How not to fall asleep while driving? Top tips

When organizing a long trip by personal transport, drivers do not always correctly calculate their own forces. When planning a trip on your own car, you should think in advance about what to do so as not to fall asleep while driving. Otherwise, you can throw yourself a lot of trouble. Consider how not to fall asleep while driving, tips and tricks on this subject.

Keeping active while riding

how not to fall asleep while driving
How not to fall asleep while driving? Experienced drivers recommend constantly doing something along the way. To maintain vigor while traveling by car, it is enough to periodically open and close the windows, often change the speed of movement. Helps eliminate drowsiness by clicking sunflower seeds.

Focus on the purpose of the trip

Each responsible driver must be aware of the length of the journey he can overcome without any problems. Novice motorists who do not have the experience of long trips should stop the vehicle more often, preferably every 50-100 km, while avoiding busy, busy tracks.

As practice shows, it’s much easier to go if you realize where the next resting point is on the map. Focusing on thoughts about your final destination also helps on the road.


accident fell asleep at the wheel
One of the easiest ways to stay awake while driving is to talk with passengers. Communication on interesting and funny topics, the development of which requires active thought activity, is especially effective in stimulating the brain. The main thing is not to be distracted from the road itself.

The passenger acts as an excellent safety net for the driver, because in time he notices how slow the reaction to the conversation is. Maintaining the conversation, the motorist himself does not allow his companion to fall asleep. After all, a person who is sleeping peacefully in the next seat is able to lull anyone, and make the driver fall asleep at the wheel.


the driver fell asleep at the wheel
How not to fall asleep while driving on the highway if there are no passengers in the car? In this case, energetic compositions will allow to remain awake for a long time, which is recommended to be turned on at high volume. At the same time, you should avoid listening to audio books, because the latter can play the role of a kind of bedtime story.

Before you turn on a particular track, it is worthwhile to first evaluate its effect on the state of the psyche. Even the fastest and most fervent musical compositions can produce the opposite effect on a person.

Tonic drinks

How not to fall asleep while driving, moving at night? The use of coffee, strong tea, hot chocolate, and energy drinks will give you good spirits . However, they act on everyone differently. One motorist just needs a cup of coffee to stay attentive on the highway for a long time. Other motorists, whose body has already adapted to tonic agents , may not help a liter of caffeinated drink. On average, the effect of a cup of strong coffee or tea is about 1-1.5 hours.

As for the so-called power engineers, in their composition there is not only caffeine, but also all kinds of vitamins, plant extracts, useful acids. Compared with the same coffee and tea, the effect of such products begins faster and lasts much longer, on average, about 3-4 hours. In general, power engineers are capable of exerting the most unforeseen negative impact on the body. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation.

Energy pills

how not to fall asleep driving tips
Anti-drowsiness tablets include vitamins, caffeine and taurine. Their main advantage is ease of use while driving. Indeed, every time sipping an energy drink from a can and monitoring the road is quite difficult, especially if the car does not have an appropriate stand for containers.

Each driver who has fallen asleep at least once behind the wheel of a truck usually drinks energy pills in advance, counting on upcoming loads. Be that as it may, resorting to such means, you always need to monitor the correct dosage, observing the requirements of the instructions.

Electronic Accident Prevention Systems

Some modern cars are equipped with electronics that track the manner of driving a vehicle. Such systems compare the readings of sensors, monitor the facial expressions of the driver’s face and eye movements, timely warning the motorist about the danger of falling asleep.

The use of electronic systems is often resorted to previously asleep at the wheel. Accidents can also be prevented by using the so-called fatigue indicator as an alternative. Externally, the devices of this plan are similar to a conventional headset. There is a built-in gyroscope that tracks the position of the head of a motorist. If the driver starts to nod, a vibration or a sharp sound is heard.

Concentration of attention

what to do in order not to fall asleep while driving
If drowsiness is noticed, the driver is recommended to concentrate on certain objects. Alternatively, you can do the counting of signs or poles, oncoming cars. At the same time, lulling can track one element, for example, the marking line of the roadway.

Helps to cheer up a change in landing, moving the seat to different positions, grabbing the steering wheel in different positions. Paying attention to such trifles, the driver is able to eliminate the feeling of monotony when moving along the highway.

Physical exercise

Changing your own physical condition makes it possible to prevent an accident. Fell asleep? It’s impossible to control the steering wheel anymore. The result is an accident. To prevent this, at the first sign of fatigue it is worth stopping, doing a small charge on the side of the road. When driving, it is sometimes necessary to bring various muscles into tension. In order not to fall asleep, it is enough to periodically rotate your head, shake your limbs. Some motorists are helped by friction of the earlobes, someone is given the opportunity to cheer up a light massage of the limbs, rotation of the eyeballs.

Climate change in a car

asleep at the wheel of an accident
How not to fall asleep while driving? To do this, it is worth lowering the temperature at the climate control, refreshing yourself by opening the windows in the car. A feeling of cold and fresh air will allow you to wake up.

If the above actions do not give a result, you should wash your face with cold water, spray your face, and wipe the skin with wet wipes. To eliminate the feeling of pain in the eyes with fatigue, you need to resort to the use of special moisturizing drops.

Herbal remedies

There are a number of plants, tinctures from which allow you to fight drowsiness. Well-known, widely available means is ginseng. The latter is not only a real panacea for numerous diseases, but also has a tonic effect on the nervous system.

Absolutely not inferior to the previous option tincture of Rhodiola rosea. The use of the drug allows the body to adapt to increased loads, all kinds of adverse factors. The use of about 300-400 grams of Rhodiola extract is quite enough to get rid of drowsiness for several hours.

Such exotic plants as kutuaba, yohimbe, dimian will help fight sleep. In Western countries, their extracts are widely used as antidepressants on a natural basis. In any case, the effect of the effects of the above funds on the body is purely individual. Therefore, they should be resorted to experimentally.


how not to fall asleep while driving on the highway
The sense of smell is a powerful sensory organ. Therefore, one of the most reliable ways that will not allow you to fall asleep on the road is the irritation of scent receptors. The usual herringbone flavoring with the smell of citrus or pine needles is ineffective here. This solution will allow you to feel vigor only for some 20-30 minutes.

In this case, it is worth resorting to a more effective option, namely, the use of snuff. The latter has a strong stimulating effect on the nervous system. Pieces of inhaled tobacco tickle the nerve endings, from which signals are transmitted directly to the brain area.

The main rule is to resort to the use of snuff as little as possible. Like regular cigarettes, this tool is addictive, and much faster. To avoid unnecessary addiction problems, ammonia can be used as an alternative to tobacco.


Each motorist has his own fatigue threshold. And if some drivers are able to maintain full concentration on the road, covering 1,500 km or more, for others a real feat is driving without rest at a distance of about 500 km.

Experienced motorists prefer to plan the route in advance, preferring well-lit, busy tracks. In any case, do not overestimate your own strengths. It is extremely important to catch the moment when the methods that make it possible to eliminate the feeling of drowsiness have already exhausted themselves. The best solution in such situations is to stop sleeping.


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