Male physiology and nature - this is what today is the main cause of male adultery. How, then, can a girl arrange a guy’s fidelity check?

When your man is not only yours

Possible consequences of infidelity for a man

In fact, this issue is quite significant today. Many men think of betrayal as some kind of trouble that they cause to their lady, who learned about infidelity. Well, she will cry, calm down, understand and forgive. But statistics say otherwise. Tens, hundreds, thousands of murders and assaults on life all over the world are committed by women in a state of passion in relation to a loved one or his mistress, who was taken by surprise. Speaking about the consequences of male infidelity, one should not neglect the capabilities of a resentful, deceived, and furious woman, because she is terrible in anger.

What is it like to be faithful?

Signs of betrayal

How to check a guy for fidelity? What are the signs that a young person is cheating on?

First, you need to look at his behavior. If he began to take a closer look at himself and pay more attention to his appearance, shaving more often, using toilet water more often, changing his outfits more often before going out for a daily walk or to the store, then perhaps the girl should be on her guard.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to his usual schedule and daily routine. If the work week began to replenish with regular “delays at work” or “additional shifts”, and the love of sofa football was replaced by a love of the habit of “going, breathing fresh air” - this is also one of the first calls to become more alert.

Thirdly, you need to properly analyze his attitude. A woman always feels when a man cools towards her. His dislike is visible even in small things, in some of the most seemingly insignificant actions and deeds. Therefore, you need to trust your feelings and your perceptions.

Suspicions of Infidelity

Infidelity tests

And yet, how to check a guy for fidelity? Have a conversation with him? Ask him exciting questions? Follow him? Or try to come up with a kind of test, the answer to the points of which will be his response to a particular action?

The worst test test of this kind for a cheater is to check his personal space, which he protects behind the “seven locks” in his gadgets. A computer, laptop, tablet, phone - somewhere, yes, information about a mistress will slip through, if any, in the life of a young man. In the world of modern technology and communications, you can even find out what a young person is hiding from a distance. How? You can check a guy for fidelity by simply visiting his profile on social networks, looking for information in e-mail, in Viber or Telegram. Even a telephone can contain, so to speak, forbidden SMS, which can tell a lot about a girl devoted to a young man.

When a man is unfaithful


A more decisive method is to clarify the relationship directly: it would be useful to ask the young man a direct question that worries the girl. How to check a guy for fidelity, taking him by surprise with a question in the forehead? Everything is very simple - calmly ask him about the most exciting moment that is haunting. Usually a reaction to a guy’s questions about fidelity or infidelity betrays a young man who is involved in amorous affairs on the side. You can do it in a tricky way, being neatly interested in where he was last night, when colleagues from work on the phone said that he had already left, whom he had met at such a late hour, and what was the name of the girl with whom on Wednesday he was seen in a cafe on the other side of the city. Men react very expressively often precisely when their reputation is tarnished. A person who has nothing to worry about will not run amok as nervous as the liars are interrogated.

Bitterness of disappointment


One of the radical methods is surveillance. It is suitable for very desperate girls who have tried all the previous methods and have not found reassurance in their answers to questions about how to check a guy for fidelity. At that moment when the young man’s exit from the comfort zone is most doubtful, when it cannot be work and when it is usually not typical for him to walk at this time - then you need to act. Of course, many consider surveillance to be a humiliating procedure in search of the truth. But, as they say, in war all methods are good. And how else can we call relations that were betrayed by the strong half of the union of two people? No other way than the war of the sexes.

Catch in adultery


Finally, the most calm, deliberate, measured option is a simple conversation with a guy. Perhaps he himself does not want to hide what is inside him. Perhaps he himself has long wanted to talk about what torments him, too, he just does not dare and does not know how to do it. Perhaps this is one of the most peace-loving methods that helps a couple dot all the "and" in their relationship. Like it or not, the ability to find common ground and come to consensus is the lot of sane people. Only those who can talk and communicate find answers to their questions. Only one who knows how to make informed decisions is able to find the right way out of the situation. After all, a conversation can not only turn into a subsequent scandal after incriminating a young man of lies and betrayal. Perhaps the lovers will come to some common denominator after stipulating all the moments that concern both sides. That is why communication with each other makes it possible to identify the root of the problem and solve it either by reconciliation or the final gap. That is why it is so important to be able to talk.


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