How to use geranium for pain in the ears?

Does geranium help with ear pain? This is a common question. We will understand it in more detail.

Geranium is loved by many people and is often used as a houseplant that pleases the eye with its bright flowers and a delicate delicate aroma. Not all people know that geranium is a real home doctor. This plant can cure kidney disease, and in addition, dysentery with intestinal pathologies and many other troubles. Geranium is especially effective for pain in the ears. In the field of traditional medicine, the treatment of otitis media and other ear diseases with this plant in children and adults is considered a real panacea.

geranium leaf for ear pain

Best Ear Pain Relief

Geranium is popularly considered the best remedy for earache. This plant is distinguished by its rich composition, and each ingredient has its own healing effect, thereby strengthening the body. Often use a sheet of geranium for pain in the ear. Of course, the plant cannot completely replace traditional therapy, but in some situations it can serve as an excellent alternative to various painkillers and potent antibiotics.

The benefits of otitis media and composition

So, how is geranium useful for ear pain?

It is an unpretentious flower, but, nevertheless, it feels best in a lighted place, where there is no access to direct rays of the sun. In order to cure a sore ear and use this plant against various diseases, you need leaves. For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, dry leaves collected in early summer are suitable.

geranium from ear pain to a child

Anti-inflammatory effect

Geranium produces a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and this property is ensured by the presence of phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics. It is proved that phytoncides located in geraniums are able to suppress almost the entire pathogenic microflora, especially staphylococcal. Other biologically active components are essential oils along with organic acids, flavonoids, pigments, minerals, vitamins, tannins, pectin, tannin and gallic acid. In total, this healing plant includes more than five hundred components.

Whether geranium helps with pain in the ear is interesting to many.

geranium with ear pain in adults

Beneficial effects

In the complex, such a rich composition provides other useful effects for otitis media:

  • Virus reproduction is slowed down and accelerated production of interferon is carried out.
  • Decrease in stagnation along with the elimination of puffiness.
  • Achieving pain relief.
  • Decrease in the rate of pus occurrence along with the prevention of its penetration into the deep areas of the ear.

Soothing effect

Geranium with pain in the ears has a calming effect, which helps to restore healthy sleep and relieves fatigue during illness, because in the presence of otitis media people often have a general malaise.

An indication for the use of this plant is the presence of acute bacterial and viral otitis media, especially with severe pain in the ear, although geranium is also useful in the chronic nature of the disease, since it quickly eliminates inflammation, preventing pain attacks. This plant serves as an excellent complement to conservative treatment, and at the initial stage of the disease, geranium is able to completely destroy the infection and treat the pathology.

geranium helps with ear pain


Is geranium always allowed for pain in the ears of adults and children?

The plant in question is strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy, and in addition, under the age of three years. Also, in the event of serious somatic and chronic diseases, it is imperative to consult a doctor before therapy so as not to harm the body. If you have a strong sensitivity and a tendency to allergies, and besides asthma attacks, you should not risk it and use geranium due to its overly extensive material composition and too active effect on the body.

How to apply geranium from pain in the ear to a child and an adult?

How to use geranium: ear treatment recipes for adults and children

The treatment of ear ailments with geranium is very popular among healers. The easiest way to get rid of pain and inflammation in the ear is as follows: you need to pick fresh leaves of the plant, twist them into a tube and insert into the ear canal. Next, they wrap the head with a warm cloth, previously applying a layer of cotton to the ear in order to make a dry warming compress. Geranium leaves must be replaced with fresh leaves every four hours. Despite the fact that the pain subsides after an hour, it takes two days to be treated in order to completely eliminate the infectious foci. There are other ways to treat geraniums that help children and adults in the fight against ear diseases:

  • The fresh leaves of the plant are crushed into gruel and poured with two tablespoons of olive oil. Leave the product in a dark place for two hours, and then saturate cotton swabs in it and insert into the ears for six hours. Five days are treated in this way, and in the presence of chronic otitis, ten days.
  • There is another way to make geranium oil. Two tablespoons of flowers are poured with 250 milliliters of refined oil, leaving to infuse for ten days. They store oil in the refrigerator, and they are used for any ear ailments.
geranium oil
  • Twelve leaves of geranium in a crushed state are mixed with three tablespoons of oatmeal and camphor alcohol. Next, they make dough out of all components, roll a roller out of it and cover the auricle. The compress is fixed with a film and a scarf, and then everything is left in this state for the whole night. Repeat the described procedure until recovery, usually requires up to four procedures.
  • Squeeze the juice from the leaves of this plant, combine it with water one to one. Soak a cotton swab that is inserted into the sore ear. Further, the medicine is administered in it for the night and treated until the symptoms of otitis media are completely stopped.
  • A spoonful of geranium leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for five minutes. Next, leave the medicine for an hour, filter and squeeze the grass, adding another 50 milliliters. Take this medicine by mouth in the presence of chronic otitis media. In this case, use one spoon twenty minutes before meals for a week. The same broth can be instilled into the ears four drops three times.
  • When a patient develops eustachitis, it is useful to flush the nose with a geranium infusion. This helps to eliminate the infection that occurs in the nasopharynx, and prevents its further spread to the auditory tube. At night, pour 20 grams of geranium leaves with 250 milliliters of boiling water, in the morning the product is filtered and used to wash the nose three times. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with other methods of treatment of eustachitis.
  • In the presence of insomnia on the background of pain in the ears, it is useful to use aromatic pillows. To do this, put a spoonful of geranium leaves and hop cones in a cotton bag, tie it up and leave it next to the face all night.
    with ear pain

How not to harm?

It should be remembered that otitis media is a serious disease that, in the absence of antibiotic therapy, can go on to purulent stages. Therefore, during the treatment of geraniums, you need to carefully listen to the sensations. In the event that there are no improvements, then in two days you will urgently need to visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

In addition, you can do harm if you drip various products into your ears, when pus with bloody impurities flows abundantly from them. This, most likely, will mean perforation of the eardrum, and during this period the patient needs to take local antibacterial agents, and not non-sterile preparations prepared from improvised products. Thus, doctors recommend treating with geranium only at the initial stages of otitis media, and in the future it is necessary to provide a choice of treatment to a qualified otolaryngologist.

Reviews on Geraniums for Ear Pain

People write that such a method of treatment as the use of geraniums against ear ailments is already a very old and proven method. In the comments, it is noted that this plant, due to its rich and healing composition, copes with such diseases of the ears as otitis media and other ailments.

ear pain geranium reviews

But consumers attribute the only minus of this plant to the fact that it is often ineffective when used to treat advanced pathologies. It is noted that in the case of the transition of an ear disease to a purulent stage, this houseplant will be of little help, since in such a situation the patient will need antibacterial medications.

Allergy sufferers complain about this plant and warn others to use it for treatment in case of excessive sensitivity of the body.

We found that geranium helps with ear pain.


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