How to attract customers to a manicure at home: methods and recommendations

As you know, beauty requires sacrifice. But while for some it is serious costs and torment, for others it is a profitable business area. For example, nail service today is a very profitable business for experienced masters who provide their services not only in salons, but also at home. How to attract customers to manicure? What to do to interest people and provide themselves with stable work?

Customer base and quality service

For a private master, however, as for any beauty salon, regular customers are needed - without them there will be no work or income. In addition, the clients of manicure masters are accountants, lawyers, doctors, hairdressers, teachers and representatives of other professions. It is possible that you may need the help of one of them. Those who know how to benefit from dating, it is much easier to solve problems - do not forget about it.

Attracting and retaining customers with quality service is the main goal that every master should strive for. Do you know that each of us only needs a couple of minutes to understand whether we will come to this institution again, or in the future we will not recommend it to anyone? It is not surprising that it depends on the first impression that the client will have if it becomes permanent.

Every visitor wants to feel special. It doesn’t matter if he uses only one service or several, he needs to pay enough attention. If customers stop visiting, do not be shy to call. And just call, not send a message. The call is more personal. However, you should not impose your services and persistently call for a manicure. It is enough to congratulate the client on the holiday, to inquire about matters and, in between cases, to remind about current promotions, interesting news.

how to attract customers to the manicure master

First customers - friends and relatives

To build your own customer base, you need to start somewhere. Since clients themselves will not be taken out of nowhere, you can invite acquaintances, colleagues, friends, relatives - in general, everyone who agrees to the first sessions. This method always helps to attract customers to a manicure at home. As a rule, the recommendation of a girlfriend or friend comes first among sources of information about talented craftsmen and salons. So-called word of mouth is the best tool for passively building up a customer base.

In addition, at first, working with friends and relatives gives a number of advantages:

  • you can act slowly, without fuss, because not every beginner master can do manicures quickly;
  • lack of tension in the working process;
  • the opportunity to calmly talk with a person and do the job in a quality manner;
  • if a mistake is made, the girlfriend or friend is unlikely to be very indignant and show dissatisfaction.

Competitive cost of services

At the dawn of entrepreneurial activities related to the nail service, it is important not to make a mistake when setting prices. A successful start will provide discounts on first jobs. Moreover, in the absence of experience, it is not entirely fair to demand a fee from clients, as for the services of a professional master. This is a very effective way to find clients for a manicure at home. In order to improve existing skills, gain experience and create a customer base, novice masters often set low prices for their services. It is worth noting that few people can entrust their nails to a person without professional experience, but with an impressive discount, many customers are willing to take the risk.

how to attract customers to manicure

At first, you should not chase big money, the main thing is to gain experience, so many novice manicurists charge a nominal fee from customers, which is the cost of the materials spent with a small margin.

Internet promotion

Without your website or social network account, it’s quite difficult to advertise services. One of the options for attracting clients to a manicure at home is to create your own information portal and its competent promotion. A site does not have to be a large-scale and expensive project. For the first time, to advertise nail services, a landing page is enough - a one-page website, a “landing page”, which will contain all the necessary information, including:

  • description of the services provided;
  • prices
  • discounts and bonuses;
  • contacts.

At the present stage, there are many free sites for creating websites and low-cost hosting, so it’s not necessary to spend fabulous amounts on creating your own portal. Here you can also post photos of finished work as an example for potential customers.

You can use social networks to promote the site. They can also be an independent tool for promoting a business. VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki are the most popular social networks where information can be posted for free.

how to find clients at home

How to attract customers to a manicure at home via the Internet? There is another way - use the thematic women's forums. The regulars are representatives of the fair sex, united by various hobbies and hobbies. Aggressive advertising can scare away the bulk of the audience, so it’s best to build a customer base, making new acquaintances and just chatting with forum participants, but do not forget to talk about your services.

Another interesting option, how to recruit clients for a manicure at home, is maintaining a personal blog. This kind of site is somewhat reminiscent of a diary maintained by its owner. You can write on the blog about fashion trends of manicure and pedicure, give recommendations on nail care at home, the choice of varnish, etc. In this case, contact information should be placed in a prominent place so that site visitors can contact the master and sign up for the procedure.

Do I need a business card?

And although many consider this business marketing tool obsolete, in fact, it continues to be an attribute of every professional. A business card helps to promote services and increase the number of customers, but only if it is properly framed. To find clients for a manicure at home, as a rule, you need to consider the presence of the following nuances when registering a business card:

  • indication of contact information (phone number, website address, email);
  • bonus mark, discounts, etc .;
  • content of useful or original information (calendar, quote from a famous person, etc.).
how to turn clients into a manicure master at home

In addition to the business card, the creation of a kind of memo for customers is also important. It should give people all the necessary information, including rules for caring for nails, gel or acrylic coatings, etc. In addition, you should indicate how often it is recommended to carry out procedures to improve the health of nails and strengthen them. The memo can be a non-standard and very original way of advertising. Distributing customer memos is a solution that guarantees an influx of customers and business expansion.

An interestingly drawn up price list is a very important point for a beginner manicurist. How to recruit customers at home using the price list? Most price lists contain standard pricing information and a brief description of the service. To attract the attention of a potential customer, you should make the price list more convenient and interesting to read (for example, list what applies to each procedure, attach a photo with the final result of the work, or compare pictures before and after).

