Two-flight staircase with a platform

The two-flight staircase with a platform has long been a classic of the genre. This convenient design over the past few centuries has been successfully exploited by mankind. After reading today's article, you will learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of such products.

Critical Design Features

Such a staircase with a platform is designed to overcome the distance between floors. One of the main features of such products is the presence of marches. Under this term in construction is meant a system of steps combined into a span. All of them are characterized by certain parameters.

staircase with a platform

The most important integral element of such structures is the site necessary for the delimitation of spans. In addition to the fact that it is assigned the functions of an auxiliary engineering support, it also allows you to rest during the ascent.

The main advantages of two-flight stairs

It should be noted that such designs are rightly considered one of the best design options for suburban mansions or city apartments. It is the most simple, convenient and safe.

staircase with a platform to the second floor

The main advantages of two-marching canvases include a relatively low cost, excellent decorative properties, high functionality, ease of repair and maintenance. It is also important that such a staircase with a platform on the second floor made of metal with their own hands can be made according to an individual project. Such a product will fully comply with all the wishes of the inhabitants of the house and will ideally fit into the layout and interior decoration of the premises.

Construction Safety Requirements

It should be noted that any two-flight staircase with a platform on the second floor must meet certain criteria. Such products should be safe and easy to use. This requirement is fulfilled due to the competent calculation of the dimensions of all structural elements.

It is equally important that the product meets the architectural idea and harmonizes with the overall design solution. It should not clutter up the space and worsen the basic operational characteristics of the two floors combined by it.

do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor

A staircase with a platform should have a free approach and well-designed lighting. It is important that the steps located within the same march are made in the same style.

Materials for the manufacture

The raw materials used for the production of such structures must be practical, safe and environmentally friendly. Most often, a staircase with a platform is made of wood, stone, concrete and metal. To decorate individual elements, glass is often used. Over the past few years, architectural plastic and triplex have been especially popular. They are often used in combination with other coatings. When choosing a material, cost, aesthetic properties and the possibility of subsequent finishing of the finished product should be taken into account.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase with a platform on the second floor: necessary calculations

To create a safe and reliable design, you need to be responsible for choosing the optimal design. Not only the appearance, but also the convenience of the finished product will depend on this.

First of all, you need to measure the height of all floors and determine the number of steps. Ideally, there should not be more than eighteen pieces in one span. As for the width of the staircase itself, it can be 80-90 centimeters.

do-it-yourself staircase with a platform to the second floor

The length of the future march will be equal to the product of the number of steps in it and the width of the tread. At the end of the calculations, you can determine the shape of the wooden stairs. The size of the site will depend on this. During the construction of the L-shaped structure, the rotation of which is located at a right angle, the edges of the square platform will correspond to the width of the steps.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the calculations of the two-march construction are not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Having all the necessary information regarding the required dimensions, you can proceed to work on the creation of drawings for the future product.

To determine the likely location of the structure, you will need a building plan that accurately scales. With such a drawing, you just have to draw a ladder on a separate sheet of paper, using all the sizes of the floors, and cut out the resulting image. Then you can apply it to various places on the project of the mansion. This will help you quickly determine the most successful option for the location of the future wooden two-flight staircase with a platform.


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