Silver coin: numismatics. Collectible coins. Ancient silver coin

Nowadays, the realities of the economy are such that the crisis affecting the banking business and almost all spheres of production forces the majority of wealthy people to look for new, more reliable ways to invest their free capital from further depreciation. As you know, objects of art, paintings and antiques can both increase in price and decrease. That is why today interest in collecting old and rare coins has so sharply increased.


A science that studies and compiles a description of coins and medals is called numismatics. Specialists in these subjects or ordinary collectors are called numismatists.

For the first time in Europe, interest in ancient and antique coins began to arise in the Renaissance. At first they were perceived only from the point of view of aesthetics, and no one considered them as a monument to money circulation.

It is believed that the famous Italian poet Petrarch, who lived in 1304-1374, had a rather large collection of antique Roman pennies, since numismatics was his passion. Coins, or rather, collecting them, over time has become a very prestigious and fashionable occupation. But then people who were fond of this business were not yet called numismatists. Fans of various ancient objects and rarities were called antiquaries. Usually they belonged to high society and had impressive financial resources, as well as a fairly high level of education.

Silver coins

As you know, in the XVI century in the castles of aristocrats and royal palaces there were already more than 900 Münz-offices, in which many ancient coins were stored. Special employees worked there, whose duties included the description and attribution of coins. However, their works do not have any certainty, since they compensated for the lack of knowledge with their assumptions.

The history of numismatics as a science

The founder of numismatics is considered the professor of archeology Eckel (1737-1798), who taught at the University of Vienna. He first came up with the idea that it is necessary to systematize coins according to geographical and historical principles. After a long and painstaking work, the book “The Science of Ancient Coins” in eight volumes came out from under his pen.

Already in the 18th century, the first lectures on science were given at European universities in Saxony and Sweden, which they called the beautiful word "numismatics." Coins at this time began to be considered from the point of view of art history and archeology.

We can say that in Russia numismatics appears at the moment when Peter I in 1721 brought to St. Petersburg a collection of coins bought in Hamburg from Antiquar Moders and placed it in the Kunstkamera. The first work written by Bayer on the circulation of coins in Russia was published in St. Petersburg in 1734. Nevertheless, a large number of inaccuracies were also found in his work. And only in the middle of the century before last a truly scientific approach was applied to numismatics.

Why money was made from silver

Since time immemorial, mankind began to use silver for making money, since it has all the necessary characteristics for their production - extraordinary plasticity and external attractiveness, which has persisted for a long time.

I must say that a silver coin in its composition always has impurities of some metal, and most often it is copper. It gives silver significant wear resistance. This metal in its pure form is almost never used to make money. The exception in our time are only investment coins. In Russia, silver as a means of payment was used from time immemorial until the beginning of the 30s of the last century.

Modern Russian banks annually produce many collectible copies of high-quality coins of various weights and denominations. They have long been not used as a means of payment. The same money is minted by Sberbank. Silver coins come out in very limited editions and are used either as souvenirs or deposited in collectible sets of numismatists.

The only one in the world

The rarest coin is the so-called tetradrachma Etna, since it has survived to this day in a single copy. The first time it became known in 1867, when it was acquired by the Castellani brothers, who lived in Rome. In 1882, they sold it to an antique dealer from Belgium, Lucien de Hirsch. Two years after his death, the entire collection of old coins was donated by relatives to the Belgian state, including Etna's silver tetradrachm. Since then, it has been kept in the Brussels Royal Library. Now she is on display at the Jerusalem Museum.

Ancient silver coin

Etna's silver tetradrachma has been around for more than 2500 years. It was made in Sicily in 476 BC. The weight of the coin is 17.23 grams and the diameter is 26 mm. The reverse is decorated with the head of a satyr, and the obverse with Zeus the Thunderer sitting on the throne with a zipper in his hand.

