Arnold Schwarzenegger training. Philosophy of success

Arnold Schwarzenegger needs no introduction, and his name has long been a household name. And although he shone in the distant seventies and eighties, an example of his success still inspires thousands of beginner athletes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger training
Arnold Schwarzenegger training is a whole philosophy, which includes, in addition to the classes in the gym, proper nutrition, recovery and brain function. All this in aggregate is the bodybuilder's success formula.

Now briefly about the system by which Arnold Schwarzenegger was involved. Bodybuilding workout involves individual. There are no two identical people, therefore there cannot be two identical paths in athletic gymnastics. It is unlikely that one can become the same as Arnold, blindly following his technique. Each person needs his own training and recovery program, which can be worked out only for years, trying and making mistakes. You need to find your exercises and determine your level of exercise.

Arnold's Philosophy

The magnificent bodybuilder owes great achievements primarily to the correct philosophy with which he approached the classes. And its essence lies in the fact that success will come only in one case - if the athlete is looking forward to every trip to the gym. Classes through force will never bring the desired result. Schwarzenegger trained for his own pleasure, and he understood and knew the main thing - after improving muscles, life in all its manifestations will improve.

Arnold Schwarzenegger training system


The right diet is the basis for success in this difficult sport. Without observing a special diet, you should not expect results. Muscles do not grow just like that, but only with a balanced diet, which can provide weight gain without fat. If muscles increase, not fat, then nutrition is good. And if fat is also accumulated, then it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food.

During the drying period, which is carried out before the competition, Arnold switched to a diet low in carbohydrates, while their level should have been sufficient to have the strength to exercise. One day a week was necessarily high-calorie: thus the metabolism was accelerated.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Training System

The famous bodybuilder trained 8 times a week (on some days 2 times). His system consists of four programs for several years:

  1. The main training (two-level).
  2. High-quality bodybuilding (two-level).
  3. Alternative high-quality bodybuilding.
  4. Preparing for the competition.

The main training program includes muscle building. This requires working with large weights, which need to be increased weekly. This stage can take several years: it all depends on the constitution, motivation and performance. When muscle mass reaches the desired size, you can move on to quality bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Workout
For beginners, the first level of the main program is intended. Each part of the body should be trained twice a week, and the press daily.

For all muscle groups, it is necessary to choose two or three exercises, the first of which (one or two) should be basic, or multi-joint. These include, for example, bench presses, squats and others. They are usually performed with a barbell and dumbbells. After basic do isolated exercises, or single-joint. This is wiring, leg extensions and others. For them, simulators are usually used.

Arnold Schwarzenegger trained according to the following program:

  1. Monday Upper back, abdomen, chest.
  2. Tuesday . Belly, shoulder girdle, forearm, shoulder.
  3. Wednesday Lower back, thigh, lower leg, foot, stomach.
  4. Thursday Upper back, chest, abdomen.
  5. Friday . Belly, shoulder girdle, forearm, shoulder.
  6. Saturday Lower back, thigh, lower leg, foot, stomach.

Arnold Schwarzenegger training consisted of the following exercises for different muscle groups:

  1. Chest Bench presses sitting and lying down; pullover.
  2. Upper back . Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (maximum possible number of repetitions); in inclination, the draft of the projectile to the chest (three sets - 10, 6, 4).
  3. Shoulder girdle . Bench press standing; raising arms above the head to the sides and up (three sets - 10, 6.4).
  4. Shoulder . Sitting and standing up for biceps; bench press french; lying bench press (narrow grip).
  5. Forearm Flexion and extension of the wrists in the carpal-radial joint with a barbell (reverse grip).
  6. Thigh . Squats and lunges (barbell on the shoulders); knee bending to overcome resistance (lying on a bench).
  7. Shin and foot . Lifting on toes with a partner on the shoulders (5 sets of 15).
  8. Lower back . With a barbell on the shoulders of straightening and torso (three sets - 10, 6, 4).
  9. Belly Raising bent legs, touching the chest with the knees, lying on an inclined board (5 sets of 25).

Arnold Schwarzenegger
If the number of sets and reps is not indicated, you should perform the exercise 8-12 times in five approaches.


We must not forget that muscles do not grow during exercise. They increase outside the hall during the recovery period, so the correct regimen of the day is so important . Arnold advises you to sleep 8-9 hours a day. If you can’t sleep so much at night, you need to get the missing hours in the daytime.

Brain work

Arnold Schwarzenegger training includes another important aspect - the ability to concentrate on the working muscle when doing the exercise. It is necessary to learn to isolate the load on it and to represent its growth. After training, it is important to visualize the goal that you need to achieve with bodybuilding.


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