Perov Nikolay. Self-development and self-improvement

Self-development and self-improvement is a person’s activity, which helps to realize oneself as a person. In order to achieve certain goals, achieve the desired and be successful, you need to constantly work on yourself, that is, daily gain new knowledge and be realized. The famous blogger Nikolai Perov teaches a lot of people. This will be discussed in the article.

Step 1: Meditation

Nikolai Perov shares with readers one interesting technique that will help people realize themselves. There’s no need to change your lifestyle. You just need to do yourself daily no more than 40 minutes. This technique will help you relax, improve your mental well-being and understand what you need to pay attention to.

What does Nikolai Perov offer? “Self-development and self-improvement should begin with meditation,” - says the blogger. It is meditation that helps to assert oneself and increase one's self-esteem. Thanks to this technique, many people have learned to concentrate, relax, control emotions, willpower, fear and even get rid of bad habits.

You can meditate absolutely anywhere. It can be a tram, minibus, institute, work, beach and other places.

perov nikolay

The result will be required, but not immediately. This technique helps some people in three months, others in six months. The main thing is to believe in success, because thoughts are material. As you understand, there can be no instant result.

Step 2: take care of yourself

As a rule, motivation is needed to achieve a goal . It is often difficult to purposefully work on yourself, to see your own shortcomings, to change your usual way of life. That is why a plan is needed, according to which you need to go forward without looking back.

Seamlessly proceed to the second step on the road to self-development. In it, Perov Nikolai invites everyone to take care of themselves. Observe the processes in your body, facial expressions, movements, voice, mood and so on.

self-development and self-improvement

When you learn to monitor yourself as if from the outside, then you can improve yourself as a person.

After that, you will easily understand your feelings, learn to control yourself, be more attentive and understand that you can eradicate any habit, whether bad or not.

Step 3: Develop Willpower

Perov Nikolay calls this step “muscle of self-development”. You should feel like a strong and purposeful person. Willpower will help overcome laziness, fear and some uncertainty.

If the soul is cloudy, and at that moment you can smile and say someone an affectionate word, then you have willpower. However, it must continue to be developed. If you are too lazy to clean, wash or go to the store, then just forget that you do not want to do this. Try to overpower yourself and say: "it is necessary." Henceforth, start from this keyword.

Remember! You develop willpower only when you do what you really don't want. However, in training willpower you cannot overdo it. If you understand that you can finish some business tomorrow, do not force yourself, but put off, as they say, until better times.

Step 4: Learn to Relax

Intense life constantly keeps a person in suspense. Everyone has a house, family, work, problems, etc. However, you need to relax, because the human body wears out very quickly. Try to pay attention to yourself at least once a week. Alcohol, cigarettes, and soothing drugs are not relaxation, but tension. Although some people claim the opposite.

Alcohol and nicotine will never help withstand stress. At first it seems that relaxation comes, but the nervous system is gradually destroyed. Medication is not an option. They help for the first time, and then the body slows down, which makes the person inattentive and lethargic.

nikolay perov self-development

To completely relax, you need to turn on pleasant music, sit on a chair and slowly breathe calmly and moderately for several minutes.

Try to take a ten-minute break from work 3 times a day. Sit on a chair, and if possible, go outside. Breathe slowly for 10 minutes and during this time think about something good.

You can relax with a warm bath or light jogging. You will see how your body relaxes, and you can safely continue to do their own business. All of the above relaxation techniques are very useful for both a young person and an elderly person.

Step 5: getting rid of bad habits

You cannot self-develop while consuming alcohol or nicotine. After all, these bad habits destroy the human brain, a person becomes unbearable, and problems with the nervous system begin.

If you have passed the previous steps and learned to develop willpower, then you can easily quit drinking or smoking. After all, it is not so much physiological withdrawal that occurs in you, as psychological dependence.

Step 6: take care of your health

Physical activity is necessary for every person. If all people went in for sports every day, they would not have health problems. Do not want to run in the morning? Do not do this. You can do a mini-charge after sleep.

nikolai perov reviews

It will cheer you up, strengthen your muscles and improve your health. However, remember that sport should be regular. Good and positive methods are suggested by Nikolay Perov.

PA Treatment (Panic Attacks)

Nikolay Perov shared with readers how to help himself cope with another important problem. These are panic attacks. For some reason, many people believe that it is impossible to do without medical treatment. However, the blogger claims the opposite.

Panic attacks occur when a person experiences intense fear. The feeling is very unpleasant, but not fatal. To get rid of PA, you need to return to the first step (meditation). Only she will help to overcome this horror that haunts you, especially at night.

nikolai perov treatment pa

An important rule that Perov advises is proper relaxation. In this case, the music should be soothing, you need to sit down so that the whole body becomes as if light and airy.

After meditation, a person becomes calm, balanced and can withstand any fit of anger or fear.

Nikolay Perov: reviews

Many people thank him for the lessons, seminars and webinars. For those who could not attend the training, Nikolay Perov gives a video recording that helps not to miss classes. People continue to study at home, for which they are grateful to the blogger.

As a rule, at least once in a lifetime, each person gives up and does not want anything. However, Perov Nikolay helps people to go to the intended goal, to develop themselves and to improve themselves, without making any special efforts. You just need to work on yourself, exercise regularly, lead a healthy lifestyle, and in a few weeks you will feel relief.


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