Interestingly, more ancient coins were found that are dated to the XII century. BC, but Etna's tetradrachma differs from them in its stunning engraving and perfect condition. This coin was never sold at auctions, but if it happened, numismatists are confident that its value could exceed $ 12 million, which is much higher than the price of the most expensive coin in the world - the American double-eagle gold coinage. But while they do not plan to put up this rarity for auction.

Antique coins

One of the most famous ancient values ​​in the world is the ancient silver coin “Ides of March”. It is a silver dinar minted in the Roman Empire and dedicated to the murder of Julius Caesar, which occurred on March 15, 44 BC. e.

Almost all of its specimens are made of silver, but two specimens made of gold are known. One of these coins was put on public display at the British Museum.

Antique Silver Coins

Now in private collections and state funds are stored more than 60 pieces of these coins. On their obverse a portrait of the murderer Julius Caesar - Brutus is minted, and on the reverse - a cap and a pair of daggers with the words EID MAR, which means "March Ides," that is, the date of the death of the emperor.

Rare Georgian coins

Over the years of the existence of the USSR, many researchers have carefully studied eastern numismatics and, in particular, coins of Georgia.

Abbasid dirhams minted in Tiflis are very rare coins. The very first and most famous of them was released in 825-826, and the last - in 942-943. Unfortunately, not all years of money have been saved. That is why each new instance is of great interest both for the history of Georgia and for numismatics.

Abaz is another ancient Georgian silver coin. It was used at the beginning of the XVII century. Its name is associated with the name of the king of Persia, Abbas I the Great, who ruled from 1571 to 1629.

In 1605 - 1606, Abaz was minted from silver weighing 10-11 g and a diameter of 25-26 mm. On the front side was a lion with a curled tail, and around it - a floral ornament, occupying all the free space. On the back there are two curved and intersecting lines, and in the middle - the same lion, but smaller. This coin is stored in the Hermitage as an antique exhibit.

Georgian silver coin

At the end of the XVIII century, the Persian state began to weaken little by little and practically ceased to control the small khans, which in the Caucasus at that time were a large number. The country broke up into small possessions with its rulers. Finally, the Georgian kings became independent. Transcaucasian khanates began to produce their money from silver.

After Georgia was annexed to the Russian Empire, another mint was organized in Tiflis. Silver abaz here became the basis of the monetary system. It was equated to Russian 20 kopecks. In addition, there were two more denominations: a semi-base - 10 and a double abaz - 40 kopecks.

The coin on the front side depicted the emblem of Tbilisi - a stone crown with teeth and the inscription "Tiflis", and below - a branch of an olive tree and palm leaves. On the reverse side are the denomination and the words “Georgian silver”.

Money of Tsarist Russia

Imperial silver coins have always been distinguished by high quality and purity of the alloy, even in those days when severe financial crises came. That is why these items, weighing only a few grams, are of not only historical, but also aesthetic interest for their owner.

Russian royal coins are quite diverse and can take their rightful place in the collections of collectors-numismatists. It should be noted that the history of money is extremely exciting and informative. Take, for example, the date of June 20, 1810, when the Manifesto was adopted, according to which the ruble was approved as the main monetary unit of the Russian Empire. Its composition is silver 4 spools 21 shares, or 18 g. This silver coin has now become the legal currency and existed throughout the XIX century.

From 1839 to 1843 another monetary reform was carried out, as a result of which rapidly depreciating bank notes were replaced with new credit tickets. Now for one silver ruble they gave 3 rubles and 50 kopecks with bank notes. How much is a silver ruble now? Its value ranges from 870 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the circulation and condition of the coin.

Tsarist coins dating back to the 19th century are common, as they were issued in huge numbers. Therefore, they can be purchased even by an ordinary collector at a very affordable price. As for rare specimens, their cost can reach several tens of thousands of dollars.

Konstantinovsky ruble

Probably the most mysterious and famous coin of Tsarist Russia is the silver Konstantinovsky ruble. First of all, the name itself is surprising, since everyone knows that an emperor with the name Constantine never existed.

