How much is 5 rubles in 1997? Banknotes and their varieties

The price of banknotes of previous years may differ from the nominal value. There are reasons for this, which make many people engage in collecting. For example, to say how much it costs 5 rubles in 1997, you need to know what it is all about. In addition, you must understand what in this case you should pay attention.

Popular coins

Some believe that only a coin issued several centuries ago can be valuable. But this one is not quite so. Among the banknotes currently in use, there are also rare instances. For example, it is difficult to immediately determine how much it costs 5 rubles in 1997. To do this, you first need to clearly understand how the coin itself should look.

how much is 5 rubles 1997

This is a round coin with a diameter of exactly 2.5 centimeters, made of an alloy of copper and nickel. It refers to non-magnetic products. Such a sample weighs 6.45 grams and has a thickness of 1.8 millimeters. On the edge there are 12 sections, evenly spaced along the entire circumference, each of which has five corrugations. On the obverse in the center is a double-headed eagle. To the right under his paw is the stigma of the mint. Above the circumference in capital letters it says “BANK OF RUSSIA”. Under the tail of the bird there is a text - “FIVE RUBLES”, under which the year of issue is indicated by numbers. Both of these inscriptions are separated by a horizontal even line tapering along the edges, separated by a large dot in the middle. The number on the reverse is the face value. Moreover, his image is slightly shifted to the left. Below it is the word "RUBLES". On the right side there is an ornament in the form of curved branches. But even knowing all this, it is impossible to be sure how much it costs 5 rubles in 1997, which is in hand.

Features of coinage

The five-ruble coin was minted in 1997 at the same time in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the first case, the product was quite ordinary and unremarkable. This is what you need to pay attention to, if you wonder how much it costs 5 rubles in 1997. Moscow coins are not of interest to collectors, since their sale price can be no more than two denominations. Products from St. Petersburg in this sense are completely different. It has five completely different types, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. The angles of the number “5” are not even. They are a little rounded.
  2. On the ornament, one leaf touches the edging, and the point located just below is of medium size.
  3. All angles in letters are straight. The sheet on the reverse is located at a distance from the edging. The digital signage has no fillets. The dividing point in the center of the line is quite large.
  4. In the word "RUBLES" and the number "5" the steps and some corners are slightly beveled.
  5. The leaf of the ornament is closely touching the border of the coin. At the same time, the digital value has rounding, and the point on the line below is very small.

Price difference

How much can it cost 5 rubles in 1997? The price of a coin depends on these very signs. In the first two cases, it can be no more than 10 rubles. There are a lot of such instances. In addition, they are still found in circulation. The following two varieties are less common. Therefore, they can be sold for a maximum of 20 rubles. These are the maximum limits for such samples. They can be taken into a collection to have the most complete picture of the types of coinage of those years. The last option is the most unique among all the coins of 5 rubles in 1997. The price of such a sample is usually limited to a minimum limit of 350 rubles.

5 rubles 1997 price

Depending on the appearance and condition of the product, it can be significantly higher. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the trend of a constant increase in the cost of rare specimens. Some are already trying to request 1000 rubles for such a coin. But this is already a clear overstatement. Its real value ranges from 350 to 400 rubles.

Paper money

Many people remember that in parallel with coins, a bill of 5 rubles in 1997 was also put into use. It is made in a style that was widely used at that time. In this case, the product was dedicated to Novgorod. True, now it is already - Veliky Novgorod. On the front side of the banknote in the very center is a monument called the Millennium of Russia, bordered by a festive ribbon with curved edges. If you look at an angle, you can see two capital letters "PP" on it. Behind the monument in the background, St. Sophia Cathedral is depicted as a background. In the upper part there is the emblem of the bank, the digital designation of the face value and the text “TICKET OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA”. The figure “5” (one on the left and three on the right) is repeated four times below and is printed in words “FIVE RUBLES”. The flip side is also dedicated to this ancient Russian city.

bill 5 rubles 1997

In the middle of the sheet is a picturesque view of the fortress wall of the Novgorod Kremlin. The entire bill is made in dark green and equipped with two watermarks: the number "5" and the silhouette of the famous St. Sophia Cathedral. It is printed on cotton paper, which has in its texture light green red, and purple fibers.

The cost of notes

Now it is no longer possible to meet in paper currency 5 rubles in 1997. The banknote was withdrawn from circulation at the beginning of the 21st century, and then completely abolished. Now collectors need to make extra efforts in order to find it. But not all paper money of this denomination is the same. The main factor for determining their price is the series, which is twice indicated on the front side of the bill. It represents two uppercase small letters and a number consisting of seven digits located after a space from them. The inscriptions are made in different colors: dark green on the right and red on the left. The main difference is the combination of letters. If two “a” are used in the number, then the price, depending on the state of the banknote, will be from 70 to 1000 rubles.

5 rubles 1997 banknote

Such instances are not common. In the case where the letters from “ab” to “silt” are used, the bill can be estimated at 35-500 rubles. There were quite a lot of them in everyday life. The rarest option is a sample on which the series "PP 0000000" on both sides is made in the form of an inscription in red. Its cost ranges from 1,500 to 7,000 rubles.

Minting defects

All numismatists know that the value of coins is determined not only by their circulation and year of issue. Sometimes manufacturing defects are more important. For example, a coin of 5 rubles in 1997 may have a different color of reverse and obverse.

coin 5 rubles 1997

The reason for this is the detachment of cupronickel shell during minting. As a result, the coin was clad on one side, and the bare copper blank remained on the other. In addition, in some five-ruble bonds there is a bifurcation of the outline of the figure. This outwardly is not immediately noticeable, but the price of such a sample instantly increases by 20 times. A rather rare case is a defect in which the image of the reverse is shifted 90 degrees relative to the axis with respect to the obverse. Such coins are commonly called “rotary”. Inaccuracy is caused by the displacement of the form, which happened extremely rarely. Such products are usually subject to rejection. But some copies nevertheless fell into use, so they could sometimes be found. Also, sometimes there are cases of stamping or bite. Coins with such defects, as a rule, cost from 100 to 300 rubles.


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