National Employment Center SPb: employee reviews

Today it remains to be seen what the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg receives reviews. What kind of organization is this? What are the pros and cons of the corporation should pay attention primarily to all applicants? Do I need to contact this organization at all? You need to understand all this yourself. Do not believe everything that is written on a variety of pages with reviews. Not all information is equally useful to the public.


The National Employment Center of St. Petersburg receives various reviews about its work. Positive opinions are left by employees and applicants for the functions performed by the corporation. The thing is that the employment center offers people all kinds of vacancies for employment.

In fact, this is a place that helps to find work. This is where many turn for help. An analogue of recruitment agencies. But is it worth coming here for help? What good and bad do job seekers see in this organization?

national employment center spb reviews


LLC National Employment Center SPb does not earn the worst reviews for the services provided. In general, this company is not much different from the state employment center. It performs all similar functions.

More precisely, the company proposes:

  • assistance in obtaining unemployment benefits;
  • selection of work with further employment;
  • training / retraining of personnel.

There is nothing surprising or suspicious about this. Therefore, many initially trust the company. Is it worth it? How much is the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg a conscientious employer?

national employment center spb job reviews


Understanding is not as easy as it seems. After all, there are not too many reviews about the organization. But they are enough to judge the integrity of the corporation.

Some people wonder where the company is located. This is an important point to which many pay attention. Very dissimilar to each other receives the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg reviews. The address of the organization is as follows: St. Petersburg, Sennaya Ploshchad metro station , 4A Efimova Street. This is where the corporation’s office is located.

If you go along the specified coordinates, the employment center will indeed be found. It is represented by a small office in the business center. Do not be surprised at this. The organization as a whole is not too big. This fact should be considered by each applicant.

national employment center spb job reviews

About vacancies

A pretty important point is what kind of job offers the organization. The National Employment Center of St. Petersburg does not always receive positive reviews about employment. Why?

Jobs, according to opinions, are not so many. But they are all diverse. Ordinary government employment centers offer more jobs. But this fact underlines the fact that the company is not a scammer.

It is because of this that the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg receives mixed reviews. Jobs, according to applicants, often require unskilled labor. That is, basically the organization offers a job that almost any citizen can get a job without special skills, education and work experience.

llc national employment center spb reviews

In view of this circumstance, some applicants accuse the National Employment Center of fraud and dishonesty. But is it really so?

Collaboration Effectiveness

It is difficult to give an exact answer. LLC "National Employment Center SPb" reviews of employees earn different. Some say that the organization really helps job seekers to find work. Yes, the vacancies are not the best, but the company copes with the task. No cheating, all honestly.

Some, on the contrary, leave not the best reviews about the company. It is often called a fraudulent organization. Someone says that the employment center is not coping with its responsibilities. No vacancies were offered to applicants. Only wasted time spent on contacting the company!

That is why it is not so simple to draw a final conclusion about what the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg actually is. Reviews about the work of the corporation are completely different. There are positive opinions. But most often there is a negative. And fraud allegations. Why is this so?

Strange actions

The National Employment Center of St. Petersburg does not earn the best reviews for employees for a very strange job scheme that scares potential job seekers. What do people pay attention to most often?

On the need to transfer the funded part of the pension to a specific non-state pension fund. More precisely, many indicate PromAgroFond. Only in this case, the applicant will be offered vacancies for employment.

Many do not like this work scheme. It is suspicious that the employment center offers vacancies only to those who have agreed to cooperate with a non-state pension fund. Most applicants say that they have refused the services of the exchange. And still do not know how much in reality the company fulfills its obligations.

national employment center spb employee reviews

Fund or employment center

LLC National Employment Center SPb reviews employees earned a generally negative type. Some say that it’s a private pension fund that works under the guise of a recruiting agency . Similar opinions are very common. They are due to the strange actions of the organization when signing an agreement on further cooperation with applicants. It was told about them earlier.

You should not think that the National Employment Center is a private pension fund in the Russian Federation. Not at all. But the fact that the organization is attracting new investors to PromAgroFond is a fact. It is not confirmed by anything, but it is emphasized by the population very often. Therefore, we can conclude that the employment center operates not only in its own interests.

LLC national employment center spb employee reviews

Salary Offers

What else is recommended to pay attention to before contacting the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg? Reviews indicate that in this company very often cheat with salaries. Initially, employees are offered the same working conditions and salary, but in reality everything turns out somewhat differently.

But complaints about low earnings confirm that the National Employment Center in St. Petersburg does offer job opportunities for employment. So, to look for work, you can contact this organization. There is no deception, only there is always the possibility that the applicant will not be able to pick up a decent job. No one is safe from this. And this feature will have to be considered by every citizen who is in search of work.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? It is difficult to judge the activities of an organization. It does not allow applicants to 100% verify the integrity of the employment center. Some even say that the company offers VIP employment for a fee. Roughly this is about 3,000 rubles. Allegedly for this amount, the applicant is 100% and will quickly select the necessary vacancy. No one is saying exactly how well the employment center provides this service. But at the same time, many make fun of VIP employment.

national employment center spb reviews address

Accordingly, we can conclude that the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg reviews with negative emotions earns quite reasonably. Mostly employees say that trusting the organization is 100% not worth it. The National Employment Center does help to employ some citizens, but it does not give the impression of a conscientious organization. It is better to use regular labor exchanges in St. Petersburg. And while not resorting to the use of VIP-employment. It is often called a stupid money-laundering. This will have to be kept in mind all the time. Otherwise, you can not only not find a job, but also incur additional costs. Often the National Employment Center of St. Petersburg can be found in the black list of employers.


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