Why did the internet speed drop (Rostelecom)? Reasons for low internet speed

Why has internet speed dropped? Rostelecom, like no one else, is familiar with this problem. Quite often, subscribers call the company and ask what happened to the Internet connection. Let's see what the reasons may be.

Modem issues

Among the first reasons why Internet speeds have fallen, Rostelecom notes the crashes and malfunctions of your own equipment. Thus, they relieve the company of all responsibility for a poor connection.

why the speed of the Internet fell Rostelecom

However, such statements can be reasonable and logical. The fact is that a good modem with continuous operation is able to serve faithfully for about 5 years. If you turn it off at least a few minutes once a week, then the possible period will increase to 8 years. Nevertheless, if he began to "catch the network badly," the first thing to do is check the speed of the Internet. Rostelecom allows this to be done on their website. In addition, call the service center to find out if your modem is “visible”. If not, it is best to replace faulty equipment.


Another reason that the Internet may “fail” is because of an incorrect or failed setting. Rostelecom calls this among the first reasons why users access them.

The fact is that due to various accidents or malfunctions, as well as problems with your computer, the settings are lost. In addition, if you often restart your modem, then you should not be surprised at this behavior. In this situation, the Internet is configured. Rostelecom can help you with this. Yes, and you yourself will cope with the task if you are well acquainted with your data used to connect.

check Internet speed Rostelecom

Accidents and weather

Why has internet speed dropped? Rostelecom responds during various hurricanes and other weather surprises that it is all about the weather. The fact is that all the equipment that provides the server is highly dependent on the weather on the street.

For example, in a huge heat server can simply not withstand the stress and give failures. At this time, the connection speed may decrease, it may turn off altogether. Therefore, it is necessary to check the speed of the Internet. Rostelecom, as mentioned earlier, allows its users to do this directly on the site. If you notice that the numbers are small, then contact technical support with a question about what happened. Most likely, this is an accident that they will try to eliminate soon. If, for example, there is a hurricane or a blizzard outside the window, then you should generally be glad that you still have internet and electricity. During bad weather, it is better to refrain from unnecessary calls to the service, be patient and wait a bit.


Why has internet speed dropped? Rostelecom may not always know the answer to your question. The fact is that problems can be caused by your operating system.

Internet setup Rostelecom

Computer, as you know, is a rather capricious thing. Like any technique, it can fail. Thus, the connection to the network may also be affected. Rostelecom Internet usually suffers from malfunctions due to weather conditions. Nevertheless, there are frequent cases when service centers and support could not help due to the fact that they have everything displayed correctly, but the speed is still low or the Internet is completely absent.

In this situation, you first need to check the Internet "Rostelecom", and then start checking your computer. Correct all errors and malfunctions found, and then restart the operating system. If the connection returns, then the problem is resolved. It’s just that you need to take care of your computer from time to time. But what if it didn’t help? There are two more options for the development of events, which we will talk about now.


Another reason why the Internet can slow down is, of course, computer viruses.

Rostelecom Internet
They usually hit the computer completely, blocking the operation of the system and any connection. Fortunately, there are more "harmless" viruses. They simply drown out the signal, trying more and more to load some obscure hidden information.

However, you must get rid of all the infection on your computer as soon as possible. To do this, you need a good antivirus program and a little patience. First, run an antivirus and check your entire computer for viruses. If you have a large hard drive and a lot of data, then the process can take several hours. Try not to delete anything. First, see which files will be infected.

Save all important personal data. This is done in case your computer is infected with something serious and you may need to reinstall the system. After that, cure your car, and that which is not subject to treatment, delete. Reboot the computer. Internet speed should be back. But it can also happen that your system does “bend” at all, stopping loading. Then only reinstallation will help. Complete and unconditional.

check internet Rostelecom

Evening time

But what to do when everything is fine with the computer and equipment? Why has internet speed dropped? Rostelecom notes that in the evening, many people have reduced connection speeds. It's all about the heavy load on the transmission line.

This is because people come from work / study and everyone wants to go online. Someone for study, someone for work, someone for communication, and someone for games. Modern technologies cannot yet maintain the proper, or rather, the promised speed in the evening with a large number of simultaneous connection of subscribers. So in this situation there is no solution but to sit and wait. Well, or use the Internet, say, during the day. True, this is actually not a real way out, but a mockery. It remains only to sit and wait until the load is reduced. However, you can use the change of provider or use the mobile Internet. He, as a rule, is designed for several people, and only those who live with you. So there can be no talk of any overload. Now you know why there may be connection problems and how to deal with them. Be patient and try to calmly respond to Internet slowdowns. If the Rostelecom Internet setup in the evening did not help you, that’s all that remains to be done.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8814/

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