Newspaper ad and self-promotion

Previously, ads were hung at the porches, at bus stops, handed out in the form of leaflets and flyers directly into the hands of passers-by. This process is very time-consuming and expensive, while the return on it is not high. In order not to waste personal time on useless work, you can simply agree with the administration of the nearest shops, institutes, clinics, fitness clubs and other institutions to place an ad. If you choose the right place, this method will provide an influx of target audience.

One of the oldest ways to attract customers is to place an ad in a local newspaper. Today, special sites that act as online message boards are popular. Posting ads in them is free. Additional fees are charged for presence in the top lines of the rating. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether such a method works or not. In small cities with a population of up to 1 million people. the announcement will help to find clients at home.

where to find clients for manicure at home

No matter how strange it may sound, but many in the pursuit of new customers forget about themselves. When searching for an effective way of promotion, it is important to remember about your nails - they can become the best advertising services or put an end to business. If old visitors, friends, relatives can trust the “shoemaker without boots”, then the new customers will only be repelled by the untidy nails of the master. For a manicurist, nails are his second face and a kind of visiting card.

Bonuses from the master

How to make clients a manicurist at home if there are many competitors in the district? It's simple: you need something to stand out, to offer something special - something that others do not. Due to the existing competition in the service sector, it is necessary to create your own “trick”. How to attract customers to manicure? In order for them to choose you, it is important to identify their advantage over the proposals of other masters. For example, every third correction procedure for extended nails for regular customers is free, or when paying for a manicure as a present - a face mask, or for clients on their birthday 50% discount on any type of nail service, etc. If you include fantasy, you can come up with a lot various options that will attract customers to the novice manicure master.

How else can you make yourself known

If possible, you should try to gently tell people about your work, invite to a manicure. Also on your page in a social network you can place a portfolio, upload photos of works indicating prices for services. Information about yourself must be disseminated through friends, arrange jokes, publish interesting posts on your account. Such work may not give a short-term result, but over time it will allow attracting clients to the manicurist.

According to reviews, it is possible to increase the customer base in cooperation with competitors or people who are involved in a similar service sector. For example, a familiar hairdresser, stylist or makeup artist will tell his clients about manicure at home, recommending your services, and in return you will advise your visitors to do a hairstyle or haircut at the same hairdresser.

how to find clients for manicure at home

You can find clients at thematic exhibitions, forums, promotions for the promotion of cosmetics and other events where it is easier to advertise your services, meet colleagues in the craft and find potential customers.

How to attract new visitors to the manicure? One way is to ask your clients to share their impressions of the services they received with their friends. After all, if it is positive, customers will recommend you to their friends.

Tips from experienced craftsmen

And while creating a customer base from scratch seems like a very difficult task, it is much more difficult to keep regular customers. After all, every person who remains dissatisfied with the service received is one step towards anti-advertising. He will leave negative reviews, dissuade other people from visiting this master.

The basis of a successful business in any field is competent and correct communication with people, for which the skills of a psychologist will not interfere. It is important to try to find a common language with all visitors, to communicate, to follow the tone of the conversation - it should be polite, without notes of familiarity, familiarity, neglect. If a person feels that they are being treated with respect, this will increase the chances of his repeated appeal.

Also, experienced masters recommend remembering their customers by name, this places people to themselves. It will be especially pleasant for the visitor if the master recalls the topic of the previous conversation or suggests drinking his beloved tea, knowing that, for example, he does not drink coffee. If the little things and nuances associated with each client are hard to remember, you can make short notes in a notebook.

How to attract more clients to a manicure? Enough cleanliness in the workplace. Despite the fact that this condition is mandatory, not all beginning masters remember the importance of an ideal order. A person who wants to receive a manicure or pedicure must be sure of safety, order in the room, sterility of instruments.

At the beginning master, each client is on the account, but you should not provide services to people with infectious diseases of the nails. A fungus is a tenacious microorganism that is easily transmitted through contact with an infected surface, with metal tools. Such clients should politely refuse to provide services and be advised to consult a doctor, because in case of infection with a fungus of one or more of their clients, masters can expect serious conflicts.

how to recruit clients for a manicure at home

Secrets of Success

Before asking yourself how to attract clients to manicures and pedicures, you should give an adequate and objective assessment of your skills. If the nail service courses were completed with honors, this does not give you the right to consider yourself a real professional. At first, thoughts about earning money will have to be moved aside, giving way to gaining experience. For successful business development, it is important not to stand at the same level, it is necessary to constantly develop, hone existing skills, try to provide new services, use other materials, images, etc.

In any business, newcomers face the same problem - lack of experience. Few people want to go to an inexperienced master, but then where does experience come from if there are no clients? To break this vicious circle, it is necessary at the initial stage to focus only on those areas in which it is possible to achieve better results, and the rest should be gradually developed, but not excluded from your price list. The most difficult procedures should first be tested on girlfriends, sisters and other people who are mentally prepared for not the best results.

In order for your favorite business to generate income, you need to know not only where to find clients for manicure at home. It is important to learn how to correctly calculate the cost of materials used in the process. The recommended mark-up, which can be used by a beginner, is 50%. No need to be upset if there are more expenses at the beginning.

Take the first steps, start - this is the most difficult thing. A customer base is a must-have tool for business development. It is important to constantly work on attracting new customers, this will not only increase profits, but also maintain credibility among regular visitors. To do this, you can use any of these methods or several of them, which does not matter. The main thing is the result.


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