Housewarming: the scenario of the holiday in the apartment

Housewarming is an excellent occasion to gather relatives and friends, have fun from the heart and treat everyone with delicious snacks. This holiday can be compared to a wedding, because it is held extremely rarely. But that is precisely why it is so significant for many families. In this article, we described an exemplary housewarming scenario, which can be carried out both in the apartment and in the house.

Happy holiday in the apartment


Corrugated Paper Garlands

The housewarming scenario is not written exactly until the heroes of the occasion carefully thought out the appearance of the room. To do this, you need the following:

  • First, inflate as many balls as possible. This will create a festive atmosphere.
  • Secondly, if you are a creative person, then make garlands with your own hands. Just fold the sheets of paper with an accordion, draw a house and cut it with scissors. When you open, you will see a funny garland of numerous colored houses.
  • Thirdly, put a table, decorate it with flowers, figurines, place snacks on it. This will help guests at any time to approach and eat their favorite treats. Believe me, this buffet is much better than a classic feast, when all people sit down at once and start first with first courses, then with second courses, and then with desserts. You should have a party, not an endless meal, from which it is not only hard to move, but difficult to breathe.
  • Fourth, set up a music center so that guests can start dancing at any time.
Stair railing decorated with flowers roses


According to the holiday scenario, the housewarming begins with a greeting from the guests. It is believed that for financial well-being, everyone who comes in should throw a coin. To do this, put a funny piggy bank near the entrance, you can take the symbol of your family. For example, a dog, a horseshoe, a house with a pipe is ideal. It is not necessary to throw large amounts into the piggy bank - this is a purely personal matter, it is enough to omit a few coins of 10 rubles each.

Also, according to the housewarming scenario, “inspectors” - disguised guests - enter the apartment. They should ask questions: is the housing properly designed, is everything okay with it, is there an unlawful redevelopment. At the end of the inspection, “inspectors” give the owners an interesting document - a certificate that their apartment is suitable for living for a long and happy period.

Horseshoe on the door


If you are a superstitious person, then you need to decorate the house with symbolic objects. The famous feng shui will help you with this:

  • Place the three-toed toad on a large decorative plate. It is believed that it brings wealth and financial well-being. For this it is necessary at the first opportunity, not sparing, toss her coins. If the toad has a hole in its mouth, then the largest coin must be carefully installed in the hole. Choose a golden figurine, without damage.
  • If you do not want envious people to spoil the energy of your apartment, then you can install a large pin figurine in the house. For guests it will be a pleasant and interesting design element, and for superstitious people it will be a sure defense.
  • Hang a horseshoe over the front door, but only with the horns facing the ceiling. This sign symbolizes luck that will always linger in your home.

Brownie came

To make the housewarming scenario fun, you need to include some funny, but significant characters. These include the brownie, who must live in every family. While the guests are laughing, making toasts, one of those present asks the question to the homeowners: “Have you already brought a brownie?”

Wealth toad

As a rule, the owners are lost at this moment and do not know what to answer. But the man reassures them: “Do not worry, dear ones, I have brought you a good brownie! But you need to appease him, have you agreed? ”

At that moment, Kuzya, a disguised guest, enters the room. He walks slowly around the corners, looks under the table and chairs, carefully examines the furniture and walls, after which he begins to ask the owners and warn: “So, I am a brownie. I understand all the household and household matters, so let's immediately agree: either we are friends and we’re doing everything side by side, or I’ll go to the others. (Waiting for the approval of the owners). So, don’t turn on the music too early in the morning or late in the evening. We have a neighbor Nafanya’s house. He’s already old and very sensitive. The same goes for the stomp and screams. If you decide to beat the dishes, I’ll excuse you in advance you’ll come in at night — do it quietly, because I like to sleep! If you have questions or wishes, I’m always glad to have milk and sweets. Leave them on the kitchen table. I drew a cross for you in chalk (immediately after these words to the owners apartments or houses take out several duplicate keys and give them with loud applause). "

Tips from Kuzi

After the brownie went about his business, the guests again begin a lively conversation. The holiday can be brightened up with several fun contests, which we have indicated below.