It all started after the death of Alexander I, who had no children. Therefore, his place was to be taken by his brother Konstantin Pavlovich. But in 1819 he voluntarily abdicated the throne, and only a few associates knew about it. After 4 years, the manifesto of Alexander I was compiled, in which all power passed to his third brother - Nikolai Pavlovich. This became known only after a package with a manifesto in the Council of State was printed. But the fact is that the guard has already sworn allegiance to Konstantin. Thinking that he had been forced to give up power by force, the secret society of the Decembrists and the soldiers under their leadership refused to take the oath to the new king. But, as you know, the uprising was crushed, the rebels sent to hard labor, and Nicholas I ascended the throne.

It must be said that at this time the country was left without a ruler for two weeks. Having decided to play it safe, the manager of the St. Petersburg Mint decided to make a test sample with the image of Konstantin worth 1 ruble.

In total, 6 Konstantinovsky coins were issued. Until 1878, they were classified and then divided between the emperor’s relatives. Two of them are now kept in museums in Russia, one in the USA, and the rest in private collections in different countries. Its estimated value at the auction may exceed $ 100 thousand.

Coins of Emperors Nicholas I and Nicholas II

Coins during the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855) were often minted for some memorable dates, and this tradition began precisely with his coming to power. So a silver coin appeared in 1834 with an image of the Alexander Column, in 1839 - with the Borodino Chapel, and in 1841 - a coin in honor of the marriage of the heir with a denomination of one and a half rubles.

This money was circulated not only in the Russian Empire, but also in Poland. For example, Polish zloty was equated to 15 kopecks, and 20 kopecks to 40 pennies. During the years of his reign, a silver coin was issued in denominations of 5, 10, 20.25 kopecks and fifty kopecks, as well as one and a half rubles.

The coins issued by Nicholas II (1895 - 1917) testify to the difficult and tragic events in the life of the country. This emperor ascended the throne when ever increasing revolutionary sentiments began to appear. His entire reign came in troubling times tearing the country apart. At the very beginning of his reign, Finance Minister Witte carried out a massive monetary reform. Large denomination gold coins were issued. In addition, they did not forget about small money. Coins with face values ​​of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 kopecks and the ruble were put into use.

Coins Nikolaev

In 1896, a special, so-called coronation, ruble was made of silver in the amount of 190 thousand pieces. All of them were distributed to those present at the coronation. The artist A. Vasyutinsky worked on the portrait of the emperor. Since then, this money has been passed down from generation to generation and has been fairly well preserved, so such Nikolaev coins are not very expensive.

Of particular note is money issued in 1898. These coins were dedicated to the opening of the monument to Alexander II. Only 5 thousand copies of them were minted, and it was this monument that was depicted on their reverse side. Also in 1912, another commemorative silver ruble was released, now already dedicated to the opening of the statue of Emperor Alexander III. They were released even less - 2 thousand copies. These two collectible coins are in great demand because of their small circulation.

As you can see, almost every coin of the era of the reign of Emperors Nicholas I and Nicholas II captures interesting events, history and greatness of the Russian Empire.

Post-revolutionary silver coins

The money design in the Soviet Union was supposed to contain the heraldry of the state, as well as embody financial and ideological ideas that required well-thought-out images on both sides of the coins. And in 1923 it was finally developed and approved. The USSR began to produce silver coins in 1924.

The reverse side of 50 kopecks was framed by the figure of a worker with a raised hammer in his hands, standing in front of the anvil. In the background at the feet were a plow, sickle and gear.

The silver ruble, issued in 1924, depicts the figures of a worker and a peasant. According to the ideological plan, the first shows the second way to a better life. In the background of this composition are the outlines of plants and the rising sun.

From 1921 to 1923, new coins were minted for the RSFSR, which had not yet been put into circulation. It was decided to take their image for the new coins of the USSR, but with only two changes. The first of them - on loose change coins in denominations of 10, 15 and 20 kopecks, on the side with a number the branches with leaves were replaced by ears of wheat, and the second - instead of the republican Russian coat of arms, the emblem of the Soviet Union was placed.

