Dad can do it! What role does a father play for a child?

June 19 is celebrated throughout the world by Pope’s Day. And although this holiday has not yet become official in our country, but it is definitely very close to every family. Let's talk about what kind of father he is in the world.

Rises from the sofa in time and slams the laptop

Everyone knows that a child needs a father no less than a mother. Children just need friendship, love and the approval of the pope. It’s great if the guys have the opportunity to be with their father for a long time, to feel his affection, care, to help him in something. But, unfortunately, most often the greatest desire of parents after returning from work is to eat and stretch out in front of the TV.

dad's day

It is important for any father to understand that a child appreciates communication with him, especially if dad is a very busy person. If the parent feels this , then he will have much more desire to spend time with the baby, overcoming his fatigue.

Puts above all the desires of the child

Dad is a native person who values ​​personal choice and does not criticize. It happens that even before the birth of the child, the father sees in the son of a future football player. And from the earliest years, the head of the family records the baby in the football section, constantly watches matches with him, trains the child at home. But the result may be different. For example, a boy might just not get something in football. In such a situation, spending time with both father and son becomes a burden to both. And this should not be allowed, so you need to be able to listen to the offspring.

Constant criticism from the father will lead to the fact that the child will not receive pleasure from the game. Moreover, the father will force the child to consider himself a failure. Approval by the pope is much more important than censure. Over time, perhaps the boy will become involved in sports, you just need to give him time. Well, when it is the son who offers the head of the family to play football - this will serve as entertainment for both.

Role model and true friend

The boy will feel like a man, watching the person in whom he feels confidence and reliability. It can be older friends, grandfather, brothers. Or maybe a father. Constantly bumping into reproaches from the side of the pope, the child will not take him as an example to follow. Often these children are drawn closer to the mother, perceiving her interests and behavior.

dad is that person who

When a father seeks to make a real man out of his son, one does not need to pounce on the child when he whimpers, forcing him to work on things in which he does not see himself. Dad is the person who shouldn’t be ashamed of the baby if he plays girls games. Father and son should have their secrets, spend time alone with each other, for example, fishing. Then the child will have the stereotype “dad is his boyfriend”.

Dad is the standard for his daughter

A girl needs a dad no less than a boy needs. There is a significant difference in the relationship of the baby with her father, in which many people do not always see the need. The boy is looking for a role model in the parent , and the girl is looking for support and a person whose approval gives confidence. When a girl requires father’s advice, it is necessary to approach this issue with care and help the baby with this or that choice, approving the option that the child himself initially likes. Thus, dad will praise the girl’s inner instinct.

Then the daughter will become older, and the father will be required to show her that he appreciates her opinion in any matters. It is not superfluous to ask your daughter for advice, for example, about where to go with the whole family on the weekend. A little more time will pass, and your girl will begin to be friends with the boys. This is inevitable, therefore it is important to be loyal to her friend, even if the father is sure that the daughter’s boyfriend is not a couple. The daughter will look for the best qualities of the father in her chosen one.

dad this

Dad is hope and protection from any dangers. He can protect from the excessive custody of the mother, protect from the dangerous external world and misfortunes associated with the inner experiences and fears of the child. Of course, now in our world, women predominate in most areas that shape the personality. Mom, of course, can teach the child a lot: honesty, prudence, accuracy, determination. This list can be very long. But the weaker sex can never be one - to be a man, to be a father. Dad can!


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