Card Mage (Tarot): meaning, interpretation

The future has always attracted man, from time immemorial we tried to look beyond the horizons of what is accessible and known to us. And what they just didn’t use at the same time: fortune-telling on fire, stupefying incense, card layouts. The tarot is one of the most ancient sciences related to the prophecies; each card individually and in combination with the other has a special meaning here. What does the Tarot Mage predict? The value of this card can vary significantly depending on its position and neighbors.


Before we figure out which Tarot Mage matters, we start with a brief description of this card. Several names correspond to it - Magician, Mage, Juggler. It is believed to be closely interconnected with Mercury. Astrologers argue that the astrological position of this chart (Mars in Aries) is a clear sign of initiative, courage, fighting spirit, courage, courage, energy - that is, most of the characteristics that were characteristic of the winged messenger of the gods. The color is red, the metal is iron, while the corresponding stone is ruby. A bright and conspicuous Magician corresponds to a no less catchy animal - a rooster, and a plant - intoxicating tobacco. But the Tarot Mage card may have different meanings. Some insist that she shows a strong will, ability, ability to achieve the goal, while others believe that she is associated with physical and mental ill health. But the warring parties agree on one thing: according to this card, the fortuneteller will gain power over circumstances and, through a willful decision, will be able to achieve his goal and cope with diseases.

magician tarot meaning

Personality card

Next, consider another topic relating to the card Mage (Tarot). The meaning and interpretation of it as an identity card is also interesting. In order to find out the number of your personality, you need to add together the number, month and year of birth, that is, for example, 29 + 12 + 1982 (for a person born December 29, 1982). In the resulting four-digit number (2023 in our case) add up the component numbers: 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 5, if the resulting number is more than 21 (for example, for someone born on 10/25/1977, the sum will be 23), then you need add up the component numbers again.

magician tarot meaning in a relationship

The Tarot Mage Card, whose value as a personality card corresponds to the number 1, characterizes people who are not alien to the thirst for power and the innate ability to control people. They face a difficult choice: self-development or orientation to the outside world, which lies at their feet. Mages always get what they want. But the problem is that, according to experts, most of the people born under this lasso are prone to lies and betrayal - as if the Tarot Magician is pushing them. The value of this day’s map, despite all its positive characteristics, is rather contradictory.

Negative value of the map of the day

We continue to consider numerology and the lasso Mage (Tarot). The value of this day’s card, as has been said, is generally positive, but you should not forget about the minuses. Of course, independence, determination, the ability to achieve the goal at any cost is excellent, but at the same time you need to think about what you can do to hurt others around in the procession. Leadership is an excellent quality, but it must also have some kind of framework: you are not alone in the world.

Map of the year

There is another aspect related in part to numerology regarding the Mage Tarot card. Its meaning is connected with the concept of the card of the year. The settlement system is very similar to the previous one - the date of birth is added, and then the current year is added to this number. It turns out a large four-digit number, the digits of which are then added together until then, until you get a number less than 21.

tarot card magician meaning

As with the identity card, this card corresponds to the number one. Arkan Magician Tarot has the following meaning: success this year is truly guaranteed. Good idea, sudden initiative - everything will have a successful continuation. Available resources and establishing contacts with the right people simply will not allow your undertaking to fail.

Inverted map

The inverted magician (Tarot) has the exact opposite meaning - it promises a blockage of internal energy and the appearance of some obstacles to the goal. Moreover, this card predicts the appearance of a deceiver on the horizon or misleading expectations, which are not destined to come true. For some reason, the fortuneteller is not fully realized, he lacks the knowledge and abilities to do this, or he overestimates his capabilities. An inverted Tarot Magician has a cautionary meaning in a love relationship: it indicates that you are doing something wrong, and this “wrong” can have very serious consequences, up to a break. It's time to pause and think carefully about what is happening in the world around you and what it can result in if you do not change. In no case should you start a new enterprise - it is doomed to failure. Thus, if you got the inverted lasso of the Tarot Mage, its meaning will change to the exact opposite. Be careful.