Finally, on February 24, 1924, silver coins of the USSR were issued. So a new monetary system was born on the ruins of the Russian Empire.

Silver coins of the USSR

Coins were minted from silver until 1931 and did so at the Leningrad Mint. A part of the fifty kopecks, namely the 1924 issue with the inscription “TR” on the edge, was minted at the Royal Mint at the request of the new government in London. They were in circulation until the spring of 1961.

For rubles and fifty kopecks, silver of 900 tests was used, and for exchange coins with a low denomination - 500 samples. At the same time, so little money was minted that they are one of the rarest and most valuable coins of that period. The money of 1931 is considered to be especially rare, since it is preserved only in single copies. Therefore, the value of silver coins made this year may exceed the mark of 120 thousand rubles.

Collectible coins

Numismatists have always been interested only in money that is somewhat different from the rest and was issued in a relatively small circulation. Important information about history, culture, economics, etc., can be concentrated in this small piece of metal. Just imagine how many different people could own one particular coin!

Collectible coins are very valuable from a cognitive point of view. Antique and medieval money patterns can turn out to be coins of both very powerful empires and small states. Such collections represent money collected and systematized according to one of the characteristics. , - , , .

Now many states from time to time resort to the release of coins from precious metals: silver, gold, palladium and platinum. This can only be done by the country's central bank. They are intended both for investment and for creating a personal fund of savings of citizens. Such coins are usually called investment, or weighted. They necessarily indicate the nominal value, but in fact on the market their price is much higher. Sometimes some collectible, commemorative, as well as jubilee coins issued by various countries also belong to investment.

For investors, they are valuable in that they are made of almost pure precious metal. When buying or selling in Russia they are not subject to VAT, as well as when purchasing precious metal bullion. It turns out that the savings is 18% of the total value of the coin, i.e. the depositor buys as much money as he needs, and at the same time does not transfer anything to the state treasury.

Another advantage of such a contribution is that if a person is not able to purchase a whole bar, then he has a way out - to buy one or more valuable copies of coins. It should be noted that they are in no way subject to inflation, adverse economic situations and other harmful factors. They also can not depreciate, and even vice versa, their price rises from year to year. You can sell such precious items at any time - either to a bank or to a private person. Therefore, it is a fairly high-quality, reliable and long-term investment tool.

Gold and silver coins of Russia belonging to this category can be purchased directly from banks, but before that it will be necessary to contact a representative and clarify whether they are available, present value and other nuances of the purchase. Sberbank sells them the cheapest. Silver coins can be bought from individuals and companies, but it will be much more expensive.

The cost of silver coins

There are two silver investment coins in Russia: Sable and George the Victorious. The first was released in 1995 and has a 925 sample, the second - in 2009 with 999 samples. Both one and the other silver coin - 3 rubles in nominal value. Their cost ranges from one to three thousand rubles.

The new designation of the ruble

In June 2014, the Central Bank of Russia issued 100 million coins, which depict a new monetary symbol - the letter "P" with a small horizontal strip. In honor of this event, a commemorative silver coin with a face value of 3 rubles and a circulation of 1,500 pieces was minted. 500 of them have the quality "proof" - a mirror surface on which a matte relief is applied. The remaining 1000 copies have a different look - they are completely matte and are called "anti-circulation".

An interesting fact is that until this time, neither in the Russian Empire, nor during the Soviet Union, the ruble had its own symbol, in contrast to the same American dollar, Japanese yen, British pound, and more recently, the euro.

The ruble symbol was approved in December 2013 as a result of a nationwide vote.

Now in Russia there are several centers where they study ancient silver coins. The State Historical Museum and the Hermitage are the main ones. By the way, in the collection of the latter is truly a huge number of different antique, medieval, West European, Oriental and Russian coins.


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