MAZ-203 - a comfortable multi-seat three-door city-type bus

The low-floor city bus MAZ-203 has been produced at the Minsk Automobile Plant since 2006. The machine is radically different from its predecessor, the MAZ-203 model. The difference lies in the configuration of the lower tier of the cabin. In the one hundred and third version, the floor surface rises by 400 millimeters, starting from the rear edge of the middle door and ending with the far wall of the bus. On the right side, on a hill, there are two double seats, and behind them is the workplace of the conductor, a chair deployed 90 degrees for greater convenience.

maz 203

Salon arrangement

On the left side of the podium are three double seats. The backrest is ergonomically designed. At the rear wall there is one continuous row of seats for six seats. The total number of seats is 32.

The floor of the MAZ-203 model is even throughout the cabin, but at the very end a small elevation is mounted on which there are three seats. A module with chilled drinking water is installed in the rear left corner. In front of the machine are two more seats. Eight seats are mounted on the wheel arches of the rear wheels, four on each side. These seats are mounted backs to each other. For some passengers who are rocked by a bus, this reverse arrangement is best suited. The rest of the seats are installed in the usual manner, in the direction of movement. However, on the arches of the front wheels, the seats are also deployed with backs to each other.

maz 203 bus

Boarding and alighting

The internal space of the MAZ-203 model looks quite spacious, in the area of ​​the middle casement doors there is a free platform, which can accommodate a wheelchair user or several suitcases. For embarkation and disembarkation of the disabled, a retractable platform is provided, which is equipped with an electric drive and is controlled from the driver's cab.

The height from the roadway to the floor line is 330 mm, this is enough for a comfortable boarding and disembarking of ordinary passengers, moreover, the bus parks at the curb, which is at every stop along the route. The machine fits strictly along the line, so that all three doors are right at the edge of the asphalt pad. Its height is 18-20 centimeters.


Body parameters are the same for all second-generation MAZ city buses. These are MAZ 256, 171, 251, 206 models. The body frame is made of profile galvanized thin-walled pipes. The welded structure is connected to the fiberglass cladding panels, after which glass is inserted into the grooves.

The panoramic windshield provides the driver with a complete overview, and also contributes to the efficient lighting of the passenger compartment. The front door is fully used to enter and exit passengers, while the MAZ-103 model worked for this purpose only one leaf - the other served to allow the driver to enter the cab.

maz 203 specifications


According to its data, MAZ-203 meets the standards of European countries and has already been exported to Germany and Poland. The issue of delivering a bus to Spain is currently under consideration. The urban transport of this country mainly consists of similar buses, so the two hundred and third will fit perfectly into the transport structure of Madrid and other major cities.

The bus is the winner of the 9th Moscow International Motor Show 2005 Prize. The car also won first place at the international exhibition SIA-2006, held in Kiev.

MAZ-203: technical specifications

Manufacturer - Minsk Automobile Plant.

  • total curb weight - 11 100 kg;
  • speed close to maximum - 90 km / h;
  • the class is large;
  • capacity, seats - 37;
  • total permissible capacity - 102;
  • front wheels, track - 2101 mm;
  • track of the rear wheels - 1888 mm;
  • height along the roof line - 2920 mm;
  • number of doors - 3;
  • suspension, front - dependent, spring-pneumatic;
  • rear suspension - dependent with continuous axle, spring-pneumatic;
  • disc brakes on all wheels.

urban transport

Power point

The engine of the bus MAZ-203 production MMZ. The characteristics of the motor meet the requirements of the environmental standard Euro-4:

  • engine - Daimler Chrysler OM 906 diesel;
  • number of cylinders - 16;
  • configuration - V-shaped arrangement;
  • torque - 110 Nm with a rotation of 1300 rpm;
  • power close to maximum - 279 liters. from.;
  • the working volume of the cylinders is 6.37 liters.

Transmission - an automatic three- speed gearbox.


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