Suddenly, in the middle of another toast or dance, Kuzya rushes into the room again and shouts that he completely forgot to give some advice, and then says: “There are a number of folk signs that are very important to observe, otherwise expect trouble. So, I, like a real brownie , I instruct you: never eat from broken dishes - throw it in the bin as soon as you find chips and cracks; do not leave the knife on the kitchen table, otherwise I can cut myself - I also need to eat; do not whistle in the house, otherwise I have sensitive ears, I can go deaf, and there I don’t hear how you will need to drive luck. "

Milk on the table

A cool holiday scenario (housewarming) can be supplemented with more popular folk signs. It all depends on the free time and the mood of the guests. There are times when those present are so passionate about snacks and communication that everyone forgets about the existing scenario. Housewarming should take place not according to a strict plan, but in an improvised form.


No, this contest, according to the housewarming scenario, should not test the patience of all neighbors (if the owners live in an apartment). It was invented in order to relax those present, to liberate and introduce others. This contest is ideal for those who are shy or embarrassed in an unfamiliar environment.

According to the housewarming scenario, guests sit in a circle. In front of them comes the landlord and shows two bags of paper. In one of them, the names of those present (including the owners themselves) are written, and in the other, the names of popular songs. The bottom line is that the owner randomly selects one person first, and then the track that you want to perform karaoke.

A total of 5 people participate. Each speaks in turn, and the audience, that is, the remaining guests, is evaluated. It is possible for some members of the jury to distribute plates with numbers from 1 to 5, and then calculate the sum of all points. The winner is the one who collects the most points.

karaoke in the house

The main task of the participants is not just to sing, but to really perform. You can take several guests for extras, so that they dance and make funny movements.


Funny scenarios for housewarming in apartments are thought up based on the number of participants, on their importance and familiarity with each other. But in order to unite all those present even more, one can carry out an interesting program called “Remember All”.

Main point:

  • All guests sit in a circle, and the owner of the house (one, selectively) is put in the center. Blindfolded his eyes with a thick cloth, turn on the music, and then change places among themselves in a chaotic manner. After 10 seconds of fuss, the music turns off. Guests begin to take turns telling some interesting and funny events related to the owner, but they do not name their names. The main hero of the occasion should guess who it happened to and supplement it with some facts.
  • It’s okay if the owner doesn’t guess or get confused and do not immediately remember events from the past. It is enough to give him a few chances and give hints, but if he still can’t cope, then he must complete the penalty task. For example, dancing, singing, putting on a woman’s dress, crowing, etc.

To make the brownie come

Another interesting contest in a funny housewarming scenario. From all those present, you need to choose two volunteers who must sort objects into the pelvis in a certain amount of time. It can be two types of large beads, cereals, beads or even threads. The main task of the volunteers is to help the hosts in this difficult competition.

The bottom line is that the brownie should see how much the owners are willing to look after new housing. For this, each team of participants is given a basin in which an equal amount of one type of beads and another is scattered. For the set time, while the music is playing, the owners carefully sort through the contents, putting the selected items in a separate cup. The team that managed to collect a greater number of small parts from the basin wins.

Everybody dance

What housewarming party without real dancing? That's right, no! Pick up fun music, divide the guests into several pairs, and then give them one balloon each to enjoy this fun sight.

Participants must repeat the movement behind the leader, holding the ball between them. Everything should be as synchronous and fun as possible, but the main thing is that the object does not fall out and burst.

dancing at the party

Housewarming is not such a “sweeping” holiday as, for example, a wedding. If the celebration is celebrated in a small apartment, then it will be difficult to dance or arrange some large-scale competitions. It is recommended to include in the program such fun games as “Crocodile”, “Broken Phone”.


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