Inspection of building structures: what includes, the procedure, requirements and norms

Technical inspection of building structures is an important business, allowing you to get an idea about the quality of buildings. It is carried out in order to verify the strength and reliability of the created object, to avoid its collapse and human casualties. This should not be neglected, albeit a somewhat time-consuming, but very important process.

Introductory information

It is not surprising that a survey of building structures is required. This measure is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to reconstruct, carry out major repairs, whether the facility is safe and whether it complies with all applicable requirements.

What are the rules for the inspection of building structures? SP 13-102-2003 and GOST 31937-2011 - this is what you need to focus on. Over time, even the most reliable and durable building deteriorates. Conducting a survey using the regulatory framework allows you to identify the elements that are in critical condition. True, it can be quite difficult, if not impossible, for a specialist to deal with them. And this is not surprising, because the rules for the inspection of load-bearing building structures (SP and GOST) were created specifically for professionals who do this on a regular basis.

The procedure should be carried out in a certain sequence. The survey is divided into several stages. There is also a study of design and technical documentation, passport verification, visual inspection, measurement and sampling. The geological and hydrological features of the site on which the buildings are located can also be studied.

Who, when and why is all this necessary?

inspection of building structures

Inspection of building structures is carried out after a certain period. The size of the time period depends on the type and purpose of the building. But there are often situations when they are carried out unscheduled. This is especially true when the owner wants to start the reconstruction or when it is obvious that the object itself is in emergency condition. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and pay attention to the plan first.

The first inspection of buildings must be carried out no later than 2 years after they were put into operation. All subsequent ones take place at least once a decade. But there are exceptions, where the buildings that were built in adverse conditions fell. Such are considered vibrations, aggressiveness of the environment, high humidity, seismicity of the region over seven points. In this case, the examination must be carried out every five years.

If the building has a unique status, then a permanent monitoring mode is set for it. It is necessary to do this not for the state or casual passers-by, but primarily for the owner of the structure. Indeed, it is often more profitable to make periodic minor repairs than to overhaul a building or even remove it from the real estate fund.

About Details

inspection of building structures

It is imperative to conduct an examination of the building structures of structures after the expiration of the normative period of their operation. In addition, the process starts in the event of damage, deformation, if significant defects are detected, as prescribed by the authorities and supervision, as well as after situations with a significant influence of natural elements, such as wind, fire, water and so on.

Most owners, however, reasonably prefer to conduct a survey regularly for preventive purposes. This approach is fully justified, because neglect of established rules often turns into tragedies. So, in the news, there are often stories about the collapse of buildings, which at first glance seemed safe and reliable.

When a survey of building structures of buildings and structures is carried out , special attention should be paid to columns, walls, foundations, ceilings, stairs, bay windows and balconies, and in addition to structural interfaces. After all, often these places act as weak points of any building. Therefore, it is quite logical that it is necessary to start acting with them.

About categories of technical condition

Based on the results of the survey, the building is given a certain assessment. It is taken out based on the results of the audit, as well as after all calculations. Ultimately, the building belongs to one of the existing categories:

  1. Compliance with regulatory and technical requirements.
  2. Stays in working condition.
  3. May function in limited mode.
  4. In disrepair.

What does their status affect? If the inspection of building structures of buildings led to the first two points, then this means that the operation can be continued without restrictions. But in the second case, the requirement to periodically check the situation is often additionally established.

Limited functionality puts forward requirements for measures to restore or strengthen structures. It also means that you have to monitor the situation.

If buildings and structures are in emergency condition, then their operation is not allowed. Additionally, a mandatory monitoring regime is established. This is very important, it is impossible to ignore the current situation! Otherwise, it will endanger the health and lives of the people working and living in it. Although, it should be noted that in Russia a situation is quite common where this requirement is ignored. This is especially true in relation to residential buildings.

What do the stages of technical inspection include?

survey of building structures

Now let's dwell in more detail on the process itself. A very conditional technical inspection of objects can be divided into three parts:

  1. First stage. The data necessary to establish the required volumes and types of work is collected and prepared. More specifically, we study the engineering and geological conditions, information about the reconstructions and repairs, the results of previous surveys and technical documentation.
  2. Second phase. It involves a preliminary inspection of the object. It assesses the features of operation, determines how much it is possible to gain access to the structures for measurements, and also highlights areas that are potentially the most worn out. Such measures allow you to accurately determine the program of future work and provide for all the necessary research that is carried out in such cases.
  3. The third stage. It involves conducting an instrumental examination of the building. During this process, detailed verification and testing of structures, as well as the engineering networks of the investigated structure, is carried out. For this purpose, a variety of methods are used: mechanical, laboratory, physical. In the first case, it is supposed to reveal the dependence of the strength of materials depending on their various properties. The laboratory method involves the analysis of samples of materials. Well, the physical one provides for measurements using special equipment.