Love relationship

Let's move on to the aspect, which is very exciting for a huge number of fortunetellers. Tarot Mage value in the relationship perspective is quite positive. It is traditionally believed that such a lasso promises good luck on a love front, soon finding a second half, strengthening relations with your current partner. You are extremely attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, so now is the time to start a new relationship - the Magician will make it so that they will be successful from the very beginning to the end. Harmony and complete mutual understanding are provided to you. The Tarot Mage is more than just auspicious in love. All existing conflicts will be resolved soon, including problems within the family, also related to love. But, of course, based on the specifics of this arcana, everything is in your hands - you have to take the initiative and not wait for the weather by the sea: the situation will not work out by itself, but be sure that even minimal efforts will bring amazing results. Your desire can change the world.

arcan magician tarot meaning

Relations with the outside world

And what can we say about what kind of Tarot Mage in relations in general has? Most likely, soon you will fall into the circle of strong people who know what they want. They will not hesitate to sweep you out of their way if you somehow interfere with them, but if your goals coincide, consider that you pulled out a golden ticket - they, like a locomotive, will pull you forward, tearing down any obstacles. These people are much more experienced than you, so do not miss the opportunity to draw something fundamentally new from them, ideally - become their students and followers: such an ally can radically change the situation. And, for heaven’s sake, no confrontation with the “locomotives” - you are unlikely to be able to cope with them on your own.

With enemies

And if the question was asked about enemies and opponents, then better watch out. Ahead of a serious conflict, if not worse - a real war of survival. The opponent is so strong that it does not make sense to engage in open struggle with him - you will be easily defeated, and the consequences of this defeat will be very, very serious. Despair, by the way, is also not worth it - even the strongest has weaknesses. They say: the smart one will not go up the hill - the smart one will go around, so find a way to avoid a head-on collision. Cunning, ingenuity, the ability to get out, all that for which the Mages so reproach, in this situation will serve an amazing service. Baby David defeated the giant Goliath, remember? So be guided by the fact that if desired, even the smallest can withstand the big.

magician tarot meaning card of the day

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that your opponent can be trickier than you. At first, you may not even realize that you are entangled in the networks of lies and deceit and are already obediently playing by the rules of others. Caution should be at the maximum - and then, most likely, you will be able to get out of this situation.

With friends

Tarot Mage value in relations with friends is the most positive. Soon new contacts will fall on you, which will turn your whole world upside down. The influence and inner strength of these people can tear down mountains, so if you accidentally fall into the circle of their allies, consider that you are incredibly lucky. They’re not just giving you a shoulder, but they will easily throw you on your back and carry you through all the troubles, boldly accepting a blow to yourself. They don’t care how to achieve the goal, the main thing is to achieve it, so don’t worry. But here you should be on your guard: you yourself will not notice how you will be influenced by their will. Their ability to manipulate is simply amazing, so at some point you will find that you spend all your energy on solving their problems, completely forgetting about your own. Doing dirty work for another with your own is far from the best way to strengthen relations, so be sure to stop in time - and then everything will be more than good.


And what does the Tarot Mage have in work? Consider that he simply shouts to you: "Legs in hands and forward!". If until this time you were relaxing, sincerely believing that happiness itself would somehow fall on your head, then now is the time to get up, shake yourself and rush to your goal - only in this case you will get what you want. And, of course, the more effort you spend, the better the result will be on the way out. Want to move to another job? An impressive and noticeable resume - the only way you will find a well-paid and promising service, a faceless list of your merits will not help here at all. Craving for a raise? The maximum persuasiveness and reasonableness of the arguments - indecisive remarks and transfusion from empty to empty will cause only irritation of the leader. Your creativity is now on such an upswing that you can unexpectedly even for yourself discover the abilities for something creative. It is likely that if you spend all your working time in one place, doing monotonous and tedious affairs, then soon you will see dramatic changes in the field of activity.

magician tarot meaning and interpretation

Those who are in managerial positions, such a card promises to strengthen relations within the team, which in any case will lead to an increase in the efficiency of their joint activities - you will not only stay afloat, but also easily move forward. If there were any difficulties in relations with partners, now is the time to resolve them. The negotiation table will become a place where you can dot all i and get out of the situation with minimal losses and maximum profits. You can change everything that surrounds you, and achieve success in this, the main thing is to take the initiative, for which the Magician will reward you.


What about the importance of the Tarot Mage in health? You can say that he even insists that you pay attention to your physical well-being. And this attention should not be in a messy running around for specialists, but in a planned recovery, such as relaxing in a sanatorium, trips to mineral waters and other activities that will help you relax both in body and soul. You just need an update. That is why the Magician believes that now is the time to quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, start playing sports. Nobody requires Olympic records from you, but a daily minimum of exercises, a pool, jogging will not hurt anyone. Believe me, if earlier something constantly bothered you, bad weather, for example, or employment at work, then now all circumstances will recede under the favorable influence of the map. By the way, you can experiment with alternative medicine, even if you were afraid of it before - it will definitely bring you only benefit.

Feelings and emotions

What does the Tarot Mage promise? The value of feelings and emotions in this lasso is huge. The map does not tire of repeating: it all depends on you. You are confident in yourself, you feel an unprecedented upsurge of energy, it’s hard to sit still from enthusiasm - so do it! Now you can easily influence those around you, lifting them to their feet and forcing you to work with you. Your initiative will bear fruit in all areas of life, it's time to show what you are capable of, to demonstrate absolutely all your talents - be sure that these efforts will not go unnoticed. Your thoughts are put in order, you are not rushing from one extreme to another: I see the goal - I’m going to the goal. There will be no obstacles and branches on your way - only a direct yellow brick road to the treasured Emerald City. As never before you clearly feel that everything is in your hands, and it is you who will be responsible not only for success, but also for failure, which is almost impossible when realizing the importance of your own role.


How to understand the combinations of cards in which the Tarot Mage is present? The value of this mysterious card may vary. The neighborhood with the Priestess , for example, promises an early meeting of a new woman, who, most likely, will lay the foundation for some way of self-development and self-improvement. The hostess promises fast news and changes caused by the enthusiasm for a new idea, and these changes will be global, up to a change in the sphere of activity. Immediately, it is possible to acquire certain material goods and successfully interact with a force that is superior to the power of a fortuneteller, only in agreement with it will it be possible to achieve the desired. Dad guarantees protection in any endeavors, support and help, if necessary. It does not matter what difficulties meet on the way - they will be overcome without the expenditure of spiritual and moral strength. The lover is pushing for a choice that will have a huge impact on the future, but still you should not follow the path of least resistance, choose what seems to you more true. This card will help clarify and love relationships. The alliance with the Chariot promises a speedy journey, after which there will be many pleasant experiences. This is a kind of reward for the fact that the fortuneteller was able to with dignity go through all the difficulties that he encountered on his way. But the combination with Justice should make one wary: difficulties are coming up with justice. All that has been done will have to be answered before the higher forces, and one should obey them - attempts to change the sentence of fate will not lead to anything good. The Hermit is hinting that it is time to take a break and rest alone from worldly concerns, to concentrate before starting something new. The Wheel of Fortune promises changes that will be unusually easy, but at the same time you need to be able to adapt to these changes, an imbalance will only lead you astray. The force speaks for itself: you will meet a loved one, improve your health, any of your undertakings is doomed to success, the main thing is to believe your inner voice. Another bad symbol is the Hanged Man. A thin man about to plunge a knife into your back, what you believe in will cease to exist, even if it seemed unshakable. You will be selected only if you make the maximum effort. Death , in contrast to the Wheel of Fortune, prophesies difficult changes, which will not be easy to endure, but you still will not have a choice. You can not stop and wait until the danger passes by - in this case, it will certainly overtake you. Moderation promises the return of the one who once left your life, and the restoration of inner harmony. The devil, on the other hand , shows that all your problems are caused by internal conflict, only by resolving it, you can move on.

magician inverted tarot meaning

Destroyed tower screams of danger: all that you completely surrender to is in danger, the blow will be of terrible force. The only thing you can do is to admit your mistakes and learn a certain lesson. The Star saves an unfavorable situation - a symbol of hope and protection of higher forces. What you bring to the world will come back to you a hundredfold. The proximity to the Moon is rather contradictory - it promises changes, moreover, either destructive or, on the contrary, creative - you can oppose them only with your creativity. The sun will give its heat as a reward for all the efforts made and will push you to further actions. The court strongly recommends to stop and take stock, and it requires objectivity - the only way to hope for a favorable outcome. The world promises speedy success, shows that you have either completely overcome all obstacles, or are about to tear down the last on your way. It's time to relax, tasting the fruits of their victories. The jester warns of the danger emanating both from outside and from within - you are alone against the impending threat.


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