What is somersault, how to do it correctly

What is somersault? How to learn how to correctly and safely perform this acrobatic trick, and what exercises are its basis? A step-by-step description and the most important errors during the preparation for the trick, you will find in the article.


Kulbit is an acrobatic trick performed by flipping the body face forward with landing on its feet.

Previously, before you engage in the development of somersault, you must be able to perform at least a few acrobatic elements:

  • handstand);
  • wheel;
  • rise with an extension.

The main load in this trick falls on the hands and shoulders, which means that they must be stretched first.

hand stand

The simplest charging and turning the body will allow you to warm up those ligaments that will be subject to stress. To perform somersault, flexibility is required in the back due to the bridge, and in the legs, which we develop due to twine. Do these exercises before the somersault, and you will be less likely to get injured.

Kulbit, the description of which sounds like: "coup through hands to legs", is quite difficult to perform the exercise. The main thing you need to do when you master it is to find a good insurer.

The most common mistakes:

  1. Too bent arms (so you have to work with large amplitude).
  2. Hands are on different lines (in this position of the body you cannot even get out of the somersault).
  3. Insufficiently strong leg swing.
  4. Tense abdominal muscles (in this trick, the lower back should be tensed).

An important point is that you need to maximize your center of gravity, this is done due to slightly bent arms, a powerful swing of the leg and straight back. This element is quite heavy and may require several workouts.

Other values

"Kulbit" - a novel by Kenzaburo Oe

What is "somersault" in the literature? Kulbit is a novel by Kenzaburo Oe, which was released in 1999. The work is divided into two volumes. The original language is Japanese.

The novel reveals topics about the collapse of religions and the emergence of new ones, examines the role of prayer and the doom of a person to not receive answers from the transcendental.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8840/

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