Servo - what is it? How to make and connect a servo with your own hands?

Servo drives are devices that are designed to control devices. This process is carried out using feedback. To date, there are asynchronous and synchronous modifications. By device models can vary quite a lot. It should also be borne in mind that there are modifications of a linear type. They differ in a large acceleration parameter.

According to the principle of operation of the servos are electromechanical and electrohydromechanical types. Meet the above devices most often in the industrial field. There they are responsible for the operation of various equipment. In particular, servo drives control machines.


The servo circuit includes a sensor, a power supply, and a control board. Additionally, in the models you can find a converter. Most often, it is set to a linear type. In this case, much depends on the drive. It is presented in a servo drive, as a rule, in the form of an electric motor with a gearbox. However, today there are many modifications with pneumatic cylinders.

servo what is it

How to assemble a model?

Making a servo with your own hands is quite simple. If we consider a simple modification, then first of all you should choose a case for the device. In this case, much depends on the dimensions of the drive. For a home-made device, it is more advisable to use a low-power electric motor. In this case, the gearbox should be installed side by side.

Next, to assemble a servo with your own hands, you need to select an analog type potentiometer. Find it in the store is not difficult. After that, you should start installing the sensor. As a rule, the control board is selected by the PP20 series. For rotary controls, it fits well. At the end of the work, it remains only to install the converter. All this is necessary in order to connect the device to the network.

Model for heating

Servo for heating in our time is very popular. The device data is distinguished by a high limit frequency parameter. Motors are most often used in models of asynchronous type. Moreover, their power is at the level of 2 kW. Small gears are used to transmit torque to the shaft. To date, the most common is considered to be a servo for heating with analog potentiometers.

However, digital models are also not uncommon. To increase the throughput of the device, special controllers are used. At the same time, management boards are installed the most diverse. Converters are standardly used to connect the device to the network. Nowadays, most often they can be found of a linear type. Servo repair for heating can only be done at a service center.

servo damper

Valve device

A servo valve is typically used in industrial applications. There he is able to be responsible for adjusting the machines. A distinctive feature of these models is considered to be powerful engines. Moreover, the parameter of the limiting frequency reaches 22 Hz. All this ultimately gives the devices a good acceleration. Directly motors can be found mainly asynchronous type. The shaft-mounted servo valve is a gear type. Regulators in such devices are found rotary and push-button type. In this case, only one-way valves can be used.

Model for the stove

Servo stove average power has a damage of 2 kW. Motors are most often installed asynchronous type with a limit frequency at around 31 Hz. A distinctive feature of such devices is considered to be the presence of a resistive element. His responsibilities include increasing the model's throughput. Gearboxes are most often installed low-frequency type. In addition, it should be noted that the market has many modifications with potentiometers.

Management boards, as a rule, are available in the PP20 series. They are ideally suited for multifunctional control of the stove. In this situation, the output shafts are connected directly to the gearbox. All this is necessary in order to increase the torque. Manufacturers use leverage as leverage. It is installed, as a rule, not of a large size. The servo drive of the stove is connected to the network through special contacts on the converter. In this case, the stator can be connected to the device. Additionally, the servo drive is perfectly capable of performing the functions of an amplifier.

Flap adjustment device

Servo damper can be made even by yourself. In this situation, it makes sense to select an electric motor with a power of not more than 2 kW. Otherwise, the output shaft will not withstand heavy loads and breaks. When assembling, the gearbox is installed first. Pneumatic cylindrical devices are rarely used.

The stators in the servo damper are often mounted electronic type. The converter is installed in the model only after the shoulder. Then you need to pay attention to the management board. The output shaft in this case must be fixed on the axis. For this, a metal wire of not large sizes is selected. In the last turn, it remains only to connect the wires to the converter. Then they will directly be able to connect to the control unit.

Model with crane

A servo-driven valve allows you to adjust the water pressure. It is most often possible to meet a device of this type in the industrial field. In this case, only pneumatic cylinders are used. In turn, electric motors are quite rare. Stator boxes for servo drive are suitable for manual type. A special board must be provided to adjust the device.

To date, many manufacturers prefer modifications to the PP20. Directly controllers are installed rotary type. The servo is connected to the network using a converter. In the market today, both non-linear and linear types are presented.

servo control

Synchronous modifications

Synchronous servo - what is it? In fact, this device is used to adjust the machines. Moreover, in ventilation systems they are also in demand. Sensors in models are installed, as a rule, of an agile type. In this case, the engine power can vary from 1 to 3 kW. The converter deserves special attention in devices. It is usually installed on two contacts. However, there are other modifications.

Stators are used in a digital type, and you can adjust them using the controller. Another distinguishing feature of these devices is considered to be the presence of encoders. These details are required for feedback. The limit frequency parameter for servo drives does not exceed 35 Hz. Connecting the device to the network is carried out only through the terminals. Additionally, it should be noted that resistive mechanisms are used, as a rule, of the low-frequency type. It is quite difficult to fold the servo on its own. However, in this case, a lot depends on the type of management board.

servo stove

Asynchronous servos

Asynchronous servo - what is it? In fact, this device is intended exclusively for equipment that has a power supply of 15 V. In this case, the power of the device, as a rule, does not exceed 2 kW. The maximum load of the potentiometer in the models is able to withstand at the level of 23 A. To transmit torque from the motor, output shafts of not large diameter are used. In this case, the lever moves due to the gear.

The change in speed occurs due to the controller. Servo control is carried out using a special board. In some cases, the shoulder is used to change the position of the regulator. Resistive devices are most often installed low-frequency. At the same time, servos on pneumatic cylinders are quite rare in our time. To assemble such a modification yourself, you need a powerful gearbox. Also for him should choose a manual stator.

servo valve

Servo linear motion modifications

Linear motion servo - what is it? In fact, this device is a feedback controller. Today, models are very in demand. For various heating systems, they are ideal. The converters in them are most often used for three contacts. Stator boxes are installed in various capacities. Motors can only be used synchronous type.

Otherwise, the power supplies do not withstand the limit voltage. In this situation, gearboxes are used as drives. Gears are used to transmit torque from the engine. Yes, today there are many modifications on the market with an output shaft. In this case, you can control the speed of revolutions using the controller. It should also be remembered that the devices have special boards. They are installed with the marking P20. The change of mode in this case is made at the expense of the controller. Rotary modifications to servos are quite rare these days. They are most often used to control machines.

Devices for industrial robots

For industrial robots, a servo drive - what is it? In fact, this device is a multifunction controller. In this case, the boards use the PP30 series. Due to this, the user has the opportunity to adjust the limit frequency parameter. On average, it fluctuates around 25 Hz. Devices of this type work from 15 V power supplies.

Servo control is often carried out using a rotary type regulator. However, digital counterparts are not uncommon these days. Rotors are used in devices exclusively low-frequency. All this is necessary to quickly accelerate the servo. Potentiometers can be found both analog and digital type. Gearboxes in design can be quite different. It is difficult to assemble a servo of this type yourself. In this case, the problem is finding the right controller.

do-it-yourself servo

Servo-Driven Models for Printing Machines

For printing machines, models are needed with synchronous types of motors. Their power must reach 2 kW. The limit frequency parameter is welcomed at 30 Hz. Today, most manufacturers produce servo drives with analog potentiometers. It should also be noted that gearboxes are generally used flat. All this is necessary in order for the device to be compact.

Rotors deserve special attention in servos of this type. The conductivity index of them must be at least 3 microns. All this is necessary for good acceleration. Output shafts in this case use a small diameter. Converters can most often be found on three contacts. For 20 V power supplies, they are ideal. Stator boxes are installed in various shapes and can vary greatly in design. In this situation, a lot depends on the encoder that is installed in the servo drive.

Devices for sewing machines

Servos of this type differ from other devices in their compactness. Engines in such models are most often found asynchronous type. From a network with a voltage of 220 V, they work without any problems. The regulator in this case is used rotary type. The maximum power limit reaches 1.2 kW. The threshold frequency in this situation barely reaches 20 Hz. Potentiometers are used only analog type.

Gear boxes for this modification are low-power. Servos on two gears come across quite often. However, rotors are generally installed to transmit torque from the motor. Output shafts have a low speed. In this case, the shoulder load is small. Controllers in this case use single-channel. At the same time, it is not possible for the user to change the power parameter. The feedback sensor in the servos of this type is located near the stator.

servo for heating

Servo-driven modifications for packaging machines

A model of this type most often works from the movement of pneumatic cylinders. In this case, power supplies are often used at 12 V. In this case, protection systems are installed quite often. Converters can be found on two and three contacts. Stator boxes are installed in various configurations. In some cases, the feedback sensors in the servos are replaced by encoders. Rotor boxes for maximum voltage should be designed around 12 V. Resistive mechanisms in devices are quite rare.

You can independently assemble a servo of this type. For this purpose, it is best to select an analog potentiometer. In this case, it is better to use the converter for two contacts. Instead of an encoder, many experts recommend the use of feedback sensors. However, for their successful operation, it is necessary to check the device for sensitivity. The regulator is easiest to use a swivel type made of plastic. Modulators are used only single-channel.


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