A thorough measurement of the building is carried out. In case of defects, the causes of their occurrence are analyzed. Based on the data obtained, accurate calculations are carried out that allow you to determine the degree of wear and form a comprehensive description of the current state of the building.

The result and the price of the survey

cn rules of inspection of load-bearing building structures

In the end result, the customer receives a full technical report, consisting of a text and graphic part. In the first case, there are project sheets, building plans, photographs of the object, a copy of the license of the company conducting the survey, as well as technical solutions recommended for adoption, which will eliminate the defects. The textual part describes the complex of work performed.

All this package of documents will be needed during subsequent checks. It will also be needed if there is a request from the state construction supervision authorities.

And how much will it all cost? The price of work on the inspection of building structures depends on many factors, therefore, it is calculated individually. The purpose of the study, as well as the area of ​​construction, has the greatest influence. In addition, factors that complicate the performance of surveys affect the price upward. But usually it already includes engineering and measuring and research work, laboratory tests of building materials, as well as measures to establish the properties of building structures. All this allows you to check the technical condition of the building, determine its wear, as well as the residual resource for use.

Based on the results, a decision is made about the possibility of further operation, repair, strengthening, reconstruction or restoration. All the works performed are aimed specifically at obtaining data that allow us to characterize the current state and find out whether further safe operation is possible. And the results are clothed in the form of a technical report, with photofixation of defects and their description, conclusions, as well as recommendations.

A few words about the methods used

technical inspection of building structures

The rules for the inspection of building structures provide for the use of scientifically based approaches when performing the entire spectrum of work. Conditionally used methods can be divided into two groups:

  • non-destructive;
  • with partial damage to the body of the structure.

If we talk about specific methods, then when examining building structures, they distinguish:

  1. Visual. Used to search for defects with a simple inspection. It is used at the initial stage of the study.
  2. The ultrasonic method. It is used to search for hidden defects in structures and materials, as well as to control the thickness of metal parts. Allows you to determine the strength of concrete, cracks in it, as well as its depth, as well as masonry. It is one of the main quality control methods for welded joints.
  3. Electromagnetic method. It is used to carry out quality control of parts that are made of electrically conductive materials. Allows you to find surface voids and cracks.
  4. GPR method. Used in the study of the structure, latent defects and the thickness of the foundations. Allows you to determine the characteristics of soils, as well as the presence of landslide processes in the foundations of roads, soils, water basins.
  5. Radiometric method. Used to determine the density of bulk materials, stone and concrete.
  6. The neutron method. It is used to control the humidity of building materials and porosity.
  7. Pneumatic method. Used to determine the breathability of a structure.
  8. Thermal imaging method. It is necessary to determine the value of thermal protection of a building. It is used to carry out diagnostics of the heating system, to determine areas of abnormal overheating of the wiring.
  9. Theodolite shooting (leveling). Used to determine the volumetric deformation of the building and the settlement of the foundation.

What specific goals are pursued in the study?

building inspection rules

The rules for the inspection of load-bearing building structures provide such an answer to this question:

  • Identification of damage and defects in structures.
  • Determining the causes of their occurrence.
  • Fixing the current technical condition.
  • Collection of initial data for subsequent design (this goal is pursued if you want to carry out reconstruction of the object).
  • Development of technical solutions and recommendations for strengthening, replacing or restoring defective (damaged) structures.
  • Investigation of the causes of accidents.

Also, in case of requests from state construction supervision authorities, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Passport of the technical condition of buildings.
  2. Inspection Acts.
  3. Technical conclusions.

Additionally, although not always necessary, the following documents are prepared:

  • Verification calculations of structures.
  • Recommendations for further operation, making changes, eliminating identified damages.
  • Measurement drawings of the investigated object (facades, sections, plans and the like).

Who should be entrusted with the inspection of building structures?

You need to know that the considered complex of work can be performed exclusively by a specialized organization. She must have a license and certificates to carry out this type of activity. It is very important. For example, the reconstruction of an existing residential building should be carried out only after a full and high-quality examination. At this stage, experts, in addition to the technical parameter, can also determine the economic feasibility of such actions.

And it is not just words. In practice, cases are common when customers, after familiarizing themselves with all the arguments, abandoned the task and changed it to another, more profitable and expedient in the existing conditions.


rules for the inspection of load-bearing building structures

So this topic has been considered. Now we know what a survey of building structures is, what it includes, what is the procedure for its implementation, as well as existing state norms and requirements. If you do not want to contact specialists, you can only advise reading 13-102-2003 and GOST 31937-2011 in order to at least get an idea of ​​how this process looks and how complicated it